
Oct 28, 2019
As we know, it seems some people paint this forum in a "one dimensional" way, or that may be the impression people get when limited information is given.

I thought it would be useful if we have a reference point of posts showing that this forum helps many people.
We can direct people to read this thread when the need arises.
Of course, some may refuse to read this thread, or refuse to pause and consider whether their view might be biased.
However, I still think it adds value to have this thread.
It gives a resource we can refer people to, which is better than not having a resource.

Of course there are no guarantees that someone who recovers, or finds a positive outlook, will remain that way.
We are not trying to make unrealistic claims.

Perhaps the best approach is to use quotes, so you can read the thread without jumping to separate tabs, etc.
So :
> Go to post you wish to quote
> Click "Quote" button (or click reply, and copy text including quote tags)
> Come to this thread and click "Insert quotes..." in post edit window (bottom) (or paste text including quote tags)
> Check quote tags included, so original post can be found if desired
("quote tags" are the [ QUOTE="<member name>, post: <post id>, member: <member id>" ] and [ /QUOTE ] items)

We can use this thread to keep a record of :
> Posts where people acknowledge how supportive this forum is or how it has helped them
> Posts where we suggest people get help, or encourage people to try things to get better, etc
> Posts that show this forum is not "one dimensional" in the way that some might portray it
> etc

I'll get the ball rolling with :

I was ready to CTB(Hanging, Jumping), but after all those hours in this site, as well as my older brother visiting, I've abandoned that plan for now, and just reach out to someone, vent, and get the help I need. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I've never talked about my darkest, most deep-set problems with anyone, and that it was consuming me, and that it has nearly succeeded in doing so. So, I decided to stop the attempts, and face the consequences of my self-destructive actions, and overcome my deepest fears, and my problems. So, thank you all, really, you guys really resurrected me from death and helped me find the courage to face my problems head-on.
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Oct 28, 2019

This thread is a reference point of posts showing that this forum helps many people.
We can use this thread to keep a record of :
> Posts where people acknowledge how supportive this forum is or how it has helped them
> Posts where we suggest people get help, or encourage people to try things to get better, etc
> Posts that show this forum is not "one dimensional" in the way that some might portray it

This might be a useful resource, eg when people criticise the forum. Obviously not a perfect solution, but better than not having it IMO.

How to :
> Go to post you wish to quote
> Click "Quote" button (or click reply, and copy text including quote tags)
> Come to this thread and click "Insert quotes..." in post edit window (bottom) (or paste text including quote tags)
> Check quote tags included, so original post can be found if desired
("quote tags" are the [ QUOTE="<member name>, post: <post id>, member: <member id>" ] and [ /QUOTE ] items)

or if you can't figure out how to do the above, then just post a link, or do whatever you normally do if you want to reference someone's post....
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Anyone who's on the opposite side and is that concerned doesn't care. They are loyal to *their* agenda in an unhealthy way similar to the way that religious zealots are loyal to their agenda of damning all non-believers to hell.

You can do this but it seems like a decent effort for very little reward.

Its obvious based on the **FAKE** SS members who continue to infiltrate this place with ridiculous entrapment opportunities that they will continue their agenda despite continuously coming up empty because as you already so eloquently alluded, they are biased.

EDIT: Their version of *help* is different than our version of help. As such there is very little room for consensus.
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Jun 27, 2019
The mistake so many are making...and mostly well meant...is thinking you can reason with people on this issue on any scale...especially those who are so dramatic and angry as to attack and obsess. You have one side with a lot of suffering people, often extremely mentally unstable...and then you have the other side with a lot of suffering people, often extremely mentally unstable. See the problem? The greater population who either isn't like us as victims...or isn't grieving from loss as family and friends and attacking us...doesn't care beyond the chance to "debate" and feel smart or righteous.

This isn't something reason and rationality is going to solve because no matter how fair, honest, sensible you are there are always going to be people surrounding you from all sides throwing their poop and screaming while pushing and prodding you drowning out any rational discussion. You can only tune out so much so you either have to bar those people from entering...or hide from them...neither seems to work well long term. This truly is a situation that people have to live to understand and simply will not accept anything they don't want to believe otherwise because it's how they exist and cope with their own existence and issues.
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Oct 28, 2019
Anyone who's on the opposite side and is that concerned doesn't care. They are loyal to *their* agenda in an unhealthy way similar to the way that religious zealots are loyal to their agenda of damning all non-believers to hell.

