

No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Why do highly successful people lack empathy, people who never faced any adversity in life? These people often will claim that theyre successful only because of hard work, and bootstraps. And anyone who is poor, is simply a lazy slacker. Anyone who is depressed is simply lazy, or should "cheer" up. Does born into extreme wealth make you less empathetic? Did anyone have the same experience, that the most "successful" people are often the least empathetic? Especially if they were born with a silver spoon?
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Aug 21, 2019
Why do highly successful people lack empathy, people who never faced any adversity in life? These people often will claim that theyre successful only because of hard work, and bootstraps. And anyone who is poor, is simply a lazy slacker. Anyone who is depressed is simply lazy, or should "cheer" up. Does born into extreme wealth make you less empathetic? Did anyone have the same experience, that the most "successful" people are often the least empathetic? Especially if they were born with a silver spoon?

How do you think they managed to get to the top in the first place?
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
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Aug 28, 2019
Rich people simply get to do more meaningful things with their time, and allocate the menial tasks to the less well off.

The rich are applying their time with all the wealth and power that they possess, and they spend their time managing wealth instead of working for it. It's not that they lack empathy, it's that they have what you don't and they don't want to give it to you, just as if you were to have what they don't, you may not give anything to them.

Even the Bible clarifies this. To those who have everything more will be given. To those who have nothing everything shall be taken. The rich are rich because they are born in wealth and wisdom, which is a prerequisite for maintaining wealth.
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May 23, 2019
My partner broke up with me because I failed in my career. He denies that was the reason.
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Sep 16, 2018
My partner broke up with me because I failed in my career. He denies that was the reason.
I am so sorry, Andy69. That is an awful feeling, and one I know well.

Somehow, I think your partner has not had the last laugh. To hell with anyone who makes us feel that we are nothing more than our vocations.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Why do highly successful people lack empathy, people who never faced any adversity in life? These people often will claim that theyre successful only because of hard work, and bootstraps. And anyone who is poor, is simply a lazy slacker. Anyone who is depressed is simply lazy, or should "cheer" up. Does born into extreme wealth make you less empathetic? Did anyone have the same experience, that the most "successful" people are often the least empathetic? Especially if they were born with a silver spoon?
It depends what you mean by successful, was it handed to them or did they work for it from a place of adversity?

I find that anyone who is "blessed" in life will find a way to make the world see their blessing as a curse, even if-in truth-they would not trade it for anything. They only have sympathy for themselves so they cannot have empathy for anyone who is unlike them. Instead of trying to understand the less fortunate, they throw a pity party and blame those "beneath" them for not attending.
I think it's ultimately the human condition being played out on an extravagant stage. Everyone finds a way to be the victim whether they have good reason to or not.
Ironically, sometimes the most well off people have the most time and privilege to do so.
They aren't busy living the part in hell, so they make themselves busy playing it.
There's no room for anyone else on their stage and they will not give up the spotlight even if you are groveling in the streets. So obviously, there's no room for them to have empathy for those who deserve it.

On the other hand..

People who didn't have much and worked to get where they are tend not to remember how stuck and desperate they once felt. With good reason I suppose, who would want to re-live that?
They did it, they succeeded in surpassing their beginnings and misfortune. So now, in their eyes, suddenly everyone else can do the same.
These are the people who probably didn't even have the time to be playing the part of the victim, because they were too busy living it. They weren't allowed to complain, so they won't let you either.
They dont take into account that everyone grows up differently and not everyone is capable of the same things. They don't look around and see where they are now, on top, and see how few spaces are really left up there . They don't take into account that part of the reason they are there is luck, not purely their perseverance.
These people are worthy of respect but can be guilty of the same arrogance and dissociation from the rest of society, once they reach their goal.

I've known both parties, the first has proven impossible to penetrate and receive any understanding from. The latter has more hope to find empathy, because they do know what it is like in some regard, they've just forgotten and need patience in being reminded.
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May 23, 2019
I am so sorry, Andy69. That is an awful feeling, and one I know well.

Somehow, I think your partner has not had the last laugh. To hell with anyone who makes us feel that we are nothing more than our vocations.
Thank you for you words of encouragement. But my partner could never understand how hard it is for some people, especially when no one is supportive. When you lose your job, you lose your friends. Then they blame you for it.


Sep 16, 2018
Thank you for you words of encouragement. But my partner could never understand how hard it is for some people, especially when no one is supportive. When you lose your job, you lose your friends. Then they blame you for it.
I hear you, Dude; losing a job is incredibly stressful, alienating, and corrosive to the ol' ego. If it's any consolation, friends of mine who are in couples experience this kind of dissonance in job-security tolerance. I see this so often when one member of the couple works in a staid industry in which companies hold onto employees for 10+years, and partner B is an a line of work that's more volatile.. I'm not explaining myself well, but one partner is shocked and unsettled by the other partner's job rhythms, and the other is hurt by the other's ostensible lack of support.

Please keep in touch with your former co-workers. Yes, it seems like you're no longer a team, but it's not the case. Maintain your network & let good co-workers know how you feel about them.

Come here to keep your self esteem afloat.
But, now is one of those shitty times when one must advocate for oneself in orders for others to follow suit.

