

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I find it so absurd how death is seen by so many as the worst possible outcome despite it being the only way to find permanent relief from all suffering. I see death as being a positive thing, in fact the thought of ceasing to exist is all that comforts me, I see suicide as self care, it's a rational solution to prevent all future suffering.

And once one dies all they know will be gone and forgotten about, and we are all just waiting around to die anyway so I don't think it makes much sense seeing death as so bad. All that causes one to suffer is ultimately as a result of existence in the first place, and once one dies they lose the ability to suffer so I envy those people.

No matter what I'll always see it as better to not exist which is why I hate how we exist in this society when death is seen as the worst tragedy to prevent even when people really want to die on their own terms. I especially cannot stand all the pro-life preaching which tries to push the view that contining to exist is always preferable even know such a thing is so futile and harmful.

As long as one exists there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented, so if one is incapable of being conscious and aware in this hellish reality then I don't get how that's supposedly so bad. It repulses me how humans worship and glorify suffering so much to the point that they push the idea that wanting death means there is something wrong with the individual, when in reality the true problem lies in existence.
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carried away by a moonlight shadow
Aug 25, 2021
because they like exist?


Jul 29, 2021
some people have lives worth living through some are just blessed to never have anything go wrong in their life

A child never gives its consent to be dragged kicking and screaming into this reality, and forcing it to is unconscionable.
The only certainty in life is death, The most terrifying thing to a human is death. By bringing a child into the world, you force another being into a form of existential bondage where it is perpetually frightened of and certain of its own impending death. It's completely unjustifiable.
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This is a Junly moment
Nov 10, 2023
Because this site represents people who think differently than the rest of society. Society hasn't failed those other people, nor have they had such a horrid life so as to feel suicidal. We have, though, and that's what makes us feel that way. It's as simple as that.

People here tend to feel this way towards other people, wondering how they deal with life, and the only answer is that they just do, because they're not you or I. They enjoy it, we don't. There is no simpler way to break it down.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Some people enjoy their life enough to be upset about it ending. Others are scared of the unknown aspect of death. They may fear an afterlife or possible punishment. They may fear no afterlife. There's the obvious instinctual reaction to avoid danger too.

I think a lot of people fear losing loved ones more than their own death. If you haven't experienced deep grief then- you're not going to understand it. For people who lose their lifelong partners, parents who lose their children, children who lose their parents- it can feel like the bottom has dropped out of your world. Everything you shared with them. The uniqueness that was them. The unique way they saw you- all gone in an instant. Some people on this site are suicidal because they have lost someone. They may have felt like they were the only person who knew them. It can be utterly devastating for some people. Like a part of them died too.

People feel differently about death because they don't experience life as you do. From your perspective- your worldview makes complete logical sense. Other people may not be so sure about things though. They may not be certain that there's nothing after life. Plus- plenty of people do have people in their life they would be afraid and sorry to lose. Ultimately, we're selfish and social creatures.

Plus- something you do relate to- people are scared about the process of death. How much pain and fear will be involved. How long it will go on for. What if some do-gooder comes along and 'saves' you? That can be just as disruptive during a natural medical emergency than as a suicide. People may actually feel more comfortable with death if they knew for certain it would be quick and painless. People tend to associate death with old age, illness and suffering as well. Who wants that?
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Seered Doom

Seered Doom

A nihilist going through an unrelinquished Hell
Sep 9, 2023
While I see death as a natural outcome that's the biggest action/reaction to life. As for broader society? I would say that they are either (A) brainwashed under the chants and anthem of life being worthwhile no matter what or (B) lost in their own doubts and haven't made a decisive conclusion like any of us have. I used to be in the B group before I found this place which allowed me to see that I wasn't going nuts in what I think and others see things in my pov as well, including you, FC!
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
Because humanity is conditioned into believing that death is to be feared at all cost, which is paradoxical because we know intellectually that we all eventually cease and yet governments and religion is often the reason why so many people die needlessly through poverty, wars, neglect, etc. We invented the ' gods' to appease and reward the believers and punish the sinners with eternal damnation. Many people see themselves as Dead when they die which adds further curiosity when in fact, when you die, you cease. This is how I overcame my fear of death. When we accept that we are part of nature's impermanence, there's nothing more to fear because theres nothing to avoid. We become part of the soil until planet earth implodes and we become cosmic stardust once more.
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Apr 13, 2023
It's an interesting question. Life is seen as sacred. And I personally don't know if the act of suicide means no peace on the other side because it goes against life/ nature. I mean it shouldn't mean being suffering on the other side. Because life can just take people to unbareable, unliveable places, like what I'm in now.

Pretty much all of my community think that if I commit then I'll suffer on the other side. I fucking hate it when people say that shit to me. But i am scared they might be right. I don't know what's on the other side but I do fear this.

I do believe life is sacred and to be cherished as such. BUT what can those people do who are suffering so much. Also the act of suicide is painful so I guess that's another reason people see it as bad.

I wonder if humans and animals need to be designed to fear death otherwise people would be leaving all the time.

I do hope those people who commit are in peace on the other side. But I'll never know.

Just some thoughts.

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