

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Because I don't see what is so good and valuable about existing to justify the view that people must carry on suffering, we only exist in the first place because people were selfish and cruel enough to procreate.
All that existence does is create problems there was never a need for, existence just causes harm and is ultimately responsible for all suffering with no limit as to how much one can suffer.

I see the right to die as the most basic human right. It's important and compassionate to have the option to escape from this objectively hellish existence we were unfortunate enough to enslaved in no matter the person and their situation, so therefore I'm very much against suicide gatekeeping and believing that people should be forced to suffer if they want to die.

Insisting that people must suffer when they want to die is such a cruel and disgusting view to me, there's nothing irrational about wanting to die, in fact it makes so much sense to me wishing to be at peace, with all future unnecessary suffering prevented. The thought of ceasing to exist comforts me, nobody can be harmed by it after all, I only wish for the absence of everything.

Not everyone worships meaningless and pointless suffering, in fact I'd prefer to leave this existence sooner than later and it really feels like I've been trapped here for such a long time as I'm close to 23. Only non-existence is perfection to me, I cannot stand those who assume that existence is automatically a desirable state for everyone, in my case I'd always prefer to not exist.
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Unwitting Baas
Sep 18, 2023
For most of us here yeah, that's true. But remember that most people don't literally look at it as a need to suffer; they're just too ignorant to realize that most people in the world are living lives that are indeed filled with suffering. They're too sheltered and dumb to realize that happiness and satisfaction are privileges that most can't afford.

I myself have lived a very privileged life, but visiting sites like this has really opened my eyes to the suffering that so much of the world endures. It's made me greatly respect the right to die that should be guaranteed to everyone on earth, but it's also made me realized how deeply brainwashed most people are into believe life is inherently sacred. It's not, and we should respect those who don't wish to abide by the rules of life.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
People believe that you should suffer as you should be grateful for:
a) being born into this world and
b) being born into the best time in human history
People want everybody to suffer, that's undeniable. They justified suffering so much, even saying that life would be boring without suffering. It's sickening
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Jan 2, 2023
I feel terrible for minors who are forced to suffer. I'll never take the risk of bringing children into this world. I've gotten backlash after saying that minors should be able to receive euthanasia if their suffering is severe and untreatable. I'm made to look like a monster. Society is more concerned with whether someone dies than its concerned with intolerable suffering. It has got things back to front.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I don't necessarily think they want people to suffer. Bear in mind- they don't see life like you do. Either they aren't suffering at all in their own lives or- they are but they still see life as being worth it. So- effectively- they're not sadistically insisting that person stay and be tortured here. They are surely more likely projecting their view of the world onto that person- ie. Once you get 'better' and start thinking like me- you'll be ok. Better than ok- you'll start to enjoy life again.

Also bear in mind that I'd say you are in a minority in that you insist you've never enjoyed life. I'd say most people have at least one happy moment or more- they may have actually been a reasonably happy person before they became suicidal. So for outsiders and- especially those who care about them- of course they want to see them back to their old self again. They want to see them happy but they may not see how unrealistic that is.

That I'd say is where the problem lies is- they don't realise how hard that is for some people. For some it's near on impossible I imagine. Plus- a lot of suicidal people have simply lost the will to even try anymore. In which case- sadly, the likelihood is they will just stay here and suffer- but I don't think that's the pro-lifers intention- unless they truly are a selfish piece of work!

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