1.) theres only one party, corporatism.
2.) voluntarily allowing to leave a rigged system (read: world) isn't profitable. not even gonna go into morality because coporations are run by sociopaths. eaiser to extract wealth from a living slave spinkling hope every now and again than a dead one.
3.) A criteria will eventually be set up because that always happens. terminally ill? mental problems? young? old? lol imagine being on a waiting list, than imagine how long its be. lol like being on death row.
FullCircle, xalltoowell, theguineapigking and 1 other person
How many times have you heard someone say, "well, it's your life and it's up to you what you want to do with it"
Well, unfortunately that applies to everything except the removal of it...pure double standard if you ask me
Bzrluvtriangle, xalltoowell and Close_to_freedom
You'd have to be careful with allowing euthanasia for the mentally ill, as some mental illnesses, not all, rob the sufferer of being able make rational decisions about their well being.
Compared to the wealth of the government, I imagine people being on disability isn't a massive drain, and you use that to pay for food and other things that keep the system turning, so you being able to shop for those things keeps the wheels spinning doesn't it?
Liberalism is a funny way of life. I am open to all your ideas and know you have the right to run your life as long as those ideas and life adhere to my way of thinking. Not to mention liberals are no different then conservatives: I am only here for the money.
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