
Girl Power
Aug 29, 2024
Some chapters aren't finished. Please give feedback and idea on what to write.

Why You Should Kill Yourself
Why is suicide so frowned upon in society? Why do other humans care if another human decides they don't want to live anymore? Why is suicide considered a tragedy? I think suicide is human right. A human right similar to abortion, body piercings, tattoos, and even haircuts. I have the right to my own body.
I think the reasons why suicide is frowned upon is because life is so precious, or so they say - "they" as in society. I don't think life is precious at all, life is torture. Forced to be born, get an education, then work until you're dead; Just so the fat-cats can eat while the rest of us starve. Starved of freedom to spend time in nature, spend time with friends, family, and relaxation. Humans are forced to work and are rewarded with living paycheck to paycheck, advertising and consumerism shoved down our throat, little to no time off, and being told "no" by your boss on the week you were supposed to leave on vacation when you put in a time-off request months in advance. But hey, "no one said life was easy". I hate that statement. Shouldn't life be easy and fun? As humans, we have steadily advanced our technology and knowledge to make life easier but we are consistently told that we can't have our cake to eat, only look.
Like abortion, deciding to commit suicide should be a human right. Humans have a right to their own bodies and should be allowed to do what they want with it. Everyone is cool with tattoos, face and dick piercings but a piercing the size of a 9mm through your brainstem is wrong. If your aunt can have 4 different baby daddies, and your cousin can get an abortion at 17, I think you should be able to kill myself at the age of whatever. I'm just saying.
Suicide is considered a tragedy because life is viewed as a gift. You are the product of millions of years of evolution, or a product of a god of some kind, and the probabilities are so incomprehensible to humans that it really makes it hard to care. Life isn't a gift, it's a curse. A curse that is forced on you. You are forced to be conscious at all waking hours, forced to remember traumatic experiences, forced to work until you're dead, forced to fit in and contribute to society that gives zero fucks about you.

How to Kill Yourself
The best way to kill yourself is to [REDCTED] in my personal opinion. Honestly there is no right or wrong way to do it. Only bloody and non-bloody ways.
The Peaceful Pill Handbook is a great source for knowledge about methods and drugs. It's the Suicide Bible for those wanting to go out on their own terms. Those who are suffering from illness or the human condition. The book is geared towards those who suffer from illness, but many people who are suicidal use it. I, for one, have skimmed through it a handful of times on nights when I feel like committing.
There is also another resource that I have used, a website known as Sanctioned Suicide. Its a forum website dedicated for discussion around the topic of suicide (obviously, its in the name). Its users are people who suffer from illness and the human condition (I think you'll notice a trend). Sanctioned Suicide, in my personal opinion, is the best resource out of SS and the handbook.
There is plenty of other resources for suicide, online forums and books. If you want more writing on the topic then I would suggest "Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying" and "Right to Die: Understanding Euthanasia" though I have not read or skimmed through them myself.

Sanctioned Suicide
Sanctioned Suicide is a website dedicated to talking about the topic of human euthanasia. Despite what you may have heard from media, SS is not pro-suicide. They've even helped people recover from suicidal ideation, myself included. They have a plethora of resources for your needs in suicide and recovery.
They are not a "pro-suicide" website but instead a "right to die" website, just like the intro to this book, people have a right to their own bodies.
SS is a pro-choice website. Users are very respectful of your own decision to recovery or suicide. This is with a completely unbiased take for this website despite me being a frequent user of the website.
In the paper "Representing suicide: Giving voice to a desire to die?" written by Ian Marsh, Rachel Winter, and Lisa Marzano they explain "In online suicide forums and discussions, there is often a fierce rejection of 'pro-life' positions, which are framed as ideological, oppressive and naïve. Perhaps unsurprisingly, prevention advocates have tended to view 'pro-choice' forums as being in reality 'pro-suicide' and have lobbied for their removal and banning." This mean that any website that is pro-choice is automatically assumed and deemed to be pro-suicide and a wolf cry follows for the website to be shut down.
"Participants in suicide discussion forums often argue, however, that their community is misunderstood and misrepresented, and that they support others to recover, to seek help, to avoid potentially damaging or traumatic methods, to reduce wider trauma by discouraging actions which involve others (e.g. train drivers)."

