
Oct 11, 2019
The old narrative "people who commit suicide are losers". No, people who make someone's life hell, pro lifers who tries to act like they are such saints but are sadists in reality, dumb fucking idiots who put someone who is already suicidal down are the ones who are the biggest fucking loser. Someone once told, if you really wanted to commit suicide you would be doing it by now, bitch FUCK OFF, a suicidal person has the right to care about the method, it's the single last act. If someone wants to end it peacefully, it is their FUCKING choice.
I tell you the amount of cruelty that is shown to people who are suicidal is disgusting.
Ii fucking hate it. I hate it.
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Jul 25, 2020
I have the answer. Let me tell you, I've been lurking the internet for this type of psychology for a looong time. I've been so obsessed in fact, that I have it all in detail what it's about.

There are a few components that I'm leaving out but at it's core it's projection. People love to project shit unto others. Whether it's concious or unconcious. It's just human nature (I know human nature f**ing sucks..) Essentially, all people are cowards. Some are just better than others to disguise it in one shape or another. There are few exceptions, those with extreme life experiences and are ready to die in any kind of way, any moment. But those people are rare.

So basically, if the persons fear are death, they will project stuff saying like "You f**ing coward, do it!" - Because their fear is so deeply rooted and the release is so great that they'll do and say anything to make that pressure lift. It's sickening to the stomach but hey, humans are.

Let two humans in a room together with a knife and you'll be surprised what they'll do to eachother (quoted by Rosalio Reta)

Oh I forgot, you know in real wars? Some soldiers get so scared they are for an example, digging a foxhole with their bare hands.

They say that fear is contagious between humans so basically, what it means, is that if one human sees another human that is scared to death, he himself will be aswell. That's why you see so many people shun away from you the moment you open up about your depression etc. They are scared to death of feeling depressed themselves. They don't care about anyone else but themselves. Humans are like that.

Showing fear in war is killing the troops, one by one. That's why it's prohibited to show it.
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