
Aug 18, 2020
I wish I had more knowledge. I might could tell you 15 US-presidents if you asked me. I rather have the goal to keep all German chancellors in my mind in the right sequence.

I don't know. My favorite one might be FDR. Franklin D. Rossevelt. He expanded the welfare state (New Deal) and he fought the Nazis.

The worst one: there are many I could name. Difficult to pick the worst. I mean some were in favor of segregation and slavery. But maybe the time in which they lived is an excuse for that.
I like what Noam Chomsky said:

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg"

Here some arguments which I found after a short research:

In the talk from 1990 he explains it:

  • Truman for the atomic bomb (deliberate targeting of civilians as mass murder), plus counter-insurgency work in Greece
  • Eisenhower for role of CIA in the overthrow of the Arbentz government in Guatemala, maybe also intervention in Lebanon and role of CIA in Iran
  • Kennedy for Bay of Pigs invasion ("outright aggression"), Operation Mongoose, and Vietnam
  • Johnson for Vietnam escalation
  • Nixon for Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos
  • Ford he acknowledges as tricky but his support of Indonesian invasion of East Timor ("near genocidal")
  • Carter as "least violent" but supported Indonesian government despite atrocities
  • Reagan for "the stuff in Central America," support of Israeli invasion of Lebanon
  • Bush (Sr.) — doesn't say anything specific, seems to think it is obvious (probably would involve Gulf War)
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im a mk ultra victim
Jul 27, 2022
I used to really like Obama because he was a 420 blazer but someone told me he was like a war criminal or something . Idk American is such a bloody country , I can't believe I was born here
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Aug 25, 2021
I don't think it's that simple tbh. IMO in general, there have been no truly good or bad US presidents, but only shades of grey (including even Trump, and I'm not a right winger).

But that said, I'd say Bush Jr was an exception to this - I legit can't think of any redeeming aspect of this guy's presidency. Guy was a certified dumbass and clearly unfit to lead, BUT also had an administration full of shrewd, evil, cunning war hawks (like Cheney) who caused tons of death and despair in the world. Oh and he also engineered a recession and ramped up civil rights disasters like PRISM etc. It's like he combined the worst aspects of every other prez before him. Truly a miracle that he got a 2nd term and he 100% gets my vote for worst.

I can't think of anyone for "best" overall. Sure, some presidents have done good things but then offset that by doing truly terrible things. IDK enough about JFK but both wings in US seem to like him, so maybe he really was good. Plus he died early so he automatically gets some points for that.
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Jul 13, 2022
John F. Kennedy for the sole reason that he had a lobotomy performed on his daughter so her "Autism" wouldn't be heard by others. His wife claimed it was "Done out of love".
  • Wow
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I'll just say this century I think the best presidents been Obama


𝔅𝔢𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡𝔰
Apr 10, 2022
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Everything's gonna be OK
Aug 28, 2020
Trump provided comic relief. Clowning us all.
Biden is cringe and needs to go to a nursing home.

We live in clown world. What choices we have!
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Q. How bad do you want your president to be?

A. Yes.
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Jun 17, 2022
I never personally met any of them, so I have no opinion
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Jul 13, 2022
I should have clarified that I was calling him out as the worst....
John F. Kennedy for the sole reason that he had a lobotomy performed on his daughter so her "Autism" wouldn't be heard by others. His wife claimed it was "Done out of love".

Molded foundation

Sep 17, 2021

The one and only...


Nov 9, 2019
John F. Kennedy for the sole reason that he had a lobotomy performed on his daughter so her "Autism" wouldn't be heard by others. His wife claimed it was "Done out of love".
It was John F. Kennedy's severely retarded sister who had a lobotomy, not his daughter. And it was the decision of his mother and father, not his, in an era when lobotomies were regrettably common. FWIW, they probably acted on the advice of physicians.

