

Feb 4, 2024
Why is it so hard to find help?? If i want any type of help to not make me feel like i'm going ctb at any inconvenience in my life (I'm genuinely on the edge i cant do this any more) i have to be dramatic about it? For someone to actually believe i'm going do it? I have show time and time again that I'm clearly not okay i have had times when i have tried to ctb but have been stopped PPL HAVE STOPPED ME yet nobody seems to either believe I'm actually going do it or just doesn't want to help me?? I know i sound like someone trying to do it for attention or at lest when i said this to someone they said thats what i sound like but i'm not I'm struggling and just trying to get help? I have been feeling like this for years with no help i feel like it's understandable to why i feel like I might ctb at anything that goes wrong anymore?? But still i don't understand why nobody believes me.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
A lot of people don't know how to help that's one issue.

Another is that now days things like TikTok are flooded with SH and suicidal ramblings that people are desensitised to it all.

Even for myself it's hard to tell one day to the next if I want to CTB. We are never sure or serious ourselves so we can't really expect other people to believe us I think.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
A lot of people go into denial when they don't know how to deal with something, or if they feel overwhelmed. There's not much even professionals can do with some kinds of chronic suicidality, and the average schmuck is hopelessly in over their head.

That's how people can sincerely say: "Oh, he told everyone he wanted to kill himself for 30 years. Nobody thought he would really do it."

Then everyone nods sagely, and does not say: "You drove past THIRTY YEARS of red flags without batting an eye. How exactly is it that you're shocked NOW, you potato?"

Tl;dr: This sounds like a them thing and not a you thing.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Sadly, I think it's like that book: 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. People will ignore even very serious threats if they hear them over and over. They go on experience I suppose- they probably think- they keep threatening to do this but don't do it. Not that they want you to but maybe they just don't know how to respond.

A friend of mine has been texting for probably a few years now that- things are the worst they've ever been. Of course, I feel awful for them but ultimately- it's them who has to change their life. I can and usually do give them sympathy but- I don't know what more I can say. I feel even more sorry for you this week than last week and the week before and the month before and three years ago? How much more can you express how bad you feel for someone with words?

If you have specific things you want them to help you with- maybe it would be better to say that. eg. 'I think therapy might help me but I'm so afraid of the process- do you think you could give me some support trying to find someone?' Sometimes it isn't obvious to people how to help us. In the past- I've said to my Dad- 'I'm not looking for solutions. Sometimes, it just helps me to vent and get it out.' I think people also need to sometimes be guided in how to help.

How would you like them to respond? Is it that they used to respond like that but don't now, or have they never taken it seriously? Of course- it is serious though but also- if you want to reach out for help- while it would be nice to receive it from friends and family, sometimes we do just have to find therapists etc. on our own. Not all families are supportive of that kind of thing. I hope you do receive the support you deserve from somewhere though.
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life is a highway and i wanna wreck my car
Jun 24, 2023
I believe you. I certainly believe you're in a lot of pain, and hopefully you will be able to resolve this by whatever way is comfortable for you. I support you and really hope you feel it and are at least a little happier
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Mar 4, 2024
I spent many years trying to figure out how the minds of toxic people work until January 2020 when the youtube algorithm started showing me videos of psychologists explaining Narcissistic Personality Disorder and I've watched them every day since and gotten an education. I now understand that narcissism is the true definition of clinical insanity and root of all evil. It's mind bending for decent people trying to understand it, but doing so reveals the source of a great majority of our personal struggles and the trouble in the world. It's massively complicated and too much to explain in a simple comment, so I just advise people to go watch those psychologists themselves. Search youtube for narcissism and look for actual doctors because there's all kinds of channels and a lot of them don't speak with the credibility of PhDs.

Just one symptom of narcissism is cynicism and doubt. They are liars, manipulators, and cheaters, and believe everybody else is like them because they cannot imagine any other way of thinking but their own and assume they are right about everything and CANNOT be convinced otherwise. They believe everybody constantly lies like they do and impulsively accuse you of it when you are preaching truth.

An example I give is recently watching a video of the band Slayer's first performance and a comment saying "I went to high school with Slayer's drummer and he told me he was in a band but I didn't believe him." Why would you doubt something like that? Decent people who take things seriously and believe people have a hard time understanding why some people are so full of doubt, but that's what narcissist do. They constantly doubt EVERYTHING they hear, not because they have evidence that people are lying but because they think everybody is B.S.ing because everything they say is B.S.

I struggled my entire life to understand why people constantly cast doubt on everything I say when I am a "truthteller" who avoids B.S.ing as much as possible, and now I finally understand. A LOT of people are clinically insane and the insanity is chronic negativity which honest people struggle to understand, much less even realize exists. Just know that when they doubt you will kill yourself, it isn't because they are smart reasonable people who just need convincing, but rather hopelessly lost in a psychological darkness far worse than the pain you're suffering that's making you want to kill yourself, of which doubt is just one of an endless list of terrible symptoms,. They are completely detached from reality, completely unreasonable, and will never be convinced of anything because that's how broken they are. They will convince you they're perfect and happy but it is to hide the fact that they suffer from inner turmoil rooted in self loathing from the day they're born till the day they die and are incapable of ever knowing true joy, love, or accomplishment. They are incapable of coping with this pain and thrust it onto everybody else like a hot potato just to hide from it, and this is the cause of a great deal of your pain. They are bullies, and the better person you are, the worse they abuse you, turning you against yourself, and turning others against you in the process just so that nobody ever figures out that they are actually the problem.
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