Kaiten Ryu

Kaiten Ryu

Sep 8, 2019
Yep, letsa go. Depression and self loathing is frowned upon, society considers that person either mental afflicted, a pariah or in worse cases simply begging for attention. "Everyone has it worse, stop being a pussy!" No one truly cares. However, when this eventually leads to suicidal tendencies, all of a sudden there's millions of things to live for (yet no clear answers to what they are, suicide hotline in a nutshell), "sympathizers" saying that you're being selfish (what if your family found you?), religion saying you'll go to hell (some bs). In the end why can't someone just die and have it not be a problem. Why must I be forced to keep living a life I hate, one that constantly beats me down but expects me to smile and say "I'm fine ". Stop trying to sell me the lie that I'm unique, when you already treat me like I'm not. To society we are nothing more than a statistic - Likes on FB/IG, Employees, Votes, etc. Like playing snakes and ladders with a kid that says if you roll anything other than 6 you have go back to start, but then tries to bribe with cupcakes to keep you playing. No one is special, and every man dies. Even Telsa died destitute, never able to see his dreams fulfilled, so who tf am I. While the queen's drinking tea, children are starving, who tf am I. If you are suicidal, you're basically already a nobody (please don't take as me berating anyone.) When we die, it will leave no impact.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Take a look at this thread

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Jun 25, 2019
Because the average individual (sheeple I like to call them) can't deal with it. It's not about saving you or your soul; it's about them being too weak to handle it.
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Sep 19, 2019
I was reading yesterday in PPH that this all came about with the rise of Christianity-- you are now beholden to an angry God and suddenly have all these social obligations, etc. In Athenian society, supposedly you could go to your apothecary down the street and he would give you a hemlock poison if you wanted to die.
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Aug 20, 2019
Most people have a cowardish nature.
They tend to try to run away from problems they can't solve instead of tackling them.

Which is what suicide is.

I'm not anti suicide, I honestly wish it was easier for me to just go ahead with because I honestly would rather run away from the problem of trying to live a decent life than tackle it.

It's a fucking big job.

However taking one's own life, except in the case of extreme illness or old age, is running away from life's problems.

Let's not make this a glorious act. It isn't. Doesn't mean it's wrong or you shouldn't, everyone on here I am certain is in such overwhelming pain that it seems much too much to try work it out than it does to try end it.
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background noise
Jul 13, 2018
You cant work if you're dead.
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Sep 7, 2019
I think more and more people are committing suicide these days due to social media and pressure to be perfect.
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Kaiten Ryu

Kaiten Ryu

Sep 8, 2019
Take a look at this thread

Thx bro, I'll take look.
You cant work if you're dead.
I believe it's like that, Society needs lesser people to do the work, but just dumb enough not to realize how empty their life is. As soon as a person reaches for the eject button, damage control kicks in with the "it's just a phase, life gets better" crap. (sry for getting slightly conspiracy related....)
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May 31, 2019
I think people just think it's really grim that people would choose to kill themselves rather than live their lives. If you havn't been there yourself it can quite imcomprehensible. Also it can devastate family and friends.
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Kaiten Ryu

Kaiten Ryu

Sep 8, 2019
I think more and more people are committing suicide these days due to social media and pressure to be perfect.
Perfectly understandable. But remember, who pushes that social media dynamic? Everyone wants to be rich/famous or at least life easy. Which also goes in hand with "you can achieve anything by working hard." Which it is kinda true (tho the odds of that are Extremely low, you're either born into wealth or lucked out) the ppl that agree with it don't realize that there are ppl out there not cut out for this society and therefore destined to fail because of it.
"Life is game where you can everything absolutely correct and still lose."


Sep 7, 2019
Perfectly understandable. But remember, who pushes that social media dynamic? Everyone wants to be rich/famous or at least life easy. Which also goes in hand with "you can achieve anything by working hard." Which it is kinda true (tho the odds of that are Extremely low, you're either born into wealth or lucked out) the ppl that agree with it don't realize that there are ppl out there not cut out for this society and therefore destined to fail because of it.
"Life is game where you can everything absolutely correct and still lose."
I am not mega rich but had a comfortable life but I still want to CTB.
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Kaiten Ryu

