
Getting ready
Feb 10, 2019
I have a diagnosis of ADD primarily in attentive/ without hyperactivity. The official diagnostic criteria and description don't fully describe or cover my difficulties.
Dr Russell Barkley's description of SCT ("sluggish cognitive tempo") or "Dysexecutive Syndrome" as he calls it (much more accurate and more respectful too!) does seem to fit.
The extreme difficulties I have concentrating & seeing my intentions through is the reason I am permenantly anxious and depressed and frequently on the brink of suicide. Can anyone relate?.
That was supposed to read " Dysexecutive Syndrome".


Jul 22, 2019
I have a diagnosis of ADD primarily in attentive/ without hyperactivity. The official diagnostic criteria and description don't fully describe or cover my difficulties.
Dr Russell Barkley's description of SCT ("sluggish cognitive tempo") or "Dysexecutive Syndrome" as he calls it (much more accurate and more respectful too!) does seem to fit.
The extreme difficulties I have concentrating & seeing my intentions through is the reason I am permenantly anxious and depressed and frequently on the brink of suicide. Can anyone relate?.
That was supposed to read " Dysexecutive Syndrome".
I have ADD, but I have never heard of dysexec. syndrome.
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Getting ready
Feb 10, 2019
="justanotherday, post: 418048, member: 9467"]
I have ADD, but I have never heard of dysexec. syndrome
I have ADD, but I have never heard of dysexec. syndrome.
I've read it in an abstract by Dr Russell Barkley & heard him use it in footage on You Tube. Term also used by Adele Diamond in an abstract.
I'll try to add links.


Getting ready
Feb 10, 2019
Hi justanotherday , I can't link directly to Youtube from this phone but if you search on you tube for " The other attention disorder - Sluggish Cognitive Tempo vs ADHD by Dr Russell Barkley " you should find 2018 lecture where he defines what Sluggish Cognitive tempo is .........


Getting ready
Feb 10, 2019
on looking back I've got it wrong. Dr Russell Barkley talks about SCT (Sluggish Cognitive Tempo) being better described as Concentration Deficit Disorder...............Dr Barkley and Adele Diamond both talk about AD(H)D primarily inattentive subtype as being a mid diagnosis. That SCT/CDD can overlap with AD(H)D but is a distinct disorder......... Both talk about SCT as being a neurobiological childhood onset dysexecutive syndrome..............
I'm finding it difficult to send links from my iPhone but if you're interested have a look at/listen to that Russel Barkley conference footage or internet search for "ADD of the truly inattentive subtype (attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity) by Adele Diamond......


Jul 22, 2019
Thanks for this info. It really helps to further understand the condition.
Yes, having these conditions makes trying to lead a normal life next to impossible sometimes.
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Aug 29, 2018
ADHD-PI, 100% sure but not officially diagnosed

I heard it's manageable if you can get treated with meds.
Which i can't so i'm royally fucked.

It's actually one of the primary reasons i'm commiting suicide.
It's a curse.

I've been caught in a loop of trying to change before ending back at square 1.
Always depressed since i always fuck up, no matter how confident i want to feel.

I tried to get some meds illegally, it did not even work.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I have pretty severe ADD, the inattentive daydreamy kind. I know it's a combined consequence of toxic stress in childhood, fluoridated water, chemicals in our food, mercury fillings in teeth I got starting as a kid. The mercury in the fillings lets off small amounts of mercury vapors each time u eat or brush teeth that cause many psych, neurological, and other health problems. The FDA here in the US has little to do with protection of people from bad medicine.

They actually prohibit safe and natural alternatives, or curative medicines. It is difficult to take in sometimes that the society u grow up in doesn't actually have your best interest.The ruling class decides a lot on how free you are going to be and how u will be treated medically, and what is in your water, food, and medicine. Again if u are poor than it won't be about what is best for u because they want to limit your ability to move out of poverty and be as high functioning as possible. Their interests are diametrically opposed to your best interest as a free human being.