Who Is Suicide For
In a perfect society, suicide is for no one…. or is it? *VSauce music plays*
I think suicide is for anybody who is an ADULT and understanding of its permanence and effects it can have on the people around them.
If you have family, know that your death will seriously leave people hurt.
If you have kids, understand that you may or may not be able to look down on them to watch their accomplishments and failures; You won't be able to guide them, raise them, protect them, or even have a say on who gets to carry the burden of raising them in your place.
If you're elderly with illness and are contemplating it, suicide might be for you.
I would say to anyone contemplating suicide, really think it through. Understand the weight of your decision and how it can affect others.

Who Suicide Is Not For
If your still young and legally a minor, then no, suicide is not for you. Therapy, medication and a positive support circle is what you need.
I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time but this is not the solution for you. Please reach out to your family, friends, a medical professional, or 988. You deserve to be happy. If you bought this book, please return it and get your money back. Spend it on ice cream, a Frappuccino or save it for your next movie night. You deserve help.
Suicide isn't for anyone going through a grieving process process. While I am sorry for your loss, suicide isn't the answer. Allow yourself to go through the whole process and understand that depression is part of it.
Suicide isn't for someone who has a glimmer of hope that things will get better. You deserve to follow up on that small chance of happiness.
Suicide is not for someone who thinks its trendy or funny. Suicide is a serious topic and should be respected.

What is the cause of suicide? The cause of suicide could be many things: depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, and a plethora of other mental health illnesses and disorders.
One theory of what causes mental illness is chemical imbalance in the brain. The chemical imbalance can be mitigated with medication and therapy but some people are treatment resistant, which is why they feel so defeated after trying everything under the sun in all treatment methods.
While I named broad reasons why someone would commit or consider committing, your own personal reasons are what count. Are you dealing with depression? Have severe PTSD? Do you think life will ever get better? Do you have hope? Are you considering it because someone else you loved and cared for committed? Are you terminally ill?

The effect of suicide is great. Not great as in "good", great as in " a lot". Suicide is a huge thing for someone to do and for people around you to grieve with. Suicide is not to be taken lightly.

Pro Tips
Make a plan, notarize a will, make sure all your possessions are gone except maybe a bag of important stuff and clothes in the event you change your mind.
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
1. Errors in grammar, spelling.

Ran it through a spellchecker, here's the corrected version. Apparently 51 errors. There are definitely more that it didn't catch, you should check:

Why You Should Kill Yourself
Why is suicide so frowned upon in society? Why do other humans care if another human decides they don't want to live anymore? Why is suicide considered a tragedy? I think suicide is a human right. A human right similar to abortion, body piercings, tattoos, and even haircuts. I have the right to my own body.
I think the reasons why suicide is frowned upon are because life is so precious, or so they say—"they"" as in society. I don't think life is precious at all; life is torture. Forced to be born, get an education, then work until you're dead—just so the fat cats can eat while the rest of us starve. Starved of freedom to spend time in nature, spend time with friends, family, and relax. Humans are forced to work and are rewarded with living paycheck to paycheck, advertising and consumerism shoved down our throat, little to no time off, and being told "no" by your boss on the week you were supposed to leave on vacation when you put in a time-off request months in advance. But hey, "no one said life was easy." I hate that statement. Shouldn't life be easy and fun? As humans, we have steadily advanced our technology and knowledge to make life easier, but we are consistently told that we can't have our cake to eat, only look.
Like abortion, deciding to commit suicide should be a human right. Humans have a right to their own bodies and should be allowed to do what they want with them. Everyone is cool with tattoos, faces, and dick piercings, but a piercing the size of a 9mm through your brainstem is wrong. If your aunt can have 4 different baby daddies and your cousin can get an abortion at 17, I think you should be able to kill myself at the age of whatever. I'm just saying.
Suicide is considered a tragedy because life is viewed as a gift. You are the product of millions of years of evolution, or a product of a god of some kind, and the probabilities are so incomprehensible to humans that it really makes it hard to care. Life isn't a gift; it's a curse. A curse that is forced on you. You are forced to be conscious at all waking hours, forced to remember traumatic experiences, forced to work until you're dead, forced to fit in and contribute to society that gives zero fucks about you.

