Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
For example, why do you suppose some pilots decide to suicide and take a whole load of unknown passengers with them? Do you suppose it's just desperation- what they had to hand in the moment? Or, do you think it's a general hatred towards society they are expressing? I find murder/suicides in cold blood massively distressing.

Do you think they must be mentally ill? Does all murder require a mental imbalance? Surely cold blooded murder must require a callous mind. But then, what's 'normal'? We probably wouldn't call an animal a murderer. I suppose it's when we behave in a way different from the 'norm'.

It's still kind of weird to my mind that courts and judges will try to insist on culpability towards a criminal because they have capacity. They fully realised what they were doing. Which I suspect in the majority of cases is true. Yet, the reverse is the case for suicide. They seem to try to say we aren't in fact mentally capable of realising what we're doing.
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Jul 25, 2024
Theres been a few murder suicides of mothers and fathers and their families recently on the news. I would suppose for them, it would be the overwhelming stress and situation they are in with no way out, maybe financial stress, family trauma, relationship troubles, etc. Not all the times, it would be just "mental illness".

They probably seek help and understanding from their family and friends, only to be shut down or called weak or hopeless. Many fathers I presume, can't openly express their troubles as they are conditioned to appear strong and opening up would appear weak, so they express it through anger. That then starts a vicious emotional cycle in the relationship dynamic with their kids and partners. Some want to be just understood and seek help, but they only get more frustrated as they realise the people closest to them don't care or don't understand their troubles/difficulties at all.

So then maybe, they realise instead of convincing others of their pain (to no avail), its better to let them experience what they are going through via harming others. Or since they realise there is no more hope and no way out, it might be a method to send a final message or to let all their anger out.

It reminds me of that saying of heroes and villains in movies. They are both created from trauma and difficulty, but the way they approach it is different. Heroes protect others because they don't want others to suffer what they went through. While villains make others suffer to make them understand the pain or stop the pain they are going through (or will go through).
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
There's difference whether our deeds affect others (e.g. take their lives = murder) or if we just take our own life. That only affect close family members (mentally) but doesn't harm them physically. I think you refer to that GermanWings flight about 10 years ago or so. Probably in those minutes this copilot took the chance and he didn't care about anything happening around him anymore. He just took the chance - now - and it was a sure and quick death from his POV.

It's hard to say what actually happened in his brain when we didn't measure what happened exactly during his deed.
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