

Mar 4, 2024
You may have heard of the bell curve for IQ. The extreme on one side is mental retardation (unable to feed, cloth, look after yourself, etc) and the other end also involves mental instability - depression, anxiety, suicide, etc. I'm going to post a book that I read previously but one excerpt from the author (which I agree with) explains that any individual over 120 IQ would not want to bring children into a broken system/world. Statistics show that unintelligent people breed at an alarming rate which in turn causes society, infrastructure, education, etc to crack at the base.

Unfortunately you can't choose your IQ and it's genetic (or in rare cases a freak genetic mutation - savant syndrome as an example). Society caters to the masses so you are fresh out of luck and have to view the world to the wants and needs of the masses. "Normie" to me I would describe as lack of critical thinking. It's ironic that even people who have high IQ can be normies as lack of critical thinking leads to abuse (big example would be covid and forcing medical procedures without doing due diligence on the companies that are providing it).

From my personal experience you know the world is completely fucked when you take a MENSA IQ test just to confirm if high IQ with Autism has a big impact on having lifelong depression (guess it does at 131).

Anyways the book is called Curse of the High IQ by Aaron Clarey is anyone wants to pass some time (as that's all we can do - cope).

When the vast majority of the population make day time talk shows popular, worship The Kardasians, bow down to their favourite sports team and identify them as "we" you know we are truly fucked.

Oh and to the people who say "I'm not that smart", do the Mensa test and come back to me. Gas lighting throughout childhood can make you believe you are unintelligent but the environment and parental factor meant you never had a start.

Excerpt from the book:
To understand why this scathing condemnation is not a condemnation at all, but an accurate assessment of today's education system, we need to go back to the origins of the US (and to a lesser extent other countries') educational system(s). These origins hail from the Prussian model of education which consists of compulsory, government funded education from the ages of 5 to 13. This model was advocated in the 1840's by congressman Horace Mann who was largely successful in revolutionizing the American education system to the Prussian one. Though originally Prussian in nature, it was adapted to fit the industrial revolution, teaching children obedience, punctuality, rote rehearsal, and other skills that would help them be successful workers in factories, plants, mines, etc. But while this model did certainly help employ students, provide labor to the burgeoning American industrial revolution, and increase standards of living for many, there were two main drawbacks to this system.

Discussions and topics within - depression, lack of human contact, corruption, envy, mental instability, financial, anti-natalism, indoctrination (schools), resource hoarding and much more.

Conclusion : life is shit.
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Jun 2, 2024
Thanks for telling us about your IQ.
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
I often wonder if I was a little dumber if I would be less depressed and anxious. I'm by no means that smart, but it just seems like dumber people are happier in general.
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Mar 4, 2024
Thanks for telling us about your IQ.
That's what you took from all of this? I talk about society, animals, financial, depression, IQ, anti-natalism and I'd thought I'd put this out there if anyone wants something to do so they can cope if they want.

I get it, we all depressed. You don't need to mock me as that's what you perceive this thread is only about.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
IQ doesn't mean that much on an individual level, don't let it control your life. Really thinking "I'm high IQ so I'm too smart for life" is a really low IQ move, lol.

And 120 is just one standard deviation. If someone with an IQ of 120 is in a room with 100 random strangers somewhere around 5-12 probably have a higher IQ.

My father has to be the highest IQ person I personally know and he's happy with life and glad he had a son. There seems to be a weird thing where if you're in that above average IQ territory you think it makes you a different creature from your fellow humans and then people with really high IQs realize that's BS.
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concupiscent soul
Jun 5, 2024
incoming controversial thread
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Mar 4, 2024
IQ doesn't mean that much on an individual level, don't let it control your life. Really thinking "I'm high IQ so I'm too smart for life" is a really low IQ move, lol.

And 120 is just one standard deviation. If someone with an IQ of 120 is in a room with 100 random strangers somewhere around 5-12 probably have a higher IQ.

