
Aug 18, 2020
I think some of you might know (or maybe are even annoyed) that I talk very badly about drugs. In the past I read some articles/studies to gain more information for some debates. Personally I don't even drink alcohol. Though I like drinking cafe with caffeine. When I was manic this backfired a little bit because it got too much. But with a more potent drug the damage would have been greater.

In these articles some people pretended alcohol would be the most dangerous drug there is. I was surprised. Personally I don't agree with that.

Here is one example of an article. https://delamere.com/blog/top-10-most-dangerous-drugs

Often the reasoning is the drugs which are socially most accepted, legal and widespread have to be at the top. I don't like this line of argumentation. Because when people read alcohol was on place number 1 and metamphetamine only number 5 that the latter one was less dangerous. I disagree a lot with that. I think when factors like the level of circulation are included this distorts the result.

Moreover I don't think that lethality should be the main indicator. I think ruining your whole life and life quality, the rate how addictive it is are more important factors than the lethality. Probably this is subjective. Many people will probably disagree with that but this is the way I see it. My inner logic is: Okay when I die because of an OD it is over. Though if it just ruins my life quality in a nightmarish way it is more horrible for me. I am more anxious about the loss of life quality than anxious about death.

Now to the question which one is the most dangerous one. I don't know. I think methamphetamine should be considered as very dangerous. One factor I think which makes it very dangerous is the fact that also very small amounts can cause huge damage.

What is your evaluation?
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Fentanyl is a big problem in the US, lots of people overdosing and dying.
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Dec 15, 2021
What is your evaluation?

Sugar, since it's a slow killer and ruiner of life, while "real drugs" may kill, but may not ruin one's body in the same way.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Sugar, since it's a slow killer and ruiner of life, while "real drugs" may kill, but may not ruin one's body in the same way.
Can be very addictive too.
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Life is unacceptable
Sep 11, 2022
Fertility drugs are extremely dangerous bioweapons.
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Mar 6, 2022
Well I have a whole huge opinion on this. I guess it depends on how you look at it. This is only my viewpoint on it so take it for what it's worth:

1. From purely a lethal standpoint, I would say Fentanyl or Carfentanyl are the most dangerous. It doesn't take much to OD from using them.
2. To destroying lives with ease, I'd go with alcohol. So many people have died from its use. Either from drinking themselves to death, from using another drug along with it, or from being the cause of a motor vehicle accident. Just shitty all around.
3. And finally there's oxycodone. What a shitshow of a drug. Supposed to have been used for pain relief and instead got so many people hooked onto using it. And when they can't get ahold of it, they turn to other drugs such as heroin, meth or coke.

So there's my rundown. I'm not a fan of drugs at all. Addiction runs in my family and I hate seeing what it can do to someone.
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Empty and hollow
Aug 3, 2020
Depends on what you mean by most dangerous.
Krokodil might be the one to fk up your organs and health in general the fastest. But it's definitely not the most popular one.
I guess things that make drug dangerous are: Accessibility, price, how fast is addiction developed and how strong is it, and how fast it will ruin your health.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Life, I'm completely hooked and I don't know how I'm going to quit when I have to, because it's so socially accepted that it's very difficult to talk about it with someone who can give you a hand to help you get through the days.

The worst of it all is that, although it seems like it, it is not a joke.


La vida, estic completament enganxat i no se com m'ho faré per deixar-la quan faci falta, doncs està socialment tant acceptada que és molt difícil parlar-ne d'aquest tema amb algú que et pugui llençar un cop de mà per anar passant els dies.

El pitjor de tot és que, tot i semblar-ho, no és pas una broma.