

Apr 8, 2020
Last year I plunged back into Severe depression and suicidal thoughts because the events of last year. I went from having an amazing new life in 2022 to losing my new beatuiful life in 2023. This is why I ended up back on Sanctioned Suicide, had NONE of the events happened last year I wouldn't be wanting to die again and making plans to kill myself.

Difficult times show us which people in our lives actually care about us and which ones do not. I live in the UK but I was raised with African culture. In African culture families are very collectivist, interventionist and extended family plays an important role in family business.

I have all these aunties, uncles and cousins that are a part of my life and are heavily involved with my family but last year I couldn't phone or talk to ANY of them for comfort. These are the people my mum and grandmother always help with ALL their problems and send money too.

When I got fired from my well paying job a couple of days after my firing my mum said "if auntie X asks how work is going don't tell her about your firing because she will be gloating and telling everyone just say work is fine." This is the relative who dumped her young daughter on my family to look after because she was having numerous problems with her personal life. The daughter is the same as age as me and I couldn't phone her too because she is self centred like the others in the family.

Growing up I loved these 2 cousins who are sisters because I thought they were so cool. My mum let one of the cousins to live with us rent free in our small flat because she wanted to live in the UK. When cousin got a new a big job and moved to neighbouring Scotland cousin completely forget about ALL the help my mum gave her and pretty much saw herself a superior to everyone because she now made it in the UK. I couldn't call her for comfort nope to her our family don't exist nor matter in her bubble. Other cousin I couldn't phone either. This cousin only remembered my family again because she saw my family home as a transit hub for her and husband to stay for the Christmas holidays.

During the summer holidays when my grandmothers wealthy brother from overseas came visiting my family for a couple of days my grandmother said " don't mention your firing or the man ( I got involved with a terrible guy i loved so much and he caused me a lot of pain)."

That year I finally questioned what is the point in having all these uncles, aunties and cousins if I can't go to them for help or just comfort. It made me realise how NONE of my relatives don't care about me and I will never love me the way they love other family members.

I know for a fact if i successfully killed myself these will be the same relatives gossiping about how I always the crazy one.
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Jan 1, 2024
ya it sucks most people dont care, you are on your own
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
I think you should rather be honest if you want some help with your difficulties, or I don't understand why should you try to cover that you have been having them (it's bad advice to just keep everything to yourself, unless it could cause some harm for you, etc).


Apr 8, 2020
ya it sucks most people dont care, you are on your own
@divinemistress36 The problem with suicide prevention campaigns is that the campaigns rely heavily on the presumption everyone has caring family and friends.

The truth is not everyone has caring friends and family. If a person does not reach out to friends and families it is for a reason.
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Jan 1, 2024
Even loving family and friends get sick of hearing about it overs the years
  • Aww..
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Apr 8, 2020
I think you should rather be honest if you want some help with your difficulties, or I don't understand why should you try to cover that you have been having them (it's bad advice to just keep everything to yourself, unless it could cause some harm for you, etc).
@Mirrory Me I have no where to reach out and get help

● NHS I can't get help because of the long waiting lists and last time I tried I even struggled to get a place on the list. I live in an area that has very poor mental health services
Private clinics in my city charge expensive rates for therapy.

● When it comes to my family I have learnt my relatives love to gossip and they can't keep anything private.
My relatives enjoy seeing people failing in life as I grow older I learn more how spiteful, pathetic and two faced these people actually are.

I have seen family members enjoy other people going through hard times, it's disgusting to witness.

If I told my relatives I got fired, heartbroken and forced to defer my university place due to expensive fees my relatives will be gossiping and finding it hilarious.
Even loving family and friends get sick of hearing about it overs the years
@divinemistress36 These will be the same people crying at the funeral and asking "why didn't they reach out for help"

People say suicide is selfish because they do not want to deal with the discomfort of grief. These family members are sp selfish because they are wanting a miserable mentally tormented person to live just so they can be happy.

Selfish as fuck.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
@Mirrory Me I have no where to reach out and get help

● NHS I can't get help because of the long waiting lists and last time I tried I even struggled to get a place on the list. I live in an area that has very poor mental health services
Private clinics in my city charge expensive rates for therapy.

● When it comes to my family I have learnt my relatives love to gossip and they can't keep anything private.
My relatives enjoy seeing people failing in life as I grow older I learn more how spiteful, pathetic and two faced these people actually are.

I have seen family members enjoy other people going through hard times, it's disgusting to witness.

If I told my relatives I got fired, heartbroken and forced to defer my university place due to expensive fees my relatives will be gossiping and finding it hilarious.
I see... :/ There could be many reasons why you fear other people gossiping about you, but you could get some help (it's your family after all).



Apr 8, 2020
I see... :/ There could be many reasons why you fear other people gossiping about you, but you could get some help (it's your family after all).

@Mirrory Me NOPE my relatives are are awful people generally as I grow older I can not trust any of them.

More and more as I grow older I see how terrible my relatives treat other people. As kid I always thought they were good then as I grew older I realise my relatives are not good people.
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Dec 10, 2023
"if auntie X asks how work is going don't tell her about your firing because she will be gloating and telling everyone just say work is fine."

I know for a fact if i successfully killed myself these will be the same relatives gossiping about how I always the crazy one.
I'm sorry. It must fucking hurt. Specially when they talk about they feeling pleasure for your failures.


Sep 3, 2024
Good morning
As I understand you, I am also in great pain, abandoned by everyone and misunderstood, and every time I wake up I have anxiety attacks and I don't understand why I am still here, why am I still suffering?
I'm tired of fighting, even against those who should support me.
In this world, when we do not follow the path laid out by the system and the people, then we are excluded, treated like sick people when it is this world that destroys us.
I am going to leave around September 15 at the latest and I am desperately looking for SN because I would like to leave without suffering but I cannot find the famous DMC to place an order, so if I cannot find it I would choose partial hanging with a very thin rope, but I know it will be hard for me and for those who find me.
I hope soon to stop suffering and find peace.
I can't even remember the last time I felt at peace...
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Aug 23, 2024
Good morning
As I understand you, I am also in great pain, abandoned by everyone and misunderstood, and every time I wake up I have anxiety attacks and I don't understand why I am still here, why am I still suffering?
I'm tired of fighting, even against those who should support me.
In this world, when we do not follow the path laid out by the system and the people, then we are excluded, treated like sick people when it is this world that destroys us.
I am going to leave around September 15 at the latest and I am desperately looking for SN because I would like to leave without suffering but I cannot find the famous DMC to place an order, so if I cannot find it I would choose partial hanging with a very thin rope, but I know it will be hard for me and for those who find me.
I hope soon to stop suffering and find peace.
I can't even remember the last time I felt at peace...
I hope you find your peace in eternal peace soon, my friend 🙏🏻

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