My father has to be the highest IQ person I personally know and he's happy with life and glad he had a son. There seems to be a weird thing where if you're in that above average IQ territory you think it makes you a different creature from your fellow humans and then people with really high IQs realize that's BS.
The average IQ in the UK is supposedly 99. The amount of Ponzi scheme adverts I get on YouTube ads is astounding (this is with Adblock turned on). It seems a lot of people are falling for it as they keep purchasing the advertising space. One is so brazen that he claims a "friend" was making £800 a day and then another advert with that same "friend" is advertising a casino slot company.

It's not about being too smart for life, it's about noticing more and delving deeper into the material.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
It's not about being too smart for life, it's about noticing more and delving deeper into the material.
And you know what, I can agree with that concept. I just object to taking it to the extreme of "lead[ing] to destruction."

If you have a high IQ, then on average mental health is going to be a bit more challenging in some legitimate ways, but they certainly can be overcome. The worst thing you can do is start noticing and delving into the material, then conclude life is shit and stop there because you think you (talking generally, not YOU specifically) must be right in that conclusion because you're high IQ. I'm saying keep digging deeper and accept that you may be being led astray by your knowledge of your place on the IQ bell curve.
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Mar 4, 2024
And you know what, I can agree with that concept. I just object to taking it to the extreme of "lead[ing] to destruction."

If you have a high IQ, then on average mental health is going to be a bit more challenging in some legitimate ways, but they certainly can be overcome. The worst thing you can do is start noticing and delving into the material, then conclude life is shit and stop there because you think you (talking generally, not YOU specifically) must be right in that conclusion because you're high IQ. I'm saying keep digging deeper and accept that you may be being led astray by your knowledge of your place on the IQ bell curve.
This is an interesting read:

I've been exposed to a lot of people in school (which was living hell) and in business (property market in the UK - dealt with charities, end users, corporates, developers and lots of different client nationalities - Japanese, Russian, European, Chinese, American). What I notice from the forum is a lot of people tend to have one or many of: bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, adhd, autism, etc. Just seeing that being at either end of the extremes of the bell curve puts you in really shitty positions. I don't know what it's like to be low IQ; I haven't experienced it and will never know. Sometimes I just observe threads and see that people are talking so much sense but everyone around them (not here, I'm talking within their actual family, friends, etc) are saying that they are wrong or shouldn't be thinking like that.

Some threads you see intelligent people doing "well" as their parents perceive but they end up making them fucking depressed because it isn't enough (according to the parents). This is throwing trauma and abuse into IQ related subjects but it's just a compounding of constant shit. Last year I had a company say my CV wasn't ideal because I was too "independent" in my work (having owned a business for 10+ years). Just to get a crummy shitty job you have to be a good little drone and be just intelligent enough to follow orders and commands.

Anyways everything is fucked. Maybe I get cancer a second time as having a mark checked on my face whether it's benign or not. Fuck all this constant shit and gas lighting.
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Jun 21, 2024
I tested at 144 as a kid but had ADHD so my parents suspected it was a lot higher. My folks didn't really have enough resources to fully support me, and my life was extremely traumatic. I was also wildly sensitive all the time.

I personally ended up not being able to take care of myself properly due to my skewed approach to life and my inability to manage my own mind. Therapists didn't help at all, and COVID and toxic relationships ended up leaving me unhealed in NYC. Eventually I spiraled out really badly.

By the time I OD'd on fucking cannabis to cause a seizure that collapsed my entire mental structure and gave me aphantasia, tinnitus, literally TV static thoughts, no access to my memories, etc after being able to visualize and dream and hold complex metaphysics and multidimensional space in my head, I had developed cPTSD, autism, generalized anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar II, borderline, and narcissistic.

If you're wildly smart, don't do drugs eh. You don't need them, life is high enough already.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Schizophrenia leading to IQ decline is interesting. I wonder how many people who flaunt their high IQ have had a decline since that score was recorded.

But right there in the summary it says "Depression and intelligence do not have a linear or causal relationship. Someone with a low, average, or high IQ can develop depression." (Emphasis mine). It does seem interesting and I will go through and read in more detail later. I'm working on a large post tangentially related in Recovery.