Kaiten Ryu

Sep 8, 2019
I think people just think it's really grim that people would choose to kill themselves rather than live their lives. If you havn't been there yourself it can quite imcomprehensible. Also it can devastate family and friends.
Yes, to outsiders/onlookers it is more or less inconceivable. But think of it like this, if a person is outcast to their friends and a nothing to their family on top of failing in life. Having no one to support you, while life bombards them with demoralizing situations, would it make sense then? Do you think it's fair to make them feel guity about "potentially and indirectly" hurting the feelings of those people? If they didn't care about the person in life, why would they in death? Sadly that's actually one the reasons most people are afraid to really do it in the end, regardless of how distant they are. Truly it's the people that understand pain, that are the ones against inflicting it.....
I am not mega rich but had a comfortable life but I still want to CTB.
I get that, honestly. That's what I meant by the social media aspect, it push norms on you tell you this is what you need to be happy but instead (If you're aware) you'll get be empty. This however may not apply to you I think, so with that I wanna say that I hope you get a breakthrough with what you're facing.
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Jul 17, 2019
I took my friend to the doctors once as she started to feel very depressed. she lives abroad majority of the year. the doctor did a depression test and the result was moderate to severe depression. the doctor told my friend that she will prescribe two weeks of anti depressants and would like to see her again in two weeks. to which my friend replied ' I won't be In the country then, and I won't be back for about 6 months' the doctor said she couldn't prescribe that length of time and she needs frequent reviews , possible increase in dose etc. my friend declined her help. the doctor said to my friend, would you get on a plane with your leg broken and the the bones were pretrufing from your skin and she said no. and the doctor replied ' we'll thats the same as depression' . my friend still to this day hasn't received any therapy or meds for it and she's as depressed as ever.

I think it comes down to this, people cant see the damage so they dont believe its there , or as bad as we are saying.
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Kaiten Ryu

Kaiten Ryu

Sep 8, 2019
Which is what suicide is.

I'm not anti suicide, I honestly wish it was easier for me to just go ahead with because I honestly would rather run away from the problem of trying to live a decent life than tackle it.

It's a fucking big job.

However taking one's own life, except in the case of extreme illness or old age, is running away from life's problems.

Let's not make this a glorious act. It isn't. Doesn't mean it's wrong or you shouldn't, everyone on here I am certain is in such overwhelming pain that it seems much too much to try work it out than it does to try end it.
I get you, I mean I can see you're sincere, you understand. It shouldn't be anything other this, no grandiose or anything of the sort. Ejecto seato cuz.


May 31, 2019
I took my friend to the doctors once as she started to feel very depressed. she lives abroad majority of the year. the doctor did a depression test and the result was moderate to severe depression. the doctor told my friend that she will prescribe two weeks of anti depressants and would like to see her again in two weeks. to which my friend replied ' I won't be In the country then, and I won't be back for about 6 months' the doctor said she couldn't prescribe that length of time and she needs frequent reviews , possible increase in dose etc. my friend declined her help. the doctor said to my friend, would you get on a plane with your leg broken and the the bones were pretrufing from your skin and she said no. and the doctor replied ' we'll thats the same as depression' . my friend still to this day hasn't received any therapy or meds for it and she's as depressed as ever.

I think it comes down to this, people cant see the damage so they dont believe its there , or as bad as we are saying.

Depression can naturally remit though with time and change in circumstances. In fact the studies show that depression in patients has become more chronic and treatment resistant the more we use meds.
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Jul 17, 2019
Depression can naturally remit though with time and change in circumstances. In fact the studies show that depression in patients has become more chronic and treatment resistant the more we use meds.
I agree sometimes its circumstantial , but she hasn't changed anything that was making her feel low. when I see my doctor he asks if I eat healthy, if I exercise, do I drink, smoke, take drugs etc. im doing everything I can to reduce how low I feel yet I still feel like I just want to die. I take quetiapine, prozac and pregabalin.
Kaiten Ryu

Kaiten Ryu

Sep 8, 2019
I was reading yesterday in PPH that this all came about with the rise of Christianity-- you are now beholden to an angry God and suddenly have all these social obligations, etc. In Athenian society, supposedly you could go to your apothecary down the street and he would give you a hemlock poison if you wanted to die.
Ofc, christianity need followers to "enforce" it's beliefs. I mean, a religion that promises eternal life in paradise unimaginable, why won't ppl want to go there faster!? No you have to live here, suffer and then maybe if you was ok you'd go, ugh. (was a born again christian, read the bible cover to cover 7 times by age 13, trust me rose tinted glasses are off)
I took my friend to the doctors once as she started to feel very depressed. she lives abroad majority of the year. the doctor did a depression test and the result was moderate to severe depression. the doctor told my friend that she will prescribe two weeks of anti depressants and would like to see her again in two weeks. to which my friend replied ' I won't be In the country then, and I won't be back for about 6 months' the doctor said she couldn't prescribe that length of time and she needs frequent reviews , possible increase in dose etc. my friend declined her help. the doctor said to my friend, would you get on a plane with your leg broken and the the bones were pretrufing from your skin and she said no. and the doctor replied ' we'll thats the same as depression' . my friend still to this day hasn't received any therapy or meds for it and she's as depressed as ever.

