Coping Wizard

Coping Wizard

Sep 15, 2020
I've been waiting to make this thread for quite a while now. This is mainly because this has constantly been in my head and I wanted to make the thread before I eventually forget the details and eventually the topic itself. Otherwise this is more of a venting/opinion thread of mine that some of the people on here may disagree with.

But why is the internet not worth it anymore? This is because of the people that inhabit the internet now compared to the people who inhabited the internet back in the early 2000s, this is a key point in this thread as I will be going into detail as to why I hate the people on the internet nowadays. One of the reasons is because the current people who inhabit the internet try way too hard to be a comedian, a funnyman as one might say. They try to make others laugh because it is the only way they can actually communicate and make friends with one another on the internet, especially during times with lockdown and living & adapting to a virtual, cyberpunkish world. The main problem is that these people are absolutely everywhere on the internet, any online forum, game, site, fandom, etc. You will find them trying to do their shitty attempt at humor and if you don't think its funny or if you simply disagree with these people, they will get completely assblasted by your opinion. What they will do is either cast you aside and force you to leave whatever thing you're apart of or dox and harass your family, friends and employer. These people will literally ruin your career because you didn't laugh at their shitty reddit meme. This is because they will try to dig up any sort of dirt to try to ruin your life and career because you disagreed with them and when you try to stand up for yourself, they say that you were in the wrong and because they're the majority, you cannot do anything else but take it.

Remember when I said these people are everywhere and that because of this the internet is now inhabited by these types of people therefore making them the majority? Yeah now the new internet caters to these types of people and supports these types of people using the internet for absolutely no reason. The only reason why they use the internet now is for hedonism and to download some weird fetish porn that they like. They're also like tumors, going to every single internet community and taking it over, making the place a husk of what it used to be, a hivemind for the lack of a better term. How they do this is they lurk and spy on the community and when they find an inside joke they think is funny or they like, they repost that shit to mainstream sites such as 4chan, reddit, twitter, youtube, facebook, tiktok, etc. They keep doing this so fucking much until the joke becomes fucking stale and even then they'll still repeat the joke over and over again. It doesn't help the majority of Generation Z (which is unfortunately my generation) along with Generation Y (aka the millennial generation) acts like this in the meatspace and they think their "quirky" and "unique" personalities that they have on the internet will help them in the meatspace but in reality they have the mental age of a 7-year old and they certainly act like it.

There is also the crotchgoblins, the squeakers, little shits, or whatever you wanna call them. Also known as Generation Alpha and they're entirely new to the internet, having never heard of the old internet before. They're used to seeing the shitty current internet ran by the Funnymen and they think its good. I also somewhat feel bad for them because the parents of Generation Alpha aren't really parents but caretakers/babysitters because they just give the kid an electrical device to shut them up and call it a day. They never truly raise their kid and seeing their kid grow and experience, enjoy and develop milestones in their childhood because the kid gets an iPad and the parents call it a day, this causes the kid to never really experience a real childhood outside of the internet and because of this they essentially live a "virtual life" of zeroes and ones.

The other, more disturbing part of the internet is the groomers, which are most commonly pedophiles luring young kids to sending them nude pictures of themselves. Just like the average internet user they're pretty much everywhere that you can think of and they're even deeper than the average internet user. These motherfuckers are essentially weeds that need to be pulled out by the roots, but even then I doubt you'll be able to get all of them. These people are commonly in mainstream social media just like the majority of internet users nowadays and sometimes they'll even go on platforms or play games that are intended for children and LARP as children to get nudes and try to get their personal information to meet up and so sexual favours with the child, mostly kidnapping them and murdering them right after they're done with their sick fantasy.
Though I did say that the majority of the groomer population are pedophiles, I didn't say all of them are pedophiles. Some of these people are sadistic, manipulative fucks who simply want attention. They want to prey on vulnerable, mentally disturbed/mentally disabled individuals for their own agenda, some of them will even try to meet up in the meatspace to do sexual acts and murder, the result usually not ending very well for the recipient. Though the predator/manipulator usually has mental issues of their own and from my personal anecdotes they're usually in imageboard communities, such as 4chan and 8chan.

Don't get me started on the glow in the darks that LARP in communities to catch "questionable posts" that don't fit with their political agenda. They're absolutely everywhere and they're even here at Sanctioned Suicide. They'll send in officers and detectives to your house because you made a post that they didn't agree with or you made a post that was "concerning" to the local government. (aka it didn't follow their political agenda and they want to remove all wrongthink) This is what I'm referring to when I say that we're living in a cyberpunk society, our own governments don't trust us to use the internet responsibly anymore and they're essentially our babysitter/parent now. They treat every single citizen like a ticking time bomb they must be watched carefully so that they don't "explode".

