I worry about the same thing, I always think I'll end up homeless if I keep going.
But I did decide one thing a long time ago, when the time came, when I see it coming, to go directly to the social services of the city where I live and leave it in their hands.
On the other hand, today, in Spain, there are different ways to ensure a less painful future, because there are many laws that provide for situations like ours, although they are generally aimed at more vulnerable groups who are extremely dependent on their parents.
The one I've been looking at for some time and we've talked about at home is handing over assets in favor of the disabled. But I'm not very clear yet. The following link is an example of what I'm talking about:
Find out about the tax benefits in your income tax return for contributions to protected assets, pension plans and other social welfare systems set up in favour of people with disabilities
There are many solutions and the time has probably come when I will have to see a manager at the same time as asking social services for help.
A mi em preocupa el mateix, sempre penso que acabaré sent un sense llar si segueixo endavant.
Però si que vaig decidir una cosa fa temps, arribat el moment, quan ho vegi venir, anar directament als serveis socials de la ciutat on visc i deixar-ho en les seves mans.
D'altre banda, a día d'avuí, a Espanya, hi han diferents maneres d'assegurar-te un futur menys dolorós, doncs hi han moltes lleis que preveuen situacions com les nostres, tot i que generalment van adreçades a colectius més vulnerables que tenen una dependéncia extrema dels seus progenitors.
La que jo estic mirant fa temps i hem parlat a casa es la lliurar patrimoni a favor de discapacitats. Pero no ho tinc gaire clar encara. El següent enllaç és un exemple del que et dic:
Find out about the tax benefits in your income tax return for contributions to protected assets, pension plans and other social welfare systems set up in favour of people with disabilities
Hi han moltes solucions i probablement arribat el moment hauré de consultar un gestor alhora que demano ajuda als serveis socials.