
a defective cell
Jul 17, 2019
I'm seething. Why do some get it all and others get none? It seems to me that when a person is successful it tends to be not just in one aspect of life, but in all of them. 'These' people are so smart, so pretty, everyone loves them and of course, they're filthy rich. All in one, every freaking time! Why couldn't it be me?.. Or at least partially me? I'm so jealous.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Worse question: Knowing how hideously unfair life is, aren't people basically psychopaths for continuing to bring more defenseless children into it?
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May 31, 2019
Hundreds of milions out there suffering as well dude. People who have it all aren't really that many.
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Jun 25, 2018
"The just-world phenomenon is the tendency to believe that the world is just and that people get what they deserve. Because people want to believe that the world is fair, they will look for ways to explain or rationalize away injustice, often blaming the person in a situation who is actually the victim."
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Kikoo Loool

Kikoo Loool

Feb 25, 2019
I'm seething. Why do some get it all and others get none? It seems to me that when a person is successful it tends to be not just in one aspect of life, but in all of them. 'These' people are so smart, so pretty, everyone loves them and of course, they're filthy rich. All in one, every freaking time! Why couldn't it be me?.. Or at least partially me? I'm so jealous.

Life is just an accident in a pretty big random chemical reaction.
Consciousness is an accident in the story of evolution.
Fairness, wealth, love, nothing really exists.
Everything is pointless. Sorry, dude.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Life is just an accident in a pretty big random chemical reaction.
Consciousness is an accident in the story of evolution.
Fairness, wealth, love, nothing really exists.
Everything is pointless. Sorry, dude.
Isn't t amazing though, how our biology also evolved a predisposition toward belief in "meaning" and "spirituality", simply to aid our survival by constantly compelling us to search for some unattainable ideal existence? It's like we evolved the ability to hallucinate something that is not there, simply as a mechanism to make us keep tolerating the unbearable conditions of our actual existence. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy or the paradox of going back in time to bang your grandma and be your own grandpa... I'm not stoned enough, I can't say it right.
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
Its because we are set up from out childhoods..... Our temperments and perspectives.... The lucky ones are the one who did not have thier natural confidence, faith in self and optimism damaged out of them.... I believe we all come into the world perfect with all we need to thrive, but its nearly impossible not to have someone or something fuck it up..... Sure it can be changed, if we even know what the problem is--- But like myself at 40.... I'm like is it worth all the effort to change now? Can I really have it all? Is it really too late? Is my present condition fixed? People always say that we can make life fair for ourselves..... this may be true..... But without love why bother?
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Apr 27, 2018
Todays genetic deficiencies are tomorrows advantages ...or are coupled with them .
We personally suffer them , but our relatives / progeny / relatives progeny in a slightly different
environment may benefit .
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Jul 25, 2019
Never have been suicidal in my life, but did have bouts of depression/anxiety. Circumstances changed and facing a very serious health issue which changed that (25 y/o). Since this, I keep thinking back to one of my middle school teachers who would ask the class, "is life fair", to which we'd all shake our heads no. It was one of his favorite things to do to the class when we complained.
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Jul 9, 2019
From my studies in college, and observations, my outlook on what a society should be, and what's right, has taken a beating. I started off in life with ideals that leaned more conservative. I now believe that things like "what's right" are heavily dependent on circumstances. First of all, people will come down on issues in a way that favors them in some fashion, at least. And any effort towards making things go a certain way deliberately should be suspect. Any group with shared interests can't control what can happen for others, and vice-versa, and have it be freedom. In the case of the poor vs the rich this is still so when trying to help the poor. But, Hands Off economics is just the rich controlling things too. How we could make things "fair" is beyond me, and I think other people too. Anyone who is in control is going to have a bias. And freedom isn't being controlled. It must have been so much easier in human's earliest days. When it was small tribes. At lease in my vision. All could be taken care of, and all HAD to contribute. No one unnecessarily going without, and no one being a burden to the tribe because of taking without contributing without reason.
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Jul 6, 2019
Its because we are set up from out childhoods..... Our temperments and perspectives.... The lucky ones are the one who did not have thier natural confidence, faith in self and optimism damaged out of them.... I believe we all come into the world perfect with all we need to thrive, but its nearly impossible not to have someone or something fuck it up..... Sure it can be changed, if we even know what the problem is--- But like myself at 40.... I'm like is it worth all the effort to change now? Can I really have it all? Is it really too late? Is my present condition fixed? People always say that we can make life fair for ourselves..... this may be true..... But without love why bother?