The best way to avoid all of these types of people is to cut off internet use entirely or severely limit your internet usage and the amount of social media that you use. I mainly use the internet for academic purposes as I'm currently in college right now and I use the internet to torrent music and videos and emulate/pirate video games. If I were you I would try to find all social media accounts that you could remember and try to either private them to the best of your ability or delete them altogether if there is an option to. Believe it or not, this site is one of the few sites that I have a somewhat active presence on the internet nowadays. This is because I deleted everything that may trace back to me, I could care less if I got friendships cut off. This is because I don't add people I don't know, even former internet friends and even some meatspace friends have been cut off because I decided to limit my internet usage.
I will only make this account inactive if I'm confirmed deceased or if I want to remove my internet presence altogether.

A part of me thinks that this all a massive conspiracy by the government to make people care less of whats happening around them in the physical world and to live in the virtual world. This is so they can advertise their products constantly 24/7 to potential customers so they get a shitton of profit. Its an interesting conspiracy that I would like to solve one day, but I doubt I'll be able to solve it alone because its such a complex idea that the government is doing this shit to its citizens. I will probably make another thread referring this thread another time, there won't be a specific time or anything because thats just asking too much.

TLDR; I'm just someone who is tired of the internet of today.
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Sep 28, 2020

You said this better than I ever could have. I haven't had any social media accounts since I deleted FB years ago when you could actually delete FB (I think). Never have had Twitter et al.

This is the only place I have a presence.

Btw, I did post some jokes because they made me laugh and feel better. Hopefully they did the same for others.
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Oct 10, 2020
About the funny jokes, I don't necessarily agree, but it does get tiring, like the 2020 is shit meme that has been everywhere.

You made a good point with discussing the dangers of the widespread of pedophiles online. The internet is really facilitating the access to children for these predators since kids spend most of their time online nowadays.
I was actually sexually exploited when I was a child by online predators, and it was and still is traumatic and I don't think I'll ever be able to heal from it. It is probably the major reason I'm suicidal now.
And it really pains me to see that there are parents that give their young kids electronic devices without supervision. Parents should be more careful with their children's online usage. Social media, online video games, none of that is safe anymore.
Online sexual abuse can be as damaging as offline sexual abuse and parents should be aware that they should protect their kids online the way they would protect them offline.
Sadly the authorities aren't doing much either, the laws regulating the internet are really lacking. It's a truly sad reality.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I despise the internet exactly as much as I am enslaved to it.
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Jan 20, 2020
As bad as the internet can be I would be socially isolated without it.
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Jul 23, 2020
I agree with almost everything you said, except for the conspiracy theory it's just pure late stage capitalism.
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Eternal sleep
Feb 17, 2020
I go outside and talk to strangers or just have adventures on my own. One time an elderly lady and I compared scars. Hers was more interesting, she also had traveled from the other side of the country just to see a specific doctor about her scar.
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Feb 14, 2019
I agree with a lot of what you said. Those me me me look at me being funny and witty people are everywhere and it gets so old. And god fucking forbid you disagree with one of them. The internet has turned into grade school...just one big popularity pissing contest. Its sad because the internet has contributed to a lot of depression and suicides because of bullying and people never feeling adequate vs the next person on stupid instagram. The predators part is really really scary. And as a woman I feel like I have to lie and say I'm a man just to avoid lewd comments especially in online gaming.

I don't use social media at all, I avoid most sites and forums...reddit is one big horrendous pissing contest. I really only spend time here on this forum.

I feel so out of place and have nothing in common with my generation (millennials). Plus I'm on the tail end of my generation so the social media crap has been shoved at me for years...I hate It I refuse to use it.
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Sep 16, 2020
I used to believe there was some hidden secret to be found to win at life online. Of course it's great having a vast knowledge base at your palm but I think you're problem is you're not accepting the Internet IS life now.
And you geta variety and good and bad in life... When it first came about Of course bandwidth was an issue so people valued their usage... Now we can all do whatever all day long.

I'm similar to you and I have a few people from different walks of life that talk on topics I'm interested in or world issues that I'm subscribed to that I feel are not bullshitters and Ive recently started coming here. I also follow a few people I admire like comedians etc and catch up every now and then.
I don't bother with newsfeeds or read comments because they're all the same after a while.


Aug 23, 2020
I can't deny that the Internet "social protocol" got drastically more toxic, although I'd say Internet actually got less funny and there's now actually less jokes and dumb memes, and more advertisement, politics and chronically offended people ganging on the victim of the week and ruining the "offenders" entire life. I would take stupid reddit and 4chan memes over either of these three things.

Internet disappoints me, but there is nowhere else I can go for my hedonism and fetish porn, so I love it anyway.
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Dec 13, 2018
I might sound too casual, but most people that use the internet now are simply a product. A way for making money. I't not about making it easy, it's not about education, it's not about love and communication. It's money. Making funny videos, colecting likes from others - you don't make friends, you make money for somebody else, and if you are lucky you might make some little cash for yourself. And again you watch news, you read those news feeds - it's all fake, no one will ever tell you the truth or give you the important information for free, instead someone else will get paid to overrate his fake stuff impact on all sociaty. It's ironic how they get paid to lie the public and then they lie for the impact they made to those who paid them. It's money...:)
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Too Long in the Wasteland
Nov 10, 2020
The on-line world was a much better place when the barriers to entry were higher and it was less commercialized.

Reference: Eternal September
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