Sorry I went off the topic lol! Cognitive impairment is a big factor in wanting to ctb because I hate having to be reliant on ADD meds, they come with unwanted side effects. Yea to a degree u can improve diet and exercise but depending on how well off you are it's a challenge to eat completely chemical free.
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Getting ready
Feb 10, 2019
It really does.
I'm sorry that you are going through this too.
My apologises for very slow response. I haven't looked on this sight for a time.
It feels oddly, ludicrously comforting to hear from someone who knows what this is like too although I would not wish this on you or on anyone (apart from nasty evil bastards who perpetrate atrocities on others - getting afflicted with these deficits would stop them in their tracks!).
Executive function deficiets + slow cognitive tempo = total incompetence (in my case at least).
When I'm out of depression I'm kept going by false hope, delusive assumptions that I can do better when my whole life so far says otherwise. I repeat the same mistakes. Take on more responsibilities that I can not meet.
Anyway, I wish you well & hope that you are doing better.
Thanks for this info. It really helps to further understand the condition.
Yes, having these conditions makes trying to lead a normal life next to impossible sometimes.
Your welcome..... It certainly does make life an impossible struggle.... For me the most painful points come as I burn out, wheels spinning in the mud, depression takes over and I no longer even have the energy or mental faculties to even try anymore.... Having gotten by on false hopes & momentum of trying, trying, trying I'm suddenly flooded by a relentless tide of detailed memories of all my fuck ups... This c
My life appears to be a cosmic joke .... Funny to onlookers. Painful and frustrating to me and painful and damaging to those who love and/or depend on me. Some of whom end up endlessly clean up my messes...
For me to ctb is the only option.
Anyway me bellyaching helps no one.
No one here needs to be brought down further !!.
I hope that you have more going for you than me.
Thank you for responding and Wishing you the best.
I heard it's manageable if you can get treated with meds.

Which i can't so i'm royally fucked.

It's actually one of the primary reasons i'm commiting suicide.
It's a curse.

I've been caught in a loop of trying to change before ending back at square 1.
Always depressed since i always fuck up, no matter how confident i want to feel.

I tried to get some meds illegally, it did not even work.

ADHD-PI, 100% sure but not officially diagnosed

I heard it's manageable if you can get treated with meds.
Which i can't so i'm royally fucked.

It's actually one of the primary reasons i'm commiting suicide.
It's a curse.

I've been caught in a loop of trying to change before ending back at square 1.
Always depressed since i always fuck up, no matter how confident i want to feel.

I tried to get some meds illegally, it

Hi Kassender,
I totally relate to what you say.
I have been lucky enough to try various treatments. Unfortunately none have worked for me.
I hope that you somehow get the oppurtunity too & that they really work for you. I really do.
I'm so fed up of living in this depressing tragi-comic real life ground hog day!.
Trying hard to motor on & cover up my dysfuctionality until I can get on and ctb.
Anyway. Enough of this!.
just wanted to say thank you & aknowledge your response.
won't come on to SS again unless perhaps to say good by before Ctb.
It's going to take all I've got to get it together to prepare for death & ctb successfully & not let on. With my slow, distractible, inefficient mind I can't afford to come on here anymore.
Wishing you well.
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Getting ready
Feb 10, 2019
I have pretty severe ADD, the inattentive daydreamy kind.....

Hi Final Escape,
Thanks for your response.
The consequences of the inattentive dreamy kind of ADD on a person is very much underestimated in my opinion.
I've thought about what might have caused me to be this way (executive dysfunction & SCT) too.
I have been very lucky with everything external to me - great parents, good trauma-free childhood. No toxin exposure that I'm aware of.
The non-functional, dysexecutive, slow, inefficientness of the mind in my case seems to me to be due to genetic bad luck. One of my grandparents had an SCT presentation. A few other blood relatives have some AD(H)D/ADD traits. All functioned better than me though.
I've tied myself in knots following what turned out to be false leads trying to identify what else might have caused me to be like this - with a view to curing myself, finding something I could take control of & change.
In my case I now assume that I just developed (or failed to develope!) this way due to pure, miserable, genetic fluke.
I hope that you find a better awnser (or combination of answers) that you can take some action on, get control.
I wish ADD meds worked for me. I've tried plenty, they've done nothing.
I wish you better luck.
best wishes