
Aug 18, 2020
It is called the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Here is a link. https://www.britannica.com/science/Dunning-Kruger-effect

Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general. According to the researchers for whom it is named, psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the effect is explained by the fact that the metacognitive ability to recognize deficiencies in one's own knowledge or competence requires that one possess at least a minimum level of the same kind of knowledge or competence, which those who exhibit the effect have not attained. Because they are unaware of their deficiencies, such people generally assume that they are not deficient, in keeping with the tendency of most people to "choose what they think is the most reasonable and optimal option." Although not scientifically explored until the late 20th century, the phenomenon is familiar from ordinary life, and it has long been attested in common sayings—e.g., "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"—and in observations by writers and wits through the ages—e.g., "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge" (Charles Darwin).

I don't want to mock anyone wth this thread but such behavior can be really annoying. I think for example about an acquaintance of mine or my dad.

But maybe I am also included in this group of people. I am often obsessed what other people think of me. I try to present me as very smart though I feel like a fraud. I think I often exaggerate my intelligence. When I met an extreme genius professor at a clinic he thought of me as ignorant and annoying. He had seen through my charade that I often only pretend to be exceptionally smart. I had the feeling I was perceived as someone who is described with the Dunning-Kruger effect. Indeed I often feel like a fraud. Might be the imposter syndrome though I think there is a core that is true.

Now to the people who annoy me. I already wrote about my dad a lot. My parents ruined the life of me and my sister and my dad searches for scapegoats instead. His main target are refugees. I mean these people have not abused me why should I be angry at them. Honestly my dad is so stupid I wonder how he manages to work a normal job. Sometimes I have the feeling he is in a pre-stage of dementia. I think due to the fact his depression was never treated properly it destroyed his cognitive abilites. He loves to call other people losers. Though if you are someone who ruined the lives of their own children you should be careful about that. I said that this straight to his face. He was impressed and sad. Now I don't talk about it anymore and soon he will have forgotten everything. And then this circle repeats. Till I explode the next time.

My acquaintance...he brags with his high IQ. Mabye he is smart but his education is so fucking bad. He searches on weird internet websites. Is into insane conspiracies. He radicalized. I often confronted him with lapse in his logic. It is hopeless. I give an example as one of his "savvy tips". Spend all the money/savings you have on products you want due to inflation. Honestly this recommendation is insane. Maybe this is right for people in the upper or upper-middle class (for example when buying an apartment or stocks). But he lives from welfare. And I am the lower-middle