
Aug 18, 2020
Yeah maybe this thread is not a good idea. But in another thread someone asked for favorite philosophers. If this thread gets too controversial please delete it. I don't have any problem with that.

It is a difficult question for me. I know enough about most German politicians so that I dislike them. Naming a German politician is pretty hard for me.
There is a politician from the liberal party. She is a huge supporter of a liberal assisted suicide law. I absolutely respect that and I sympathize a lot with her for that. Though the economical policy of her party is completely neoliberal. And this contracts my values fully.

Honestly I could not name my favorite German politician. I would make a research who fights for a better welfare state and is in favor of liberal assisted suicide laws. Though it is really true due to the fact that I have so much knowledge about them I dislike most of them.
For example there is a huge sexism/ sexual abuse scandal in the German most leftwing party. On the surface they act like we are better people but there happens a lot in this party. There were reports about bullying before and now sexual abuse cases.

My answer would likely be Bernie Sanders if we talk about international politics. Maybe I would dislike him if I knew more about his policy ideas/ about his persona. I am not sure about his stances on the culture war for example. Though I really like his economical ideas. I like that he fights for better health care. My American friends in this forum deserve better (free) health care. Maybe that sounds a little bit paternalistic.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Sarah Palin because of that one porn she was in. 😏
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Sibyl Vane

Sibyl Vane

May 28, 2022
None. I believe all of them should be in a constant state of supervision and scrutiny by the people, not idolized, as they're doing nothing more than their obligation. I will never understand that feeling of devotion, love, gratitude, and blind faith some seem to have with politicians. They're not doing anything out of the kindness of their heart; we pay very well and give them plenty of benefits, so the very least they can do is to be decent and try not to screw our lives even more than already is.

There were some in the past that I think did a good job and were crucial to developing the political thoughts we have today, but they would get only a "thank you" from me, nothing more.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
I have many.....Ron DeSantis, Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Rand Paul, Senator Marsha Blackburn, J.D. Vance and Tom Cotton.
I'd like to see every single democrat who is running, lose in a landslide in November. But being the scumbags that they are, they will find a way to lie, cheat and steal many of their elections. We shall see.
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Sibyl Vane

Sibyl Vane

May 28, 2022
Sarah Palin because of that one porn she was in. 😏
Is that a normal occurrence in the U.S.? I just remembered that in my country we have a former male pornstar in the congress and there are two more trying to run the elections this year. The last one is a female, which I believe may have been tired of getting fucked and decided to fuck us all instead. Not a very kind move of her part if you ask me. :pfff:
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Is that a normal occurrence in the U.S.? I just remembered that in my country we have a former male pornstar in the congress and there are two more trying to run the elections this year. The last one is a female, which I believe may have been tired of getting fucked and decided to fuck us all instead. Not a very kind move of her part if you ask me. :pfff:
Oh yeah, happens all the time. You can see Hilary Clinton and Condolezza Rice in that same movie too. 😳
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Since politics is absolutely irrelevant from the point of view of a conspiracy theorist I base my valuation of politicians by whether they make me laugh like good efficient clowns or if they look hot.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso is sexually attractive and Donald Trump was a nice puppet clown that gifted us with epic memes.

There's not one politician that has made me feel represented by their "ideological packages" or captivated by their words.
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Mar 13, 2020
None of them,. Fuck politics and everything it entails... Just saying.
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Jun 14, 2019
Ralph Nader
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Jun 3, 2022
that's like asking me what my favorite type of genital wart is
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The Disinherited

Jul 17, 2021
I have many.....Ron DeSantis, Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Rand Paul, Senator Marsha Blackburn, J.D. Vance and Tom Cotton.
I'd like to see every single democrat who is running, lose in a landslide in November. But being the scumbags that they are, they will find a way to lie, cheat and steal many of their elections. We shall see.
Aren't most of these (if not all) anti suicide and choice? Or are you a utopianist that believes if only we elect your guys (and gals) no-one will ever need nor want to commit suicide?
Is that a normal occurrence in the U.S.? I just remembered that in my country we have a former male pornstar in the congress and there are two more trying to run the elections this year. The last one is a female, which I believe may have been tired of getting fucked and decided to fuck us all instead. Not a very kind move of her part if you ask me. :pfff:
He's referencing an Eminem music video where Lisa Ann (pornstar) plays Sarah Palin....in case you haven't figured it out yet
To answer OP with a question...Do the founding fathers of America count as politicians?
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
I have many.....Ron DeSantis, Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Rand Paul, Senator Marsha Blackburn, J.D. Vance and Tom Cotton.
I'd like to see every single democrat who is running, lose in a landslide in November. But being the scumbags that they are, they will find a way to lie, cheat and steal many of their elections. We shall see.
Is that a normal occurrence in the U.S.? I just remembered that in my country we have a former male pornstar in the congress and there are two more trying to run the elections this year. The last one is a female, which I believe may have been tired of getting fucked and decided to fuck us all instead. Not a very kind move of her part if you ask me. :pfff:
Aren't most of these (if not all) anti suicide and choice? Or are you a utopianist that believes if only we elect your guys (and gals) no-one will ever need nor want to commit suicide?