You can do this but it seems like a decent effort for very little reward.

Its obvious based on the **FAKE** SS members who continue to infiltrate this place with ridiculous entrapment opportunities that they will continue their agenda despite continuously coming up empty because as you already so eloquently stated, they are biased.
Well, the effort required isn't very high.... Just post some quotes here when the thought comes to mind...

Sure, it may or may not achieve anything in any particular situation, but it's still a valuable tool to have available, eg during a debate.

If someone refuses to read this thread, or refuses to give an opinion on why they disbelieve its contents, then it dramatically weakens the strength of their debate, so anyone following the debate who *does* have an open mind would be able to see the refusal to acknowledge the points made.

I'm certainly not claiming this thread would "solve all the issues". Just that I think having it serves some purpose, and is better than not having it....
The mistake so many are making...and mostly well meant...is thinking you can reason with people on this issue on any scale...especially those who are so dramatic and angry as to attack and obsess. You have one side with a lot of suffering people, often extremely mentally unstable...and then you have the other side with a lot of suffering people, often extremely mentally unstable. This isn't something reason and rationality is going to solve because no matter how fair, honest, sensible you are there are always going to be people surrounding you throwing their poop and screaming while pushing and prodding you.
It's a bigger mistake to abandon logic.
Logic and intelligence are the only sensible tools that can be applied to the situation.
Just because many people are not acting logically, it doesn't mean we should say "oh screw logic".
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Honestly, I have seen multiple complete threads already dedicated to the topic of "how SS helped me." More of them isnt going to make the forum appear more *rosey* to those who object.


Nov 4, 2019
I think it's a good idea. With all due respect and not meaning to offend anyone, jgm63 makes an effort here, so instead of filling this thread with complaints, maybe we should make contributions instead.
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Oct 28, 2019
Honestly, I have seen multiple complete threads already dedicated to the topic of "how SS helped me." More of them isnt going to make the forum appear more *rosey* to those who object.
ok, that sounds useful....
Can you post some links to those threads here, or show me a few examples of such threads, etc ?

Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
You have one side with a lot of suffering people, often extremely mentally unstable...and then you have the other side with a lot of suffering people, often extremely mentally unstable.
I hadn't thought of it like that but I like the comparrison. The only thing I might add is that the non ss people might not realise mental issues where people on here generally do.

This isn't something reason and rationality is going to solve because no matter how fair, honest, sensible you are there are always going to be people surrounding you throwing their poop and screaming while pushing and prodding you.
I wish I didn't agree with that but sadly I do now. Lol at poop flinging though.

However, a noble effort and even if it falls on deaf ears or gets lost in the mists, I believe it's an effort worth making for the right reasons. Will people automatically be okay with being quoted? I don't see why not, but worth asking...


Jun 27, 2019
I am personally not a fan of quoting in public because it deprives the person of the ability to delete or edit it if they say something they regret. I have probably quoted before absentmindedly so am not meaning to be a hypocrite. I also know for some people preserving words is the point, but I am a fan of allowing people to delete and be forgotten if they wish. I think accounts should be able to be deleted fully as well. Things being "permanent" online is too often used against others.

From a practical point of view...how many "Official" and "Resource" posts will be enough? People don't read the ones there are. They don't read the welcome messages or stickies or search anything and that would answer a majority of questions posted. You cannot organize emotion and instability that ignores logic with more logic.

About logic...I don't reject it at all and in fact my biggest problem with most people is they are not reasonable. They act with their own interest and emotions as the only concern and fair, right, and decent don't matter beyond how they can twist or convince themselves they are all of those things. I was simply saying I have learned from long experience that appeals to logic and reason in these most extreme issues are up against overwhelming and usually insurmountable walls. You can be right all day long and still lose. It's what usually happens in fact...just look at society in general...politics etc. People are mad...and expecting them to respond to reason is madness.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
My search capabilities are limited because I'm not on my PC but here are some to get the ball rolling.




There are definitely wayyyyy more...
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Oct 28, 2019
I hadn't thought of it like that but I like the comparrison. The only thing I might add is that the non ss people might not realise mental issues where people on here generally do.