As far as best/worst? I go back and forth between James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce as worst. Pierce very nearly got the US into a war with Spain, France and Britain simultaneously, since he let his Secretary of State live out his fantasy of annexing Cuba as a slave state. Buchanan was probably not as awful a president as PIerce, but he was president right before the Civil War started and did absolutely nothing to prevent it. If events create great men, well they expose weak ones, too. (You'll see it claimed Buchanan was gay because he never married. Impossible to tell at this late date.)

My favorite president is kind of a weird one, and I think you can make a case for him being the best: Grover Cleveland. Also the only president to serve two terms non-consecutively. He was a Democrat who worked with a Republican controlled legislature in both his terms and was able to do things like create transportation infrastructure and begin Civil Service reform.
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Jul 13, 2022
It was John F. Kennedy's sister who had a lobotomy, not his daughter. And it was the decision of his mother and father, in an era when lobotomies were regrettably common.
I just looked it up and feel stupid now. I was always under the impression it was a daughter of JFK.

Thanks for the correction.
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You can just call me K
Aug 6, 2022
Not from the US myself but from what I've heard the worst id Woodrow Wilson and the best is a throw between both Roosevelts and JFK, but then again I only really know about US presidents 20th century onward for the most part.


Feb 12, 2022
Worst: George Washington (For getting the ball rolling on this nightmare of a country)
Best: Trump (For making the best of a bad situation, at least compared to those who came before and after him)

The only thing Trump ever did wrong was use the term "Make America Great Again". As if it was ever great at any point in time?!

I like the new one better: Save America. He won't succeed in that goal of course, even if he wins re-election and does some damage control. But I still like the term. There's something implicitly dark and honest about it. It acknowledges that America is a sick horrible place in desperate need of a salvation it doesn't really deserve and will never get.
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Mia Wallace

Jun 14, 2020
John F. Kennedy for the sole reason that he had a lobotomy performed on his daughter so her "Autism" wouldn't be heard by others. His wife claimed it was "Done out of love".
That was JFK's father, Joseph P. Kennedy. Still disturbing nonetheless
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Jul 13, 2022
That was JFK's father, Joseph P. Kennedy. Still disturbing nonetheless
Thanks Mia for the correction,

I was corrected on this yesterday as well. I feel silly thinking my whole life it was JFK. Regardless it was evil, but i suppose it's better that it was JFKs farther who did it, as opposed to a president.
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Sep 21, 2021
Taft. The TRUE trustbuster. He even broke up one of the trusts Teddy Roosevelt, his predecessor, was involved with. This made him so angry he ran against Taft as an independent during the next election.

In terms of recent presidents, they are all terrible. Clinton and Bush Sr at least pretended to be fiscally responsible. Obama and Bush Jr were pretty evil. Trump was funny but he didn't do much. Now we have the worst of every world IMO.

Mia Wallace

Jun 14, 2020
Thanks Mia for the correction,

I was corrected on this yesterday as well. I feel silly thinking my whole life it was JFK. Regardless it was evil, but i suppose it's better that it was JFKs farther who did it, as opposed to a president.
I honestly didn't know at all lmao I looked it up after I read your post and found that information lol I like the off topic community here, I've been learning a lot :)


wanting outta this bitch
Sep 23, 2022
FDR is unironically the closest the United States has ever come to fascism.