I've been exposed to a lot of people in school (which was living hell) and in business (property market in the UK - dealt with charities, end users, corporates, developers and lots of different client nationalities - Japanese, Russian, European, Chinese, American). What I notice from the forum is a lot of people tend to have one or many of: bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, adhd, autism, etc. Just seeing that being at either end of the extremes of the bell curve puts you in really shitty positions. I don't know what it's like to be low IQ; I haven't experienced it and will never know. Sometimes I just observe threads and see that people are talking so much sense but everyone around them (not here, I'm talking within their actual family, friends, etc) are saying that they are wrong or shouldn't be thinking like that.
Well. . . I'm going to take a stab that I don't 100% agree with the people "talking so much sense," but we can save those debates for another place. I'd also say that as with any secondhand telling, we're not getting the full arguments that their family/friends present, only what the poster took away from what they said. It's a developed skill to fairly represent someone's stance when they disagree with you. If you make it sound completely foolish then I'd say a good portion of the time you are not representing it accurately.

Some threads you see intelligent people doing "well" as their parents perceive but they end up making them fucking depressed because it isn't enough (according to the parents). This is throwing trauma and abuse into IQ related subjects but it's just a compounding of constant shit. Last year I had a company say my CV wasn't ideal because I was too "independent" in my work (having owned a business for 10+ years). Just to get a crummy shitty job you have to be a good little drone and be just intelligent enough to follow orders and commands.
Yeah that first part is me for sure. I definitely put more pressure on myself (and my parents did as well) throughout my life knowing my IQ. I'm realizing now how unfair that was but peeling off the trauma is taking a lot of time.

And as to the second thing, I'm sorry that happened. It is BS and I'll say that modern hiring trends and values are absolutely awful for still wanting people who went through the cookie-cutter path to get there. It's their loss.

Anyways everything is fucked. Maybe I get cancer a second time as having a mark checked on my face whether it's benign or not. Fuck all this constant shit and gas lighting.
Let's just get to "End of Days" already. Bring me some Armageddon.
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Randy Savage

Randy Savage

“Macho Man”
Jul 23, 2024
I think you are correct that very intelligent people are susceptible to mental instability, anti-natalism, and suicide, but I find your characterization of lower IQ people pretty reductive and almost mean spirited in a way. You speak as if the fact that most people are born average is the end of society…
The "normies" which you think are watching reality television and ostracizing all of the glorious thinkchads all day are actually just living a regular life, trying to support a family, and coping with the same stresses as you do. Plenty of lower IQ people (such as myself) are acutely aware of the horrible parts of society and suffer from depression, loneliness, and suicidal ideation. You're not special and untouchable because your "do the puzzles really fast!" test scored higher than the rest of us miserable bastards.
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Nov 5, 2022
Higher IQ means better nuclear weapons, so quite accurate it leads to destruction.
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Mar 4, 2024
I tested at 144 as a kid but had ADHD so my parents suspected it was a lot higher. My folks didn't really have enough resources to fully support me, and my life was extremely traumatic. I was also wildly sensitive all the time.

I personally ended up not being able to take care of myself properly due to my skewed approach to life and my inability to manage my own mind. Therapists didn't help at all, and COVID and toxic relationships ended up leaving me unhealed in NYC. Eventually I spiraled out really badly.

By the time I OD'd on fucking cannabis to cause a seizure that collapsed my entire mental structure and gave me aphantasia, tinnitus, literally TV static thoughts, no access to my memories, etc after being able to visualize and dream and hold complex metaphysics and multidimensional space in my head, I had developed cPTSD, autism, generalized anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar II, borderline, and narcissistic.

If you're wildly smart, don't do drugs eh. You don't need them, life is high enough already.
Absolutely rough. Can relate to a lot of things apart from the drugs aspect (never understood it so never delved into it). Went to an all boys school and some thought it was "cool" to smoke paper…. Yes as in A4 paper. After that was weed all the time. I know exactly what the smell is for weed and it just reminds me immediately of secondary school (similar to a trauma response).

