Completely off topic, but just wanted to say that i love the album you have used for your profile pic. Hunter and Bloodhail are my two favourite tracks
Wow!! Thank you so much! Yeah, it truly is a well-made album. I agree, btw—amazing tracks.
Say, have you read the Deathconsciousness booklet? That details the inspirations for the lore seen in those two tracks. I think the entire story of "the Hunter" in that booklet is pretty interesting. It's from page 32 to 37 of the booklet if you find a PDF of it online (pretty easy to; and if you can't feel free to shoot me a convo message & will send you a link.)
And also, if you're looking for more music recs—can't recommend Radiohead enough. Especially Kid A.
I think one of the beautiful things about music; is giving us language to understand feelings we don't know how to make sense of. It turns the incomprehensible in us into something recognizable. And that, to me; is something very very beautiful and very very powerful. It gives us another shot to realize what's happening within ourselves, and at least—even for a moment—break out of numbed confusion we submerge in during feeling; that confusion that can be—from being so submerged that reason ceases to be within reach, from the pure strain on our finger nerves.
Would also love to talk music & anything at all in DM's or private convo messages as well; even feel free to post on my profile page, as well—if that works better for you. Take care!
it's so subjective and only my experience with the one person i spoke to on there for like two/three months, but i really hated it when i tried it. it just felt like idk, it's hard to explain but they just basically validated me with all my unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. honestly it felt kinda fucked up and almost like they were feeding me to good brain chemicals and validations to keep my paying. (ended up validating and encouraging my almost obsessive crush on some girl and it spiralled out of control and ended up basically ruining all my other friendships too while following the "advice" that i paid for
I'm so sorry to hear that. That's
awful. They basically screwed you over by giving you trash advice. You deserve the right to better advice [than that]. I really do hope you are able to heal from that and live a better life after that, and perhaps also find actually legitimate care in the future. Best of luck <3
also at least for me it lacked the in person feel too so i could just bs them completely and they'd not know any different.
Yeah, I might imagine body-language is a factor in effectiveness of therapy as well—them being able to body-read and all that. I've heard things like "vast majority of human communication is non-verbal"—and while I don't know that for sure—I can certainly admit that there
are things communicated vis-a-vis [face-to-face], things that can be picked out & picked up in-person, that can't be discerned over sole text.
so yeah would not recommend them (sorry this turned into a bit of a ramble or rant agains[t] them
Nah, you're good. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I've heard from some minor sources (I will certainly not vouch for [the authenticity of] this; I merely skimmed the web for these details), that BetterHelp may also hire non-therapists in addition to therapists for it's work (such as mental health counselors, social workers, etc) so maybe your horrific experience was from one of those instead. But who knows, anything's possible.
I really do hope that there are better alternatives for online therapy available. I really do hope that people who are burned by BetterHelp are able to find
actually adequate care for themselves; and are not turned off to all forms of therapy completely. People take as therapists
should be trained therapists; just my own slice of cake on this.
i feel like their help just took my money and made shit worse
Take the money and run
Take our money and run, take our money
—Idioteque, Radiohead