

brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
This is a question for people who believe in God. Why did he create us? Does he rejoice in our suffering? Personally I don't believe in God, but if he exists, he must be one sadistic mf.

Why did God intentionally make some people's lives miserable? Personally I was cursed with neurodivergence and I want to know why God allowed this. Or maybe it was his doing all along…
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Can recommend the book Conversations with God. There's a number of answers to this question which each could be big discussions in their own right.

* The physical world is not actually real, it is more akin to an immersive cinema experience
* The invisible conscious entity at the centre of the experience is God Himself, one with all that is. Nothing else is real. (Yes, that's you.)
* The apparent individual souls come from a paradise of perfection, but are unable to experience their magnificence since there is nothing there but the divine. (Hence the 'candle in the sun' analogy.)
* They choose to come to a place of difficulty as part of a game of experience, learning and evolution to return to their original perfection. Returning to a place that they never left.
* The role of God is to ensure all so-called souls return home and to provide a framework and tools by which each can end suffering. This then goes into intuition, prayer, law of attraction, spiritual states, etc. It is supposed to be a joyful process overall, though hellacious states are possible if these resources are used wrongly. Which is apparently the case for yours truly.
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Dec 15, 2021
Likely was playing a beta version of SIMS
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Oct 6, 2023
To play with us a game 😈
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Marijuana Wizard
Sep 25, 2023
I like to believe that he isn't real but if he is clearly he was just bored or something
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm not sure that I believe in God. I also find it hard to justify why things are the way they are- if there is one.

I think I'd prefer God to be irresponsible rather than sadistic. Kind of like the mad professor figure. Someone acting like Alfred Nobel who made enhancements to gun powder- perhaps without properly thinking through what it would likely be used for. Maybe God just messed about with stuff without really thinking it through.

Or, maybe they just like to create things- rather than stick around and manage them. I think that's maybe one of the worst aspects of God- that they see all this going on and do nothing about it. Although- I'd have to argue that we were designed to suffer from the start.

A lot of religions seem to be about learning through suffering but, it's hard to know why. So we can spend eternity doing nothing in heaven? Like, working really hard for a holiday. Seems pointless. The only end goal I can think of is that- maybe we are training to become Gods ourselves! It would be useful to have experienced mortal life if we have to one day create our own. A bit like- we are all Jesus'. Lol.

Or, I guess others believe that God lives within us all and is presumably experiencing all this suffering alongside us for some unknown goal. Seems weird though. Why would a God need or want to experience mortal life? What's so exciting about the bowl of cornflakes I'm about to have? 😆
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
He created robots and he calls robots sinners because they behave like robots.

Religion... books of many contradictions. Probably because they are all made up by human poo poo brain. :D
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Sep 28, 2022
I'm not religious at all, but if I was, I'd be pretty sure that it would have something to do with ramen.
God couldn't figure how to make it on their own - so that's gotta be the reason we were created.

noodles GIF by Pusheen

On a serious note, I had this talk with many religious people. Why does God allow the suffering of myriad living beings, as each sunrise brings forth countless horrors and torment?
The most common answer is to deflect and say that 'God works in mysterious ways' and we can never really understand God's will - which is a lame excuse if the proposal is that a supreme being controls each event on this world and makes each one of us in his image...

If I was made in God's image, it must mean that he's a lazy NEET with mental illnesses. Good to know that the one in charge of the universe is just like me. We are totally not fucked here, guys...

Other of the most common replies I got was that 'each of us pay for our sins - and not only our sins, but that of our generational family that came before us', which again, isn't convincing at all. Why should anyone suffer from neurodivergence, or a brain tumor, or whatever horrifying thing that decreases the quality of life, just because of the deed of my ancestors? Fuck my ancestors, then. If they had been a bit smarter, they'd never had reproduced anyways, but they did and now I got to pay not only for their stupidity but for their sins as well? Fuck that.

And what did the three year old with bone cancer do to deserve such fate? Isn't god supposed to be a loving and kind being? How's that kind at all?

The most respectable version of any gods is the one in which they play a passive role - and even then it's pretty bad, since passivity in the face of the horrors of the world is still awful and totally despicable as the one/or ones in charge of the universe...

Luckily, this is nonsense talk. There doesn't seem to be any god living in the sky, so for now I'll enjoy my ramen in peace, I guess.

I'm a bit petty when it comes down to discussing religion of any kind - but in my defense, a good chunk of my relatives are religious, so I had to grow up listening to this non-stop... I developed a distaste for it, I suppose.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I'm not religious at all, but if I was, I'd be pretty sure that it would have something to do with ramen.
God couldn't figure how to make it on their own - so that's gotta be the reason we were created.

noodles GIF by Pusheen

On a serious note, I had this talk with many religious people. Why does God allow the suffering of myriad living beings, as each sunrise brings forth countless horrors and torment?
The most common answer is to deflect and say that 'God works in mysterious ways' and we can never really understand God's will - which is a lame excuse if the proposal is that a supreme being controls each event on this world and makes each one of us in his image...

If I was made in God's image, it must mean that he's a lazy NEET with mental illnesses. Good to know that the one in charge of the universe is just like me. We are totally not fucked here, guys...