Things are so fucking shit.
I think you are correct that very intelligent people are susceptible to mental instability, anti-natalism, and suicide, but I find your characterization of lower IQ people pretty reductive and almost mean spirited in a way. You speak as if the fact that most people are born average is the end of society…
The "normies" which you think are watching reality television and ostracizing all of the glorious thinkchads all day are actually just living a regular life, trying to support a family, and coping with the same stresses as you do. Plenty of lower IQ people (such as myself) are acutely aware of the horrible parts of society and suffer from depression, loneliness, and suicidal ideation. You're not special and untouchable because your "do the puzzles really fast!" test scored higher than the rest of us miserable bastards.
Don't worry, I don't like any humans in general. Probably why I blab on about animals all the time.

Side note: even though you say are lower IQ it doesn't seem to reflect on how you write and present contextual subjects. Similar to how an elephant when young is tied up with a bit of rope but when it becomes an adult it can't escape the rope (psychologically) as that's all it's ever been used to (even though it can easy tear it apart with the body weight).
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Mar 20, 2024
Side note: even though you say are lower IQ it doesn't seem to reflect on how you write and present contextual subjects.
..... it's almost like IQ tests are not definitive measures of a person's intelligence or potential.

These standarized tests have significant limitations and have been historically used to oppress and discriminate against various groups. IQ tests often fail to account for the full range of human intelligence and can be influenced by cultural, social, and educational factors.

The way someone writes and presents information can reflect a variety of skills and strengths that go way beyond what an IQ test measures. Intelligence is multifaceted and cannot be fully captured by a single number.

Do Better.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
The IQ test is highly controversial in the field of psychology to the point of most not agreeing with it almost entirely. It is a racist, classist, possibly even sexist test that also completely ignores almost any other fact relating to someone's intelligence other than logistical reasoning. Someone can score a low IQ because they weren't raised in a country where the questions are applicable to them. Someone can score low simply because they are a bad test taker. Someone can score lower than they should just because they didn't care and weren't trying. There are many other theories of intelligence that have a more positive basis in the scientific community. There have also been studies (I read about them when taking psychology for college but don't have the energy to go back and find the sources right now) stating that the link between poor mental health and high IQ are correlational not causational AKA not actually linked. Coming from someone with a supposed high IQ, I wouldn't bank too much of your money in blaming it on your unhappiness.
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Mar 4, 2024
Oh not the isms. Racist, classist, sexist? What? lol. I'm mixed but here's something that rings true: different races do have differences whether it's intelligence, facial features, bone structure, etc. You're talking as if I look at someone who is classed as disabled but someone plays the piano as perfect is less than human?

You grow up in a desert with lack of food, water, education and health and expect to do ok in life? The parents are selfish and moronic. And no, IQ won't do fuck all for that individual.

Some tests are different: some are verbal, some written, some pattern recognition, etc. I just did one that encompasses a lot of individuals and collates the data (Mensa). IQ is the lead cause of my unhappiness? Hmm maybe it's these things as well:

Cancer (maybe a second time in the coming weeks, fingers crossed I guess?)
Getting robbed at knife point constantly at a young age
School environment
Narcissistic parents
Undiagnosed issues (autism, depression, etc)
Not understanding social cues or groups
Doing the supposed "right" thing but being blamed by the person and/or group
Not allowed to express view points (political correctness sort of stuff).

I did well in my GCSEs like a good obedient little school worker. Guess the parental and teacher gas lighting worked to some extent.

Guess I can't talk to anyone then. Don't worry though I've been doing that for the last year or so. No conversations apart from this forum.

Next time tell me your IQ, race, class and gender so I can check whether I want to converse with you or not /s.
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Jul 23, 2022
It's the autism that fucks you up. When you are autistic, all other differences or deviations from conventional standards compound the psychic toll of autism.
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Country boy
Jul 15, 2024
I often wonder if I was a little dumber if I would be less depressed and anxious. I'm by no means that smart, but it just seems like dumber people are happier in general.
I think about this a lot. What am I using my intelligence for other than torturing myself? I'm so much better suited to my environment when I'm fucked up on something.


Jun 20, 2023
I don't have a strong stance on the issue, but I did recently come across this piece arguing the opposite.