He's referencing an Eminem music video where Lisa Ann (pornstar) plays Sarah Palin....in case you haven't figured it out yet
To answer OP with a question...Do the founding fathers of America count as politicians?
Looks like suicidally curious is back under a different username @The Disinherited or you are just another miserable,rude,argumentative pseudo intellectual. The site has several of your types these days @The Disinherited. I have no patience left to respond. Ignored. Adios.
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Jul 7, 2019
None. I could name a lot of politicians that I detest, but I can't think of a single one that I could even pretend to like. Especially the ones from my country, those rats don't even deserve to be named.

I whish I could say that I like "libertarian" politicians like Javier Milei or Rand Paul types, those who pretend to care about freedom, but they tend to be socially conservative first and foremost and that is something that I can't get behind.
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The Disinherited

Jul 17, 2021
Looks like suicidally curious is back under a different username @The Disinherited or you are just another miserable,rude,argumentative pseudo intellectual. The site has several of your types these days @The Disinherited. I have no patience left to respond. Ignored. Adios.
Sorry I touched a nerve, I'm not going to start an argument but I do feel like my question was legit.....I respect deSantis for keeping Florida open during the scamdemic and I like some of the others for ensuring that the covid vax remained just a choice (remember the disgusting idea to make it mandatory) so hopefully that's enough of an olive branch to show you I'm really not trolling. I also promise you this is my only account. "Miserable Rude Argumentative" YES! (Arguments need not be a bad thing especially when there's no malice and the synthesis of two peoples views results in greater knowledge and the dissolution of echo chambers) "psuedo intellectual" nope! (I'm just not anti intellectual which can rub outright anti intellectuals the wrong way (and I'm not saying you're anti intellectual)).
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Sorry I touched a nerve, I'm not going to start an argument but I do feel like my question was legit.....I respect deSantis for keeping Florida open during the scamdemic and I like some of the others for ensuring that the covid vax remained just a choice (remember the disgusting idea to make it mandatory) so hopefully that's enough of an olive branch to show you I'm really not trolling. I also promise you this is my only account. "Miserable Rude Argumentative" YES! (Arguments need not be a bad thing especially when there's no malice and the synthesis of two peoples views results in greater knowledge and the dissolution of echo chambers) "psuedo intellectual" nope! (I'm just not anti intellectual which can rub outright anti intellectuals the wrong way (and I'm not saying you're anti intellectual)).
You didn't touch a nerve. I'm just an old codger. Of course, you're observation was legit. I wasn't considering their stance on suicide when I listed the various politicians. It is not clear if being pro choice suicide is a progressive or conservative issue.
The debate over physician-assisted suicide is often portrayed as a battle between social or religious conservatives who oppose the practice and liberals or progressives who support it. But not everyone fits neatly into this paradigm. For instance, Dr. Robert P. Jones, who calls himself a progressive, has just written a book urging liberal supporters of physician-assisted suicide (or physician aid in dying, as some supporters call it) to rethink their views, at least for now.

I'm certainly no Utopianist. I'm a nihilist. I admire the way the politicians I listed think and vote, but in the end it is all theatre...controlled opposition to the leftists juggernaut that has taken over the government, academia, media and the corporate world.