How to Kill Yourself
The best way to kill yourself is to [REDACTED], in my personal opinion. Honestly, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Only bloody and non-bloody ways.
The Peaceful Pill Handbook is a great source for knowledge about methods and drugs. It's the Suicide Bible for those wanting to go out on their own terms. Those who are suffering from illness or the human condition. The book is geared towards those who suffer from illness, but many people who are suicidal use it. I, for one, have skimmed through it a handful of times on nights when I feel like committing.
There is also another resource that I have used, a website known as Sanctioned Suicide. It's a forum website dedicated to discussion around the topic of suicide (obviously, its in the name). Its users are people who suffer from illness and the human condition (I think you'll notice a trend). Sanctioned Suicide, in my personal opinion, is the best resource out of SS and the handbook.
There are plenty of other resources for suicide, online forums, and books. If you want more writing on the topic, then I would suggest "Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying" and "Right to Die: Understanding Euthanasia," though I have not read or skimmed through them myself.

Sanctioned Suicide
Sanctioned Suicide is a website dedicated to talking about the topic of human euthanasia. Despite what you may have heard from the media, SS is not pro-suicide. They've even helped people recover from suicidal ideation, myself included. They have a plethora of resources for your needs in suicide and recovery.
They are not a "pro-suicide" website but instead a "right to die" website; just like the intro to this book, people have a right to their own bodies.
SS is a pro-choice website. Users are very respectful of your own decision to recover or commit suicide. This is with a completely unbiased take for this website, despite my being a frequent user of the website.
In the paper "Representing suicide: Giving voice to a desire to die?" written by Ian Marsh, Rachel Winter, and Lisa Marzano, they explain, "In online suicide forums and discussions, there is often a fierce rejection of 'pro-life' positions, which are framed as ideological, oppressive, and naïve. Perhaps unsurprisingly, prevention advocates have tended to view 'pro-choice' forums as being in reality 'pro-suicide' and have lobbied for their removal and banning." This means that any website that is pro-choice is automatically assumed and deemed to be pro-suicide, and a wolf cry follows for the website to be shut down.
"Participants in suicide discussion forums often argue, however, that their community is misunderstood and misrepresented, and that they support others to recover, to seek help, to avoid potentially damaging or traumatic methods, to reduce wider trauma by discouraging actions that involve others (e.g., train drivers)."

Who Is Suicide For?
In a perfect society, suicide is for no one... or is it? *VSauce music plays*
I think suicide is for anybody who is an adult and understands its permanence and the effects it can have on the people around them.
If you have family, know that your death will seriously leave people hurt.
If you have kids, understand that you may or may not be able to look down on them to watch their accomplishments and failures. You won't be able to guide them, raise them, protect them, or even have a say on who gets to carry the burden of raising them in your place.
If you're elderly with illness and are contemplating it, suicide might be for you.
I would say to anyone contemplating suicide, really think it through. Understand the weight of your decision and how it can affect others.

Who Suicide Is Not For
If your still young and legally a minor, then no, suicide is not for you. Therapy, medication, and a positive support circle are what you need.
I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time, but this is not the solution for you. Please reach out to your family, friends, a medical professional, or 988. You deserve to be happy. If you bought this book, please return it and get your money back. Spend it on ice cream, a Frappuccino, or save it for your next movie night. You deserve help.
Suicide isn't for anyone going through a grieving process. While I am sorry for your loss, suicide isn't the answer. Allow yourself to go through the whole process and understand that depression is part of it.
Suicide isn't for someone who has a glimmer of hope that things will get better. You deserve to follow up on that small chance of happiness.
Suicide is not for someone who thinks its trendy or funny. Suicide is a serious topic and should be respected.