And 120 is just one standard deviation. If someone with an IQ of 120 is in a room with 100 random strangers somewhere around 5-12 probably have a higher IQ.
This is a good point. IIRC 120 is the average IQ of an American undergraduate in STEM (and it sounds a lot less impressive when it's said like that).

You could have a high IQ and use it to identify or craft arguments (perhaps subconsciously) that simply confirm your biases and dogmas post-hoc (as opposed to using it to seek the truth). And you can be (relatively) low-IQ and possess a consciousness of your knowledge gaps that allows you to have a more open mind, and a desire to learn, which in turn would lead to having more accurate beliefs about the world. So even if there is a correlation between mental illness and IQ I don't think that would necessarily constitute evidence for depressive realism (or something).
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Higher IQ generally correlates with lower suicidality, but in autistics it's inverted. There're a few studies on it

According to this study, "autistic children are almost six times more likely to have thoughts of suicide if they have an IQ of 120 or higher than if they have average IQ."

As for why, I'd guess it's because the combination worsens the typical autistic experience, making for a very nasty existence- treated differently, often bullied or taken advantage of, isolated, not getting as much pleasure or fulfillment in the things others do, gifted kid burnout syndrome, generally not getting as far in life, burdening loved ones, and being fully aware of all that happening.
It's the autism that fucks you up. When you are autistic, all other differences or deviations from conventional standards compound the psychic toll of autism.
tl;dr- this
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Jun 21, 2024
Substance use for me was a decent way to self regulate. It didn't help, though, that my parents are drinkers, so I started out seeking things to regulate from an early age.


Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
I knew that suicides increase at the extremes of IQ, that is too high or too low, in the middle they are lower.
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May 29, 2023
When the vast majority of the population make day time talk shows popular, worship The Kardasians, bow down to their favourite sports team and identify them as "we" you know we are truly fucked.
I don't think this has any strong linkage (if any at all) with intelligence. It is only a reflection of culture .


Jun 21, 2024
I don't think this has any strong linkage (if any at all) with intelligence. It is only a reflection of culture .
Eh, I think junk information has a lot to do with the average intelligence of a population. TikTok, low quality ads, annihilation of nature and the introduction of irregular weather patterns, generative AI, misinformation, doomerism... It's like static, ends up driving people mad and leads to crackery like conspiracy theories.

Also, cheap popular media and music has dulled folks' minds as well imo.
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Jul 11, 2024
I've never taken an IQ test so don't know what it entails. I do have a family member in Mensa and she's in her 70's financially struggling and manipulated by people due to her high empathy. I don't know much about her upbringing, I assume there was a narcissist.

There's many other factors at play. Socio-economic class is a big one along with family cohesion. Things like narcissistic abuse can drastically reduce the performance of someone that would otherwise have high aptitude. Gaslighting and neglect ruined me despite having a good career run for a time.

Anti-natalism is a unique phenom amongst the western educated middle class. IDK what they teach in the colleges but it seems like there's an element of standardized indoctrination. So while "higher education" became more accessible to the middle class the quality of that education has been diminished. Also, like you said the poors have little concern about population control. They don't wait until they have financial security before having children. The uber rich will have planned offspring to pass along intergenerational wealth. The poors will continue as they do. The middle class will be drastically trimmed down due to automation and AI effectively making for a two tiered society. The uber rich will have access to healthy food, clean water, advanced medical care and their life expectancy will increase while the poors will be given junk food, pollutants and turbo cancers. In the next 100 years the rich will live to 120 and the poor to around 60. In this way the rich will live as god-men over the serfs and the humans will be bifurcated into two separate socio-economic species that will even look different due to nutrition.


May 28, 2021
I tested at 144 as a kid but had ADHD so my parents suspected it was a lot higher. My folks didn't really have enough resources to fully support me, and my life was extremely traumatic. I was also wildly sensitive all the time.

I personally ended up not being able to take care of myself properly due to my skewed approach to life and my inability to manage my own mind. Therapists didn't help at all, and COVID and toxic relationships ended up leaving me unhealed in NYC. Eventually I spiraled out really badly.