This is exactly where I'm at right now. I couldn't have said it better. Thank you.
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
This is exactly where I'm at right now. I couldn't have said it better. Thank you.
Im glad to hear my words help you feel validated in a dark place.... The struggle is certainly real. The worst is when I start to feel better & try to cling to the misery so I have enough courage to execute my own death. I hate being in limbo... I want to create a life of love & happiness. Im just resentful that the tools to do so came so late in life & look so foreign. I need a morivation to live.... Life itself is just not enough and normal folks tend to be judgemental about that. They say "whetber u think u can or can't, your right..." ugh.... Still in a daily search for a sufficient reason to live or enough strength to carry out my death to completion. Hope my response isnt too morbid..lol
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Apr 5, 2018
♫ Maybe in another lifetime... ♫

I'd ask why life is so unadvantageous to me (because I probably wouldn't raise the question of inequality if I were to be at the top, because why would I?), and then, am I supposed to deal with this, keep playing the game that isn't worth my candles? This is an affront of the highest order! But maybe we aren't at the far bottom either since we want to do something about it.
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Jul 28, 2019
Short answer: Suffering is the nature of life.

Long answer: I'd say natural selection and evolution chooses who suffers more and who suffers less over the course of hundreds of generations only to benefit those who suffer less.(fairly one sided, right?)Those who suffer more gain true insight about life and those who suffer less gain more privilege over those who suffer more, effectively deciding the outcome of those who suffer more instead of leaving it to natural selection. One decade goes by and that pattern can never be rectified. And the world becomes flip flopped upside down where good people are treated bad and bad peoples are treated good. This world is completely opposite to the way it should be. In a sense, I blame the process of evolution itself. But specifically the ones to blame are the people that continue to perpetuate this delusional reality as the real one. The truth? Delusional people are more often than not corrct about their view of the world and non delusional people are oblivious to logic and rationality, thus they can't understand how "delusional" people could reach a vastly different outlook on the EXACT same world.

Conclusion: Natural selection is a greatly flawed system.
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Physically ill suffering couch potato
Jul 5, 2019
success isn't always a good recipe for happiness. A lot of celebrities with a lot of money and what looks like the perfect life are very depressed and a lot of them have a drug abuse.

I'm not good looking (average) I'm not filthy rich. But I had decent childhood, far from perfect but parents who loved me. A couple of years before my health problems my life looked very promising. I had a nice girlfriend, apartment in a large city, a good job with rather high salary, no physical or mental issues. I was happy with my life. But bad luck struck me.

I don't think happiness correlates so much with money and success. A good example is when you go to a developing country and stay at a really expensive hotel. It's a rather prominent contrast when you look at people staying there compared to the domestic people. You meet realy poor people on the streets, maybe that guy on the beach who sell you beverage and food. They have almost nothing but they seem genuine happy.

When you live with illness (either physical or mental) you understand that money isn't required to be happy. You don't need an expensive apartment, nice cars and clothes to be happy.

Someone want's to make a trade? Nice apartment (filled with nice furnitures and expensive electronics) in a larger European city, a decent amount of money, and the less sought for, a bad health which makes life a pain. (ps. not in this thread to discuss my health situation) What I wan't in this trade. A good health (minor ailments is ok) and a tenth, and I promise you I would would up in that tenth every morning with a smile on my face.
Stillness N Woe

Stillness N Woe

New Member
Jul 28, 2019
All the answers above are pretty spot on, but also social media. It places super unrealistic expectations on life and society just plays along like puppets. Stupid reality shows, fuckin celebrities and their narcissistic asshole behaviors.
Okay, this really is just a small teeny reason why life could be unfair to some, and it's for sure not why my life is to fuck but I thought I would add a different perspective.
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Nov 11, 2018
Life could be so beautiful and amazing and full of adventure but it's just been one long nightmare, no good memories, isolation, no seeming way to change anything. It's worse knowing that life could be really amazing but just isn't at all. I have sleeping dreams of having a social life and amazing adventures lately.

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