What is the cause of suicide? The cause of suicide could be many things: depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, and a plethora of other mental health illnesses and disorders.
One theory of what causes mental illness is chemical imbalance in the brain. The chemical imbalance can be mitigated with medication and therapy, but some people are treatment resistant, which is why they feel so defeated after trying everything under the sun in all treatment methods.
While I named broad reasons why someone would commit or consider committing, your own personal reasons are what count. Are you dealing with depression? Have severe PTSD? Do you think life will ever get better? Do you have hope? Are you considering it because someone else you loved and cared for committed? Are you terminally ill?

The effect of suicide is great. Not great as in "good," great as in "a lot." Suicide is a huge thing for someone to do and for people around you to grieve with. Suicide is not to be taken lightly.

Pro Tips
Make a plan, notarize a will, and make sure all your possessions are gone except maybe a bag of important stuff and clothes in the event you change your mind.

2. No real point.

Why write this? Who's it for? It reads similarly to a first draft of a high school English paper one doesn't like particularly want to do, hitting the requirements of the rubric to mention various topics without really delving into or connecting them in any meaningful way.

3. Tone.

I appreciate the levity and all but "Vsauce music plays" is just bizarre in a suicide essay. Again- ask yourself who exactly this is written for.


In short- tone is off, no clear point, poorly written, trying to do too much, little reason to exist.

If you're going to write and post an essay here, I would suggest developing your thesis more so as to actually get a point across.

Sorry if that's harsh but I figured you'd want an honest review. I'd be happy to give my thoughts on future drafts
Last edited:
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Girl Power
Aug 29, 2024
1. Grammar.

Ran it through a spellchecker, here's the corrected version. Apparently 51 errors.

Why You Should Kill Yourself
Why is suicide so frowned upon in society? Why do other humans care if another human decides they don't want to live anymore? Why is suicide considered a tragedy? I think suicide is a human right. A human right similar to abortion, body piercings, tattoos, and even haircuts. I have the right to my own body.
I think the reasons why suicide is frowned upon are because life is so precious, or so they say—"they"" as in society. I don't think life is precious at all; life is torture. Forced to be born, get an education, then work until you're dead—just so the fat cats can eat while the rest of us starve. Starved of freedom to spend time in nature, spend time with friends, family, and relax. Humans are forced to work and are rewarded with living paycheck to paycheck, advertising and consumerism shoved down our throat, little to no time off, and being told "no" by your boss on the week you were supposed to leave on vacation when you put in a time-off request months in advance. But hey, "no one said life was easy." I hate that statement. Shouldn't life be easy and fun? As humans, we have steadily advanced our technology and knowledge to make life easier, but we are consistently told that we can't have our cake to eat, only look.
Like abortion, deciding to commit suicide should be a human right. Humans have a right to their own bodies and should be allowed to do what they want with them. Everyone is cool with tattoos, faces, and dick piercings, but a piercing the size of a 9mm through your brainstem is wrong. If your aunt can have 4 different baby daddies and your cousin can get an abortion at 17, I think you should be able to kill myself at the age of whatever. I'm just saying.
Suicide is considered a tragedy because life is viewed as a gift. You are the product of millions of years of evolution, or a product of a god of some kind, and the probabilities are so incomprehensible to humans that it really makes it hard to care. Life isn't a gift; it's a curse. A curse that is forced on you. You are forced to be conscious at all waking hours, forced to remember traumatic experiences, forced to work until you're dead, forced to fit in and contribute to society that gives zero fucks about you.