By the time I OD'd on fucking cannabis to cause a seizure that collapsed my entire mental structure and gave me aphantasia, tinnitus, literally TV static thoughts, no access to my memories, etc after being able to visualize and dream and hold complex metaphysics and multidimensional space in my head, I had developed cPTSD, autism, generalized anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar II, borderline, and narcissistic.

If you're wildly smart, don't do drugs eh. You don't need them, life is high enough already.
One can't develop autism later in life; it's something one is born with. Likewise, it's not possible to develop a personality disorder as a result of a strong cannabis high. I'd bet that the schizophrenia/bipolar (maybe schizoaffective?) illness(es) you suffer were simply latent and manifested as a result of your use, as what you're describing is an extreme and unusual response to marijuana. Schizophrenia can socially present similarly to autism, so maybe that's why you think you developed the latter. It's also possible you used some type of synthetic weed, which can have very bad effects.


Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
As for why, I'd guess it's because the combination worsens the typical autistic experience, making for a very nasty existence- treated differently, often bullied or taken advantage of, isolated, not getting as much pleasure or fulfillment in the things others do, gifted kid burnout syndrome, generally not getting as far in life, burdening loved ones,
Such a shame. Hopefully we can make our society more flexible for more types of thought patterns and habits. I'm hoping as generations have more exposure they will be more accepting.

and being fully aware of all that happening.
I see a lot of autistic people acting like they aren't aware. . . which is even more sad, because they've been backed into the corner where they have to press down dealing with the feelings from those experiences.


long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Such a shame. Hopefully we can make our society more flexible for more types of thought patterns and habits. I'm hoping as generations have more exposure they will be more accepting.

I see a lot of autistic people acting like they aren't aware. . . which is even more sad, because they've been backed into the corner where they have to press down dealing with the feelings from those experiences.
Hopefully, but I dunno how feasible it is. As-is, things are pretty bleak.

"Here, across three studies, we find that first impressions of individuals with ASD made from thin slices of real-world social behavior by typically-developing observers are not only far less favorable across a range of trait judgments compared to controls, but also are associated with reduced intentions to pursue social interaction. These patterns are remarkably robust, occur within seconds, do not change with increased exposure, and persist across both child and adult age groups. However, these biases disappear when impressions are based on conversational content lacking audio-visual cues, suggesting that style, not substance, drives negative impressions of ASD. Collectively, these findings advocate for a broader perspective of social difficulties in ASD that considers both the individual's impairments and the biases of potential social partners."

tl;dr NTs instinctively dislike and exclude us within seconds of meeting regardless of what we say or do.

I don't know if society is capable of removing biases that deeply ingrained. We literally seem inhuman to them
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Hopefully, but I dunno how feasible it is. As-is, things are pretty bleak.

"Here, across three studies, we find that first impressions of individuals with ASD made from thin slices of real-world social behavior by typically-developing observers are not only far less favorable across a range of trait judgments compared to controls, but also are associated with reduced intentions to pursue social interaction. These patterns are remarkably robust, occur within seconds, do not change with increased exposure, and persist across both child and adult age groups. However, these biases disappear when impressions are based on conversational content lacking audio-visual cues, suggesting that style, not substance, drives negative impressions of ASD. Collectively, these findings advocate for a broader perspective of social difficulties in ASD that considers both the individual's impairments and the biases of potential social partners."

tl;dr NTs instinctively dislike and exclude us within seconds of meeting regardless of what we say or do.

I don't know if society is capable of removing biases that deeply ingrained. We literally seem inhuman to them
Well. . . I don't quite know what to say because I don't want to delve into the territory of saying I understand when I can't, but maybe ASD doesn't bother me because I've felt like an outcast at times in life. Or, maybe I have a reaction and I don't realize it.

I will say that if I know someone is autistic, if anything it just makes them interesting to me, but I like learning about people who think differently than me. I'm weird, but I'd personally like it if someone with Autism or similar would just tell me right away so I know and I can try to accommodate. But with bias like that I can get why they wouldn't want to.
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