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I hope my last breath is a sigh of relief.
Jul 11, 2023
Okay so just to get to the point, I've been thinking of slitting my wrists as a suicide method but I'm not sure if it's the best idea. (good idea being, at least somewhat reliable in terms of success rate/less consequences for potentially "surviving" this type of suicide method.)
I asked around in a sh twitter group im in and somebody mentioned that if I somehow survive slitting my wrists it could leave me with perminate damage/weakness in the artery if not treated properly, an example being if I backed out and tried to stop bleeding and attempted to treat the wound myself. (Id hope I wouldn't back out but SI is a pain in the ass so who knows.)
"Scarring or incomplete healing can cause permanent weakness in the artery or vein, which makes it more prone to future injury. Blood clots can cause a blockage of blood flow. A clot becomes especially dangerous when it breaks off and travels through to another part of the body, like the heart, lungs, or brain." -google search

I also don't know what the best place to aim would be. I have looked at diagrams of where important veins in the arm are and I have a idea on where to cut but I'm just not sure on where would be best, if any better option. Like maybe not going straight for my wrists, but going for the place you'd usually get blood drawn or any other spot that might be best, I'm not sure. I'd think anywhere could work but I might be wrong so that's why I want to know IF there is a better place to aim for.

I would usually search all this up myself but trying to avoid searches that would lead to me getting put on a watch list or sent straight to a suicide hotline while still being accurate for the point of my search isn't exactly the best. And the lovely people on this site will give me more of what I actually want advice on anyways, so it's just easier to ask those who will give me what I'm looking for straight up rather than having to put peices together myself and hope for the best lmao (I know there's probably other threads with people asking the same thing I am but I'm too lazy to go looking for then and I'd rather get advice straight up than from somebody else's posts yk)

Anyways, would slitting be a good idea? If so how should I go about it?
Ask questions if needed, I'm trying to get all the advice I can on this!
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It isn't a reliable method at all...

I think the movies make it look much easier than it really is.
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I hope my last breath is a sigh of relief.
Jul 11, 2023
It isn't a reliable method at all...

I think the movies make it look much easier than it really is.
Eh yea the movies do make it look a lot easier ngl but people have done it before so I just wanted to see if there was a way I could go about it to make it more successful like how deep I'd actually need to cut and how wide it should be and such. I know it's not the best but I still see it as a option if nothing else
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the Immortal
Jun 28, 2023
No, this is a bad idea for multiple reasons You have to lose a lot of blood to actually die, about 15% of your bodies total blood, which is unlikely unless you somehow cut incredibly deep into your wrists, which to do so you would have to have literally no SI and be used to extremely painful SH.

Also about your searches I feel like if there is a watchlist for this kind of thing, just being on this site already puts you on it. Regardless, Tor Browser exists if you are worried about that kind of thing.
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Quiet hopelessness
Feb 20, 2023
In my experience, it is not the best idea nor is it the most effective method, i'll advice against this one...However, I respect your choice and will try to give as much information as I can.

Cutting the wrists is not easy, it is better to start at the bend of the elbow, about two fingers below. The cut has to be lengthwise and not widthwise (they can be combined and it would be a sort of T shape), but in any case a depth of 4-5 cm, to reach the radial and cubital veins, hopefully cutting the brachial artery too. That's where the problem lies. To achieve a cut like this requires a scalpel or a very sharp knife, several attempts and that means either having an unbreakable will or magnificent resistance to pain. Most people will faint with the first attempt, the skin may not be as resistant but the tissue below is. I can't even self-tattoo without my self-preservation instinct taking control. So imagine an injury like that.
Also, platelet aggregation factors can be killed by taking aspirin (they have anticoagulant qualities) for 60 kg of weight, about 18 pills (500mg) would be enough, which will facilitate bleeding.

Hanging upside down would be ideal so gravity will do its job, but it's uncomfortable and I don't think it's possible to hang like that in an injured state. You have to keep the cuts at or below heart level if you are lying down. Also think that it is necessary to have around 2 hours completely free of interruptions.

Failing this method can leave very undesirable consequences, with which you would be worse than what you started with. There are other more reliable and less painful methods available on the site.
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Jul 30, 2020
You would need to research this carefully. You can die very quickly using that method, if you do it right, but it is difficult to do it right. Unless you really know what you are doing, it might be wiser to choose a different method.
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Jan 31, 2024
Very bad idea, I know someone who slit both their wrists and survived.. so it's probably best to consider a more consistent method if you're serious about ending it
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Woefully Yours, Luka
Aug 7, 2023
the others have said everything I would, but let me add this anyways.

are you prepared, in the event of (frankly, rather likely) failure, for the possibility of losing function in one or both of your hands permanently? if you fail to cut deep enough, you're still likely to sever nerves and tendons that your hands need to function. medical advances have excelled in the past decade even with repairing these things, but what if you get taken to an ER with no expert?

could you live with limited mobility? as a creative, that's why slitting my wrists is like... lowest of the low in my own list of self deliverance options. I couldn't write, draw, play games. I'd lose my way of talking to others.

you can do what you want, but I think being aware of the risks of failing is important.
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