I think it comes down to this, people cant see the damage so they dont believe its there , or as bad as we are saying.
I commend you for being there for her bro, and for trying to help. If more ppl had friends like you depression would be kept at bay.
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May 31, 2019
I agree sometimes its circumstantial , but she hasn't changed anything that was making her feel low. when I see my doctor he asks if I eat healthy, if I exercise, do I drink, smoke, take drugs etc. im doing everything I can to reduce how low I feel yet I still feel like I just want to die. I take quetiapine, prozac and pregabalin.

For sure. I'm just not sure I agree with your doctors analogy of a broken leg and all that. Mainly because there isn't much science to suggest that treating depression aggresively with meds is very beneficial.
Kaiten Ryu

Kaiten Ryu

Sep 8, 2019
Depression can naturally remit though with time and change in circumstances. In fact the studies show that depression in patients has become more chronic and treatment resistant the more we use meds.
"The closer to the light you get, the greater your shadow becomes. In the end, darkness always wins."
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Jul 17, 2019
Ofc, christianity need followers to "enforce" it's beliefs. I mean, a religion that promises eternal life in paradise unimaginable, why won't ppl want to go there faster!? No you have to live here, suffer and then maybe if you was ok you'd go, ugh. (was a born again christian, read the bible cover to cover 7 times by age 13, trust me rose tinted glasses are off)

I commend you for being there for her bro, and for trying to help. If more ppl had friends like you depression would be kept at bay.
Well it kind of bit me in the ass so to speak as this year I suffered the loss of my parent and hit with the worst depression I ever had and she blocked me on facebook because I said I need to see her more when shes home.

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I think more and more people are committing suicide these days due to social media and pressure to be perfect.
I was on twitter for a short time and I became so depressed and suicidal because so many of the tweets was doom and gloom. I followed primarily conservative speakers or truth teller types. I had to quit and just avoid it so I don't have this stuff in my head and obsess about it. I like knowing what our government is up to behind the scenes but it's pretty scary, anxiety provoking stuff.
I am not mega rich but had a comfortable life but I still want to CTB.
I wouldn't. That would solve a lot for me lol!
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I empathize and share your sentiments @Kaiten Ryu. I believe a lot of it has to deal with religion, human nature (selfishness and greed), and of course government and society dictating what is valuable and what is not. Religion sells lies and fear that if one dies a certain way that is forbidden by said religion, then there will be suffering and consequences (I'm an atheist so this doesn't apply to me). Human nature always want more, nothing is ever enough. Government loses out workers and taxes from each non-contributing member to society. Society itself is afraid of seeing the truth (which is that life has no meaning, only the meaning that we inject to it) so by masking and burying the topic of death and suicide (making it a stigma, making it socially unacceptable, shaming people who even think or attempt to do so) it will no longer exist.

The world is mad, it's a clown world and it sucks. I'm only sticking around just to enjoy the decline and maybe etch out of meager existence for myself, but failing that and/or other circumstance, then I would not hesitate to end my own suffering.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Short answer: because of 'saint' Augustine of Hippo who fallaciously made it into a mortal sin by raping the bible and making it say what he wanted it to say. "Even the devil can quote scripture for his purpose" (Shakespeare, don't remember which play and am too lazy/tired to look it up).

That and psychiatry which desperately needed and needs to prove it 'saves lives' just like the other medical disciplines.
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Aug 19, 2019
Short answer: because of 'saint' Augustine of Hippo who fallaciously made it into a mortal sin by raping the bible and making it say what he wanted it to say. "Even the devil can quote scripture for his purpose" (Shakespeare, don't remember which play and am too lazy/tired to look it up).

That and psychiatry which desperately needed and needs to prove it 'saves lives' just like the other medical disciplines.

Nowadays I'm so furious with shinkery that I'd burn all the fuckers at their own stake.
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Aug 21, 2019
It's considered anti-social because it hinders the system (loss of a tax-payer, consumer, etc.)
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Sep 14, 2019
Personally i have a more tribal outlook on the subject. A loss of an individual can be tragic; loss of a hand in hunting and gathering, building, innovation, tribe defence and social development, counsel and the useful gifts/special traits of the individual. An individualistic, spiritually deprived and consumer oriented type of community that is content with automated and material convenience may easily forget the sanctity of the family and the human being.

Violence, disease, lingering mental illness, mockery, alienation, greed and indignity festers within a broken community.

Hope this makes sense


An Angel’s Broken Wings
Sep 26, 2018
It highlights how much wrong there is with the world and that is a hard reality that people don't want to face.
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Mar 21, 2019
It is easier to try to appease an un-confirmable supreme being and their doctrine as laid down by pious men than try to deal with harsh reality.


Every ounce of suffering is because of life
Jul 8, 2019
In 2017 the US government lost 31 billion dollars because of suicide. That's why it's not legal