

Eat the rich or die!
Sep 20, 2018
How cool would it be if I loved myself and for once in my life stand out for myself? Putting people I love in front of me is cool and all, but really, I can't just let them do as they please with me. And in the end I just end up blaming and hating myself. Sometimes love just fucking hurts you. At this point I'm just throwing random thoughts here I guess. She took my sleep and she took my rum :-(
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Sep 12, 2018
7B2910E5 71EF 4FD0 B02C FD1E2271DC58

We love you
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I'll See You Guys On The Other Side Of The Rainbow
Aug 26, 2018
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
I wish I could understand why this is so hard. Perhaps the simple answer is that we never learned how.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
thanks! At least I have some beer to make up for it.

Beer always helps. Think ill get some tomorrow after the football scores :D
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Aug 17, 2018
You is kiiind
You is smaaart
And You is imPOrtant
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Reactions: letmeseethedeath, lv-gras, Ashpac and 1 other person


May 29, 2018
Maybe you aren't allowed to be yourself.(who you really are and want to be, not who society wants)

That's how I feel-sort of.
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Reactions: lv-gras, LifeSick, Ashpac and 1 other person


Sep 23, 2018
The trick for guys is being a boss with their life. The trick with girls is acting like they are a boss just long enough to find a mate who leads them. Don't subscribe to the belief that gender stereotypes aren't there for a reason. Yin and yang, Man and Womb of man. Womban have wide hips, less testosterone and more estrogen. They are designed to be child bearing, un-athletic (Yes I have seen great females athletes), emotional beings that urge the man to take leadership. They execute tests in almost every moment to determine if they are with their optimal mate. With the standard so much higher these days because of inflated female ego because of social media influence, guys are quick to dump and cycle and girls are quick to do the same. This is means that the top ten percent of each gender is satisfied and the rest are left to timidly congregate when they both notice they want to make up for lost time in their late twenties or thirties. By then they are so used to being the downgraded versions of their gender, with standards so high they eliminate the straightforward thinking mates who chose to eliminate stress, they are forced to lower their standards greatly with the wall approaching. Fucking themselves over grandly. Don't drown your emotions. Use them to find the right lifestyle. Let the desperation come to the surface, you are going to have to adjust your standards at some point in your life if you are in this situation. Definitely don't let people take advantage of you. Use intuition, and only give when you know you are getting something back. We are best at caring for ourselves. Tribal communities cared for themselves by integrating themselves into a tribe that would provide services to them in exchange for theirs, it was a self care measure to care for others. Caring for someone where you will not profit is not ideal in situation where you feel short handed. it is simply communism vs capitalism. We are best at caring for ourselves, it doesn't make sense to let someone else not close to you take care of you when you are more knowledge about yourself that can be applied to your preferred lifestyle.