  • He forcibly imprisoned thousands upon thousands of Japanese-American, Italian-American, and German-American citizens into internment camps and seized their property without due process following America's entry into WWII
  • FDR enacted the draft in 1940, one year prior to the Attack on Pearl Harbor (the first peacetime conscription ever in US history). Forced conscription is akin to literal slavery. The government has absolutely no right to tell an individual that they must surrender their bodily autonomy & self-agency at the behest of state demands for war efforts
  • He also issued an executive order that forced Americans to surrender their privately owned gold
  • The NIRA Act of 1933 overwhelmingly favored large corporations while snuffing out smaller businesses & limited market competition. This is one of the many ways FDR actually exacerbated and prolonged the Great Depression
  • The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 fucked over farmers and the agricultural sector of the economy by inflating prices, reducing surplus, and levying a new tax upon agricultural processors. It also called for the destruction of crops and mass slaughter of livestock to prevent market surplus.
  • FDR was infamous for bullying and threatening members of the supreme court who did not fall in lockstep with his political agenda. Even going so far as to attempt to implement his Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 in order to stack the courts in his favor
  • Superfluous expansion of federal government powers & regulatory agencies
  • FDR greatly admired and endorsed the father of fascism himself, Benito Mussolini. They even maintained correspondence and exchanged a few letters.
FDR was political tyrant through and through. Fuck that guy.
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Smell lord
Sep 24, 2022
None. All U.S Presidents are war criminals
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Oct 8, 2022
Sone of the 19th century Republicans were ok from a leftist perspective. Chester Alan Arthur prosecuted war against Geronimo, but he was pro-union and pro-business regulation. Garfield wss pro-union and pro-business regulation (but died a month into office).
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Cowards be like "be safe".... I be like "Be FREE"
May 7, 2022
I wish I had more knowledge. I might could tell you 15 US-presidents if you asked me. I rather have the goal to keep all German chancellors in my mind in the right sequence.

I don't know. My favorite one might be FDR. Franklin D. Rossevelt. He expanded the welfare state (New Deal) and he fought the Nazis.

The worst one: there are many I could name. Difficult to pick the worst. I mean some were in favor of segregation and slavery. But maybe the time in which they lived is an excuse for that.
I like what Noam Chomsky said:

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg"

Here some arguments which I found after a short research:

In the talk from 1990 he explains it:

  • Truman for the atomic bomb (deliberate targeting of civilians as mass murder), plus counter-insurgency work in Greece
  • Eisenhower for role of CIA in the overthrow of the Arbentz government in Guatemala, maybe also intervention in Lebanon and role of CIA in Iran
  • Kennedy for Bay of Pigs invasion ("outright aggression"), Operation Mongoose, and Vietnam
  • Johnson for Vietnam escalation
  • Nixon for Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos
  • Ford he acknowledges as tricky but his support of Indonesian invasion of East Timor ("near genocidal")
  • Carter as "least violent" but supported Indonesian government despite atrocities
  • Reagan for "the stuff in Central America," support of Israeli invasion of Lebanon
  • Bush (Sr.) — doesn't say anything specific, seems to think it is obvious (probably would involve Gulf War)
All "presidents" are controlled by the same source. They put 2 weird old men on TV and tell you to pick one. And people worship these characters like they know them. Life is not suppose to be like this! That show they call politics is a joke. Yes its a literal joke from the God that controls this world. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these presidents are actual robots. They put anything on TV and people believe it.
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Jan 8, 2023
Reagan and Trump best. Biden and Obama worst.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Apparently patriotic Americans aren't welcome here. Is this site only for Communists?
Yes, this site has an abundance of delusional leftists. Since white progressives hate themselves, it's no wonder there are many on a suicide website. However, many members are apolitical and pay scant attention to politics.
I have paid close attention to domestic politics for decades and have witnessed the collapse of our once great constitutional republic orchestrated by the globalists and their democratic and rino puppets.
President Trump was not perfect(nobody is), but this country would be in far better shape if he were still president. Our elections have become about as corrupt as China or Iran. Disgusting.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Please don't let politics divide us. We all suffer. I'm sad because both sides think the other is delusional. Both sides find the other so utterly incomprehensible that it makes it difficult to see eye-to-eye, and both sides want what is best for their country. That's what patriotism is.

Maybe it's truly better to remain apolitical. There are people on the opposite political spectrum that I care about here. A lot of this rhetoric is US-centric though, I'm not even from the US. There are consistent values being shared that one can relate to internationally though.
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Dec 11, 2022
Apparently patriotic Americans aren't welcome here. Is this site only for Communists?
It's for people who haven't dedicated their existence to creating misery for others. It's for people who want to help and support each other. Aka communists yeah. You are no patriot, you are an emotionally weak teenager with no real opinion. A cucktard. If you are looking for encouragement to CTB, keep that bullshit up. Openly supporting Trump is a great way to get composted. Fucking little troll.