I wish I didn't agree with that but sadly I do now. Lol at poop flinging though.

However, a noble effort and even if it falls on deaf ears or gets lost in the mists, I believe it's an effort worth making for the right reasons. Will people automatically be okay with being quoted? I don't see why not, but worth asking...
I never said "This will solve the issues".
I simply said I feel it has potential value, which I stand by.
How much value ? I don't know, but there's not much effort involved.
Just : If it comes to mind, then post a quote here....

Quoting is not an issue, since you're only re-pasting onto the forum what is already publicly visible on the forum. There could be some exceptions, eg if someone later deletes their post, etc, however we shouldn't let such exceptions prevent us from doing things, otherwise we'd never do anything.....
(I suppose you could post links rather than quotes, but then you can't really read this thread without having to keep jumping to separate threads).
I am personally not a fan of quoting in public because it deprives the person of the ability to delete or edit it if they say something they regret. I have probably quoted before absentmindedly so am not meaning to be a hypocrite. I also know for some people preserving words is the point, but I am a fan of allowing people to delete and be forgotten if they wish. I think accounts should be able to be deleted fully as well. Things being "permanent" online is too often used against others.

From a practical point of view...how many "Official" and "Resource" posts will be enough? People don't read the ones there are. They don't read the welcome messages or stickies or search anything and that would answer a majority of questions posted. You cannot organize emotion and instability that ignores logic with more logic.

About logic...I don't reject it at all and in fact my biggest problem with most people is they are not reasonable. They act with their own interest and emotions as the only concern and fair, right, and decent don't matter beyond how they can twist or convince themselves they are all of those things. I was simply saying I have learned from long experience that appeals to logic and reason in these most extreme issues are up against overwhelming and usually insurmountable walls. You can be right all day long and still lose. It's what usually happens in fact...just look at society in general...politics etc. People are mad...and expecting them to respond to reason is madness.
Well, if your alternative proposal is "don't bother trying anything", then I think I'll stick with my approach.
If you don't wish to participate in this then there's no need for you to do so.
But to undermine this effort with those helpful "it'll never work" comments is actually doing active harm to this thread.
I think I'd prefer you don't make further comments on this thread if your intention is not to contribute usable value.
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Jun 27, 2019
I think it's a good idea. With all due respect and not meaning to offend anyone, jgm63 makes an effort here, so instead of filling this thread with complaints, maybe we should make contributions instead.

When you refuse criticism, even polite, and frame any of it at all as "unhelpful" you make it about you and not the issue. This forum is full of that. My contribution is that there are plenty of resources and it's more sensible to make yet another one rather than bolster the ones we have and refer to those. The signal to noise ratio here is already huge. Anyway I'm bowing out.
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Oct 28, 2019
[ Reminder on the purpose of the thread ]

This thread is a reference point of posts showing that this forum helps many people.
We can use this thread to keep a record of :
[1] Posts where people acknowledge how supportive this forum is or how it has helped them
[2] Posts where we suggest people get help, or encourage people to try things to get better, etc
[3] Posts that show this forum is not "one dimensional" in the way that some might portray it

This might be a useful resource, eg when people criticise the forum. Obviously not a perfect solution, but better than not having it IMO.

How to :
> Go to post you wish to quote
> Click "Quote" button (or click reply, and copy text including quote tags)
> Come to this thread and click "Insert quotes..." in post edit window (bottom) (or paste text including quote tags)
> Check quote tags included, so original post can be found if desired
("quote tags" are the [ QUOTE="<member name>, post: <post id>, member: <member id>" ] and [ /QUOTE ] items)

or if you can't figure out how to do the above, then just post a link, or do whatever you normally do if you want to reference someone's post....

NOTE : I realise that some people won't listen to reason, no matter what.
However, I still feel there's some value in having this thread. Please see comments above for a discussion of that.
I would like to keep this thread "on topic", so please just post things that match points 1 / 2 / 3 above....
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Nov 4, 2019
When you refuse criticism, even polite, and frame any of it at all as "unhelpful" you make it about you and not the issue.

Me? But it's not even my thread. fo_O To be honest, I don't see the problem here. Either jgm63's thread attracts attention and serves its purpose or it doesn't. No harm done.

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