under mattress, in candle, bottom of quinoa you keep in your room, in a potato head. It is essential it is not found before you complete the act. In a bag in well of toilet, taped to the inside of a roof drain pipe, inside a computer, in a dvd case, inserted into a document many pages long that people think is a story you wrote as part of the story either so you can claim it was fiction or so once it's read it will stick out, timer sent email, in a straw put in hole in sweatpants where string goes, in bag in dark vinegar container, in video with your name in title. I recommend getting a very sharp box cutter, getting whole pickles, put paper in straw and super glue ends shut, slicing one, inserting straw with paper in it, make sure the pickles are kept in your room, make sure you keep them in your room long before you disappear to make it seem less suspicious. Leave a hint note under your mattress to point to the pickles.