I apologize for my mischaracterization of your intentions. I was being rude. Completely agree that respectful arguments between intelligent people can lead to greater knowledge and lessening of groupthink.
Thank you for your intelligent and respectful response. I look forward to any possible debates in the future, although I feel we might be on the same page politically.
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Sep 16, 2021
I see politicians as either disappointing or corrupt. Often both. I have no favourites anymore, I'm too cynical. This question made me laugh out loud tbh. I mean no offense as I know your question is sincere. I just have no faith in politics or politicians. Period.
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Oct 12, 2020
Neville Chamberlain, a total lad
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May 20, 2018
Can't imagine liking any politician lol. Deranged af.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Can't imagine liking any politician lol. Deranged af.
You mean that liking a politician is deranged, right? Or that you're so deranged you can't like one? 🤔
You didn't touch a nerve. I'm just an old codger. Of course, you're observation was legit. I wasn't considering their stance on suicide when I listed the various politicians. It is not clear if being pro choice suicide is a progressive or conservative issue.
Pro-euthanasia is a strongly 'progressive' position. This is true everywhere. I'm in Spain and it's predictable that conservatives abhor euthanasia and the left favours it, both politicians and people in conversations.

That's actually great, having some far-left ideas means that you aren't trying to be a monolithic, polarized individual. Red or blue. It has to be neither. This is the real red pill. That both of them are part of the Matrix.

Of course that "the modern left" is a monster, a juggernaut that has owners and is being used for esoteric (obscure, perhaps literally esoteric) purposes. They aren't calling the shots, but are more like a managerial class that has power as long as they are useful to the plutocracy. They aren't even actually left, as the left is anti-establishment and they ARE the establishment, they are the managerial class of the establishment.
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Feb 12, 2022
Probably Le Pen. That's a brave woman with a good heart.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
Jeremy Corbyn
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On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
Julius Caesar. I reject the modern political system in it's entirety, so I don't have a favorite one who's still alive. There are some who'se personality and rethorical skills I appreciate, e.g Gregor Gysi (german leftist politician), but not their politics.
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Your friendly neighborhood agent
Feb 21, 2022
This guy:

And Teddy Roosevelt. The last President that actually seemed to get shit done. Though the other Roosevelt did do pretty good getting us out of the Great Depression, from what I understand.
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
Julius Caesar. I reject the modern political system in it's entirety, so I don't have a favorite one who's still alive. There are some who'se personality and rethorical skills I appreciate, e.g Gregor Gysi (german leftist politician), but not their politics.
Extremely based. I'm partial to Hadrian myself out of Roman emperors.
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Dec 15, 2021
Yeah maybe this thread is not a good idea. But in another thread someone asked for favorite philosophers. If this thread gets too controversial please delete it. I don't have any problem with that.

It is a difficult question for me. I know enough about most German politicians so that I dislike them. Naming a German politician is pretty hard for me.
There is a politician from the liberal party. She is a huge supporter of a liberal assisted suicide law. I absolutely respect that and I sympathize a lot with her for that. Though the economical policy of her party is completely neoliberal. And this contracts my values fully.

Honestly I could not name my favorite German politician. I would make a research who fights for a better welfare state and is in favor of liberal assisted suicide laws. Though it is really true due to the fact that I have so much knowledge about them I dislike most of them.
For example there is a huge sexism/ sexual abuse scandal in the German most leftwing party. On the surface they act like we are better people but there happens a lot in this party. There were reports about bullying before and now sexual abuse cases.

My answer would likely be Bernie Sanders if we talk about international politics. Maybe I would dislike him if I knew more about his policy ideas/ about his persona. I am not sure about his stances on the culture war for example. Though I really like his economical ideas. I like that he fights for better health care. My American friends in this forum deserve better (free) health care. Maybe that sounds a little bit paternalistic.

I would say Ron Paul - Rand Paul's father. He's of the old-fashioned conservative type with dignity, the way I imagine Eisenhower was.
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and this with thee remains.
Jan 14, 2022
as a russian person i have to say Vladimir Zelensky


On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
Extremely based. I'm partial to Hadrian myself out of Roman emperors.
To be honest, I'm not well-versed in Roman history, it's already too political for my taste. I chose gaius mainly for aesthetic reasons and because he despised the decadent elite. What do you like about hadrian?


Oct 12, 2020
Can't believe it took 20 posts before somebody finally got the right answer.
ISLINGTON North MP Jeremy Corbyn was the lowest expenses claimer in the country – after putting in for just �8.70 for an ink cartridge.

I remember reading this when I was a teenager and (before Corbyn was Labour leader), this gave me hope that there were some good ones out there. At the time there was an expenses scandal. Most politicians had taken advantage, to say the least. Some were pocketing illegal second houses and others getting 5 figure payments for nothing. And yes, not everyone went that far, but most took advantage - knowing it would come out of the public's pockets. The fact that Corbyn played by the rules gained my respect.
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