Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
Do people think that going to get a job will cure your mental health issues?
I understand it may help, but cure?
I am being told by everyone go get a job, it will make you better and help your mental health...
Surely though its only delaying the mind of its worries and troubles that brought you the mental health issues in the first place, how does a job fucking cure a life time of CPTSD and EUPD?

One of these people ramming it down my throat is a family member, shes really pissing me off, as she's allowed to fake so much physical illnesses, yet MH... nah cure that with a fucking job

Pointless rant over
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Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
Yeah nothing like the stress of a job to cure mental health issues LOL.
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May 20, 2018
In my case it would make things drastically worse. I don't understand Work Worshippers. There is no appeal to doing pointless tasks for hours every day in exchange for money which can only fund a continued miserable existence. I can't think of anything less fulfilling.
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Sep 28, 2022
Having to perform tasks that I don't want to do, in order to obtain money I don't want to have, so that I can contribute to a world I don't really want to be in...

Ah, what a dream. I'm sure it works for some people, but for me, it only makes me more anxious and depressed, if anything. My incapacity to interact with people and understand them doesn't help at all, so most jobs are a no-no for me.

I have studied programming and web development for four years, and now I am not finding any job. Not that I mind - besides my distaste for labour, I also have very strong feelings about web development, overall; I don't want to work for corporations that track and manipulate user data for their own benefit. Plus I hate the tech environment in such workplaces, although I'm generalizing here.

Nowadays I'm just programming on my own and doing stuff and little projects I like - although I procrastinate more than anything.

I may be forced to finally find a job in the future, due to external pressure. I'm dreading that time - if I ever get a job again, I'm sure I will last less than a week due to my incapacities as a person, along with other things...

Ain't it fun?
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Rogue Proxy

Rogue Proxy

Sep 12, 2021
Just another method of humans silencing and invalidating one's suffering. Labor is one of criteria they use to evaluate an individual's worth and value, along with the "value" of that work and rewards gained (e.g. the amount of currency and social approval).

Your rant isn't pointless. The humans' stupidity, judgementality, and lack of empathy and compassion truly are.
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ready to go, just waiting for the right time!
Dec 31, 2022
i really dont get how getting a job is supposed to help. for me school and work just contribute to wanting to die lmao
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Well, more than a job, it's about having a sustained income and the easiest way to achieve that is by working. If you lose the ability to work you can't continue to live on your own without depending on others,.. and that's when everything gets enormously worse for people like me.

Working is disgusting, not being able to do it is a nightmare.


Doncs més que una feina es tracta de tenir ingressos sostinguts i la manera més senzilla d'aconseguir-ho és treballant. Si perds la capacitat de treball no pots seguir vivint pel teu propi compte sense dependre dels altres,.. i llavors és quan tot empitjora enormement per persones com jo.

Treballar és un fàstic, no poder-ho fer és un malson.
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Dec 23, 2022
Without my job I'd be hanging of a ceiling so much earlier than I'd anticipate.

I'd feel complete doom knowing there's nothing I can do but to be stuck in hell, it is like drowning, loss of control, money gives a lot of opportunities, a lot of control.

I have plans that require funds in order to fulfill them for my mental health.

Sorry I just realized I'm the exception. But yes, for the majority being a wageslave is not ideal at all. A comforting, easy office job where you browse this forum all day is ideal.


Jan 14, 2023
@Soulless Angel I hope you don't mind me asking, but what sort of hobbies or activities do you enjoy?


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I believe that a lot of the time working just makes people want to die even more, as such a thing is just being a slave to the society, it can be tiring, tedious and stressful. Many people spend so much of their lives working only to deteriorate from old age and then just die anyway, at least to me such a thing could never be worth it. But I understand why you would feel frustrated at those people.
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May we all find peace
Jan 10, 2023
It does help in a way, it forces you to move your body and makes you focus on some sort of task, therefore leaving less time where you give attention to your own thoughts.
But it definitely does not cure any mental health problem, if anything it will make things far worse in the long run. Folks that say that kind of thing are mostly just telling us to "be normal".


Apr 19, 2022
It would for sure make things worse for me since my triggers can be easily encountered in the outside world.
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Jan 17, 2023
Lynx took the words out of my mouth.

All my family ever does is talk about work and money. How important it is, all the ways to earn and save money, how to make smart business decisions, why I should consider management, why I should go into a certain field because it's high demand and makes a lot of money, how our ancestors were so good with money, how annoying their coworkers are -- especially the ones who don't care about work as much. Not to mention stock market, home, and car investment shit... Hell, on my brother's birthday they spent almost the whole time talking about taxes. You might think this is hyperbole, but it's not. The ONLY other things my parents talk about are school, people they dislike, tragic shit going on in the world, and sometimes my mom rambles about her latest favorite video games to me -- especially how much better she is than the other people playing said video game. When you boil it down, a lot of this is all about being better than other people.

