

May 22, 2019
🥺While beavers are trying to knock down trees, they stop for a few seconds and listen to the crackling sounds coming from the tree. If the sounds become too much, they move away and wait for the tree to fall.

The face gesture he makes 😭💛 and chunkiness😃☺️🤗
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One day, ill be free
Apr 25, 2024
This made me smile :) Can't argue with a professional like this cute specimen, cute face gestures are required.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
Yes, that round shape and button eyes. :3
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
This is so cute. I'm sure there's some animalistic explanation as to why they do that. Maybe that wasn't a posted camera and it was a person recording the beaver and he was a frightened, but had to go about his business anyway. They're in a hurry by god... Lord I would coo at them in person, but if they took one step towards me, I'd be-a running for the hills screechlin' like a banchee, "Killer Beaver!" That was happened with the armadillies🥺😓 (That's what I call them.) Those bitches will chase you😳

I had to learn about beavers for a project in grade school. You'd think I would why they do that... Had to make a fake one with a habitat. Found a chipmonk, colored the teeth with yellow marker, and my mom sewed a brown tail wrapped around a piece of a hanger for a tail. Aww... and I just watched Lady and the Tramp too, and I forgot about the cute beaver and his whistling lisp😄

(I had no idea what this thread could be, especially since my blindass thought that emoji was a bird... Thought it was code for "dirty bird" and this was about people's bad "O" faces😳😯 or something🤨)
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
I am Polish, so it is my responsibility to publish this video:
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Mar 4, 2024
I am Polish, so it is my responsibility to publish this video:

I hate people for this reason. It's no different than pissing off another human for some random reason. You're bored so you decide to hound an animal? Fuck people.

Closest species we've got to this near London (at the sanctuary) are some ferrets. Very different but we don't have beavers here :(
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