How to Kill Yourself
The best way to kill yourself is to [REDACTED], in my personal opinion. Honestly, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Only bloody and non-bloody ways.
The Peaceful Pill Handbook is a great source for knowledge about methods and drugs. It's the Suicide Bible for those wanting to go out on their own terms. Those who are suffering from illness or the human condition. The book is geared towards those who suffer from illness, but many people who are suicidal use it. I, for one, have skimmed through it a handful of times on nights when I feel like committing.
There is also another resource that I have used, a website known as Sanctioned Suicide. It's a forum website dedicated to discussion around the topic of suicide (obviously, its in the name). Its users are people who suffer from illness and the human condition (I think you'll notice a trend). Sanctioned Suicide, in my personal opinion, is the best resource out of SS and the handbook.
There are plenty of other resources for suicide, online forums, and books. If you want more writing on the topic, then I would suggest "Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying" and "Right to Die: Understanding Euthanasia," though I have not read or skimmed through them myself.

Sanctioned Suicide
Sanctioned Suicide is a website dedicated to talking about the topic of human euthanasia. Despite what you may have heard from the media, SS is not pro-suicide. They've even helped people recover from suicidal ideation, myself included. They have a plethora of resources for your needs in suicide and recovery.
They are not a "pro-suicide" website but instead a "right to die" website; just like the intro to this book, people have a right to their own bodies.
SS is a pro-choice website. Users are very respectful of your own decision to recover or commit suicide. This is with a completely unbiased take for this website, despite my being a frequent user of the website.
In the paper "Representing suicide: Giving voice to a desire to die?" written by Ian Marsh, Rachel Winter, and Lisa Marzano, they explain, "In online suicide forums and discussions, there is often a fierce rejection of 'pro-life' positions, which are framed as ideological, oppressive, and naïve. Perhaps unsurprisingly, prevention advocates have tended to view 'pro-choice' forums as being in reality 'pro-suicide' and have lobbied for their removal and banning." This means that any website that is pro-choice is automatically assumed and deemed to be pro-suicide, and a wolf cry follows for the website to be shut down.
"Participants in suicide discussion forums often argue, however, that their community is misunderstood and misrepresented, and that they support others to recover, to seek help, to avoid potentially damaging or traumatic methods, to reduce wider trauma by discouraging actions that involve others (e.g., train drivers)."

Who Is Suicide For?
In a perfect society, suicide is for no one... or is it? *VSauce music plays*
I think suicide is for anybody who is an adult and understands its permanence and the effects it can have on the people around them.
If you have family, know that your death will seriously leave people hurt.
If you have kids, understand that you may or may not be able to look down on them to watch their accomplishments and failures. You won't be able to guide them, raise them, protect them, or even have a say on who gets to carry the burden of raising them in your place.
If you're elderly with illness and are contemplating it, suicide might be for you.
I would say to anyone contemplating suicide, really think it through. Understand the weight of your decision and how it can affect others.

Who Suicide Is Not For
If your still young and legally a minor, then no, suicide is not for you. Therapy, medication, and a positive support circle are what you need.
I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time, but this is not the solution for you. Please reach out to your family, friends, a medical professional, or 988. You deserve to be happy. If you bought this book, please return it and get your money back. Spend it on ice cream, a Frappuccino, or save it for your next movie night. You deserve help.
Suicide isn't for anyone going through a grieving process. While I am sorry for your loss, suicide isn't the answer. Allow yourself to go through the whole process and understand that depression is part of it.
Suicide isn't for someone who has a glimmer of hope that things will get better. You deserve to follow up on that small chance of happiness.
Suicide is not for someone who thinks its trendy or funny. Suicide is a serious topic and should be respected.

What is the cause of suicide? The cause of suicide could be many things: depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, and a plethora of other mental health illnesses and disorders.
One theory of what causes mental illness is chemical imbalance in the brain. The chemical imbalance can be mitigated with medication and therapy, but some people are treatment resistant, which is why they feel so defeated after trying everything under the sun in all treatment methods.
While I named broad reasons why someone would commit or consider committing, your own personal reasons are what count. Are you dealing with depression? Have severe PTSD? Do you think life will ever get better? Do you have hope? Are you considering it because someone else you loved and cared for committed? Are you terminally ill?

The effect of suicide is great. Not great as in "good," great as in "a lot." Suicide is a huge thing for someone to do and for people around you to grieve with. Suicide is not to be taken lightly.