Try to see your former partner as limited and deficient, for that is what sounds like the case.

have friends coming
Thank you for you words of encouragement. But my partner could never understand how hard it is for some people, especially when no one is supportive. When you lose your job, you lose your friends. Then they blame you for it.
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Apr 16, 2019
I guess it's because people who lack empathy are playing with all the tools at their disposal; anything goes. Whereas the more virtuous people are hampered by notions of fairness, chivalry, honor, honesty, etc.
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Jun 25, 2019
Because empathy presupposes generosity. And financially successful people don't give up any portion of their wealth easily. Here in the U.S. we are taught from an early age to be "successful". And successful people I was told are "parsimonious". Another word for skinflints.

Therefore highly successful people choose not to be empathic; because that would interfere with their success.

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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
My partner broke up with me because I failed in my career. He denies that was the reason.
Are u female? Because if so that disproves the thing I've heard that men don't care wether u have a career or earn much. But I think guys do care what u earn if they don't want to support u in any way financially lol!


L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
Statistically, the types of people who lack empathy (sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, etc.) are more likely to be drawn to positions of power in society. So it makes sense.
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Sep 20, 2019
I think they are in such a strong defensive position (unconsciously and perhaps consciously), which can't allow them show their hand, connect to what is "undesirable", and/or relate to what is uncomfortable. Some also just become desensitized. All similar traits and behaviors I guess.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
Why do highly successful people lack empathy, people who never faced any adversity in life? These people often will claim that theyre successful only because of hard work, and bootstraps. And anyone who is poor, is simply a lazy slacker. Anyone who is depressed is simply lazy, or should "cheer" up. Does born into extreme wealth make you less empathetic? Did anyone have the same experience, that the most "successful" people are often the least empathetic? Especially if they were born with a silver spoon?
I've learned that doctors are the least empathetic people in the world. So where along the line they lost the human side to themselves and they treat their patients as if they're a number and not a person. All they see are dollar signs. I've been hurt, physically and emotionally by so many doctors I can't even count how many times. I'm barely able to move and my doctor wants me to go to physically therapy. I told him I'd be in even worse pain than I'm in now. I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which is the highest ranking pain condition in medical history. And since they can't help me they want the insurance companies to know they are trying all these different methods. I told my doctor he was cold hearted. He didn't care. I'm not going to physical therapy. One time he blackmailed me into going to therapy to talk to a counselor. A few spots I have this disease is inside my ears and head so when I talk they fill with stabbing pain and pressure. I was forced to go or he said he would take away my meds. I was in 10 times the amount of pain when I left this woman's office. Shame on him. I'm not letting him do this to me again. Yes many successful people, many rich people lack empathy and are cold hearted. All they care about is the all mighty dollar. Like my landlord. He's a millionaire and has the cheapest wig on his head you've ever seen. My upstairs neighbors are the noisiest people alive and he told us we should move. What has happened to this world?

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I've learned that doctors are the least empathetic people in the world. So where along the line they lost the human side to themselves and they treat their patients as if they're a number and not a person. All they see are dollar signs. I've been hurt, physically and emotionally by so many doctors I can't even count how many times. I'm barely able to move and my doctor wants me to go to physically therapy. I told him I'd be in even worse pain than I'm in now. I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which is the highest ranking pain condition in medical history. And since they can't help me they want the insurance companies to know they are trying all these different methods. I told my doctor he was cold hearted. He didn't care. I'm not going to physical therapy. One time he blackmailed me into going to therapy to talk to a counselor. A few spots I have this disease is inside my ears and head so when I talk they fill with stabbing pain and pressure. I was forced to go or he said he would take away my meds. I was in 10 times the amount of pain when I left this woman's office. Shame on him. I'm not letting him do this to me again. Yes many successful people, many rich people lack empathy and are cold hearted. All they care about is the all mighty dollar. Like my landlord. He's a millionaire and has the cheapest wig on his head you've ever seen. My upstairs neighbors are the noisiest people alive and he told us we should move. What has happened to this world?
When the government controls the economy and the incentive structure, even the doctors that you get will not be doctors who are interested in disease prevention, maintenance of health, longevity. Instead you get doctors who are interested in the profit, instead of actually caring about the patients. Back in the day when doctors went in to the profession under a much smaller government and more free market healthcare, they never got rich like they do now. They actually went in because of the right incentives to help people and cure them not keep them sick and make up diagnoses to make more money lol! These days it's scarier to go to the doctor because they might ruin your health instead of make u better off. If you are able, look for natural healer or holistic doctors for everything. The medicine they push on the population is called allopathic where they only treat symptoms in the most invasive way instead of looking for root cause of illness. It used to be they would focus on the least invasive way to treat illness not get u hooked on a ton of prescription meds.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
There is a popular psychologist who has written a controversial book arguing that empathy can hold us back and hurt us.

He cites brain scan studies that show empathy increases feelings of helplessness, while compassion increases feelings of capability. By not taking on our perception of another's experience, but rather recognizing and caring, perhaps praying or something else that is an active response, we are not weighed down.

It makes sense that someone who is successful in business and other pursuits is not slowed down by focusing on others, but they are likely less successful in close relationships. I often think that on many levels, life may be easier for people without empathy. If pondering ctb, they certainly wouldn't be slowed down by worrying about its impact on others. And if they are abusive, I doubt at the end of their lives they'd look back and regret their actions unless they were suddenly worried about the potential of facing judgement.
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