I'll never be able to admit how little I care about any of that shit. I don't want to live the way they do, working for most of the day only to come home and space out in front of a computer, phone, or a TV until it's time to go to bed. I'm treated like the black sheep of the family for sitting in my room all day, but they do the exact same thing, and somehow they aren't depressed about it. It's been years since they went on vacation, and they never do anything over the weekends. I don't think they even have any friends. I feel sad for them, but at the same time, they seem to act like they have it all figured out and take great pride in calling themselves "dragons" for hoarding wealth.

I just don't get it. I don't get it, I don't get it, I don't get it.
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
Well, more than a job, it's about having a sustained income and the easiest way to achieve that is by working. If you lose the ability to work you can't continue to live on your own without depending on others,.. and that's when everything gets enormously worse for people like me.

Working is disgusting, not being able to do it is a nightmare.


Doncs més que una feina es tracta de tenir ingressos sostinguts i la manera més senzilla d'aconseguir-ho és treballant. Si perds la capacitat de treball no pots seguir vivint pel teu propi compte sense dependre dels altres,.. i llavors és quan tot empitjora enormement per persones com jo.

Treballar és un fàstic, no poder-ho fer és un malson.

I guess in the UK we are lucky, if we are deemed as unwell to work, we get help from the government, so financially, in the UK, I get PIP which is a sickness payment, and it;s enough for me to live on for the month without having to work,
@Soulless Angel I hope you don't mind me asking, but what sort of hobbies or activities do you enjoy?
My hobby/activity was my self employment, but once people became aware I was mentally unwell, my work all but dried up, I cant even do it as a hobby, so I tend to game instead now to while away the hours
It does help in a way, it forces you to move your body and makes you focus on some sort of task, therefore leaving less time where you give attention to your own thoughts.
But it definitely does not cure any mental health problem, if anything it will make things far worse in the long run. Folks that say that kind of thing are mostly just telling us to "be normal".

I get this, and I think this is the mentality many have, BUT because you are distracted and people see you as being *normal* and seem to think OH look you are fine you must be cured, not realizing that this isn't reality, and once home it all hits you and that short space of time of working, has just pushed it to one side ready to slap you in the face again before you pull that mask back on and start again the next day
Just another method of humans silencing and invalidating one's suffering. Labor is one of criteria they use to evaluate an individual's worth and value, along with the "value" of that work and rewards gained (e.g. the amount of currency and social approval).

Your rant isn't pointless. The humans' stupidity, judgementality, and lack of empathy and compassion truly are.

yea, I am with you, my husband was offered some jobs, one he turned down, and I was actually going to say I could go for it, before I could his mother replied, glad you are not doing you would stink, nasty job.. (chip shop!) IF someone is willing to work, then surely it doesn't matter what the job is and status shouldn't come into it, a job is a job, each links to another and keeps this shit hole of a world turning
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
People that are "interested" in me constantly ask me to get jobs too. It's very stressful that to have "worth" you need to have a job. What if you're too messed up, and having a job just makes that worse? Also when people have requirements for you to not have a job, like for example, their aunts visible physical disability is a reason for them but your mental illness/ptsd, and invisible physical disabilities aren't good enough for them? I was dating a trainee nurse and my reasons weren't really good enough for them, not that anything was easy to talk about.

I spent most of my life feeling really bad about not having a "real" job. Makes me feel worthless. People shouldn't have to feel that way. I spent a lot looking after parents too.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I guess in the UK we are lucky, if we are deemed as unwell to work, we get help from the government, so financially, in the UK, I get PIP which is a sickness payment, and it;s enough for me to live on for the month without having to work,
In Spain there are also aids, but the possibility of receiving them and the amounts depend on the economic income of the family unit. In my case, I do not have enough to live on my own in the city of Barcelona, even though I receive a benefit. I could, however, with what I have saved, stay away from home for a while, but the savings would run out quickly.


A Espanya també hi han ajudes, però la posibilitat de rebre-les i les quantíes depenen dels ingressos econòmics de la unitat familiar. En el meu cas no tinc prou per viure pel meu propi compte a la ciutat de Barcelona, tot i percebre una prestació. Podría, això si, amb el que tinc estalviat, estar un temps fora de casa, però s'acabarien ràpid els estalvis.


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
People that are "interested" in me constantly ask me to get jobs too.
Just want to add that nobody on here ever pestered me to do anything I wasn't already doing and nobody ever made random snap judgements of me on here without talking to me first, saying I should be doing this or that without understanding the situation (except on the weight loss threads maybe, but everyone hates on overweight people ~ I literally barely eat). You guys all seem to understand what it's like.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I believe it has something to do with keeping the mind and/or body busy. I do suspect that in some cases of things like depression/anxiety, the mind is bored on some level and needs some real stimulation.

Of course, that's a massive oversimplification and doesn't apply to all cases (maybe even the majority).

Being a workaholic is seen as a virtue in America and you're beyond weird if you can't or don't want to work. I get some serious side eye as soon as I mention I don't do 40 hours a week.

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