Pro Tips
Make a plan, notarize a will, and make sure all your possessions are gone except maybe a bag of important stuff and clothes in the event you change your mind.

2. No real point.

Why write this? Who's it for? It reads similarly to a first draft of a high school English paper one doesn't like particularly want to do, hitting the requirements of the rubric to mention various topics without really delving into or connecting them in any meaningful way.

3. Tone.

I appreciate the levity and all but "Vsauce music plays" is just bizarre in a suicide essay. Again- ask yourself who exactly this is written for.


In short- as a post on SaSu, the tone is off and the point nonexistent. As an essay it's poorly written and serves no purpose.

If you're going to write and post an essay here, I would suggest developing your thesis more so as to actually get a point across.

Sorry if that's harsh but I figured you'd want an honest review. I'd be happy to give my thoughts on future drafts
this is perfect feedback honestly! thank you. and yeah i tried my best with the grammar. not sure why google docs isnt picking them up.


long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
this is perfect feedback honestly! thank you. and yeah i tried my best with the grammar. not sure why google docs isnt picking them up.
Sure dude no problem ^^
Google Docs spellchecker is such ass 😭 it picks up random words as errors and completely misses obvious typos. No idea what's going on there.


I don't think you can salvage the essay as a whole but you could definitely write an essay using an individual point (or maybe a series of essays for each point, idk). Ex- the "Why You Should Kill Yourself" chapter. You could just extend that into a longer writing, neaten it up, give some arguments, etc. Also you might wanna alter the title if you use that chapter as I think the mods might raise an eyebrow at an essay seemingly telling people to just kill themselves lol


Girl Power
Aug 29, 2024
Sure dude no problem ^^
Google Docs spellchecker is such ass 😭 it picks up random words as errors and completely misses obvious typos. No idea what's going on there.


I don't think you can salvage the essay as a whole but you could definitely write one using a single point. Ex- the "Why You Should Kill Yourself" chapter. You could just extend that into a longer writing, neaten it up, give some arguments, etc. Also you might wanna alter the title if you use that chapter as I think the mods might raise an eyebrow at an essay seemingly telling people to just kill themselves lol
the title is for shock value


King of Centipedes and Little Ants Ø
Apr 2, 2023
I read this entire thing. Let me state the obvious and say I am not a normal or average person. I do not think a normal or average person would read this entire thing.

My advice: if you are trying to make this an informative piece you want people to take seriously, drop the meme references, come up with a coherent thesis and work to prove your thesis through your writing with proofs and arguments that will work to break down a normie's emotional wall and habitual (as opposed to instinctual) responses to such topics.

Also consider distributing the finished product as a free information resource to people who need it rather than charging those at the most desperate times of their lives. Or don't, it's your work and choice. If you do charge as you seem to indicate you intend to, though, consider how you even plan to distribute this, who will be willing to host or publish such a work, and what standard of quality should really be met for a paid product.

Consider the standard of quality regardless, though. It's a pretty important topic, after all.
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Girl Power
Aug 29, 2024
I read this entire thing. Let me state the obvious and say I am not a normal or average person. I do not think a normal or average person would read this entire thing.

My advice: if you are trying to make this an informative piece you want people to take seriously, drop the meme references, come up with a coherent thesis and work to prove your thesis through your writing with proofs and arguments that will work to break down a normie's emotional wall and habitual (as opposed to instinctual) responses to such topics.

Also consider distributing the finished product as a free information resource to people who need it rather than charging those at the most desperate times of their lives. Or don't, it's your work and choice. If you do charge as you seem to indicate you intend to, though, consider how you even plan to distribute this, who will be willing to host or publish such a work, and what standard of quality should really be met for a paid product.

Consider the standard of quality regardless, though. It's a pretty important topic, after all.
I want to distribute it as a free online piece. If i were to every distribute it in paperbacks then yeah i would charge but only enough for production sake. and yeah, ill drop the meme references, my personality may be showing too much for such a serious topic. Im just going to scrap the entire piece and start from scratch with a better outline.
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