Other of the most common replies I got was that 'each of us pay for our sins - and not only our sins, but that of our generational family that came before us', which again, isn't convincing at all. Why should anyone suffer from neurodivergence, or a brain tumor, or whatever horrifying thing that decreases the quality of life, just because of the deed of my ancestors? Fuck my ancestors, then. If they had been a bit smarter, they'd never had reproduced anyways, but they did and now I got to pay not only for their stupidity but for their sins as well? Fuck that.

And what did the three year old with bone cancer do to deserve such fate? Isn't god supposed to be a loving and kind being? How's that kind at all?

The most respectable version of any gods is the one in which they play a passive role - and even then it's pretty bad, since passivity in the face of the horrors of the world is still awful and totally despicable as the one/or ones in charge of the universe...

Luckily, this is nonsense talk. There doesn't seem to be any god living in the sky, so for now I'll enjoy my ramen in peace, I guess.

I'm a bit petty when it comes down to discussing religion of any kind - but in my defense, a good chunk of my relatives are religious, so I had to grow up listening to this non-stop... I developed a distaste for it, I suppose.
Omg why are you literally me, I'm also a lazy neet with mental illness 😭I'm a shut-in who failed to launch after college :(
To play with us a game 😈
So far it's not a fun one and I hate playing it on hard mode (neurodivergence). Fuck this stupid game
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Sep 30, 2023
This is a question for people who believe in God. Why did he create us? Does he rejoice in our suffering? Personally I don't believe in God, but if he exists, he must be one sadistic mf.

Why did God intentionally make some people's lives miserable? Personally I was cursed with neurodivergence and I want to know why God allowed this. Or maybe it was his doing all along…
God is either powerless, evil, or non-existent.
Having read the old testament, it is obvious to me that the biblical God is a sadistic, homicidal maniac.
This God character made certain people commit acts of incest, approved of slave ownership, gave people horrible diseases, murdered a multitude of people including children, and many more sadistic acts.
He even commands Satan to do his dirty work , as in the case of job.
Yes, Satan cannot commit any acts of evil without God's approval.
I despise the biblical God character entirely.
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Sep 28, 2022
Omg why are you literally me, I'm also a lazy neet with mental illness 😭I'm a shut-in who failed to launch after college :(
I'm sorry you are going through all of this. I also failed to launch after my education finished - it's been more than a year, yet after countless of job applications, nobody seems willing to give me a chance: and even if they did, I would probably last a few days, perhaps a month at least.

The pressure is mounting with each passing day, and my family, although well-meaning, pushes me towards depressing thoughts and suicidal ideation when they insist that I'm just lazy, and that I should do the same thing everyone else is capable of doing: but, oh, well, I'm just... Not capable? At all...?

I mean - I'm sure that the fact that the job market is a mess right now contributes to my failure to "launch myself into the world", as they say (I'd rather launch myself against a wall, tho. Seems more fun, and rewarding)... But the main contributor is my neurodivergence: I cannot adapt to the capitalistic hellscape of the modern world, and I cannot trick my brain into thinking "this is alright, just stay here for 8 hours a day, five days a week, for the next forty years, and collect that sweet money".

This whole game is horrendous: if it wasn't for my family, I'd be on the streets, probably dead by now. And even then, the support is temporary, the pressure is mounting, and the time is running out... I had a talk with some counselors from the government that my sister were in touch with - they claimed they could help me out of my neetdom: very nice people, but on the end, even they gave up after a single day of talking with me, as they didn't contact me ever again after the first talk.

If the absence of a good can kill you, it is not the individual's fault for not having access to that good, but the system's that do not provide that good if it doesn't produce any benefit. Our current capitalistic society is an alienating and self-serving mechanism that will eventually eat itself out - not without first taking all of us with it in the name of the interests of a few rich douchebags.

It's not your fault for being a neet and suffering from mental illnesses, @ifeelthelight

I'm sure the are many things we could do to "improve ourselves", as many people would point out - but that can only do so much when the systems on our lives create dissatisfied people like us. Most of the advice in regards to employment and getting out of neetdom is rubbish, and they never take into account the neurodivergence and mental illness of the people.

Being a neet fuels my mental instability, but I also feel it's way better than pretending to be a functional living being when I'm actually anything but. If I had to work for the past year, I would have CTB already.

My family and relatives keep pushing for that "new version of me" to appear - the me that doesn't give up on the face of mental illnesses - one that doesn't have trouble focusing on the smallest of things, that doesn't instantly crumble to pressure, and doesn't suffer from constaint brain fog, among with an incapacity to understand and adapt to others: but that version wouldn't be an honest me. The true me is the one that sleeps all day and wokes up by night-time to play videogames, read and watch stuff online because everyone is sleeping by then and nobody can bother me.

I tried to improve myself through the years. Some things stuck with me, but most of the time I ended up frustrated and ashamed because I ended up at the starting point again after a while.

At the end of the day - the game of life is a big club, and people with mental illnesses and those who do not fit in the current system are not welcome in it. So, I'll just rot away, I suppose, but again, for a while, I'd like to enjoy my ramen in peace.

Thanks a lot for the post, and sorry for the lenghty reply. I just kind of started typing and got carried away.
If you ever need anything like venting over neetdom, for example, feel free to reach out ^^
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Jul 16, 2023
Poor quality control. As everything, God is fundamentally very dumb and simple. He just shits so many planets out there until somewhere the "crown of creation" pops up. And then he shits so many people on it so that at least some lives must be great and worth it. Others are the unfortunate but required part of the process. Colleteral damage. Shit happens. God shruggs and then proceeds to smell at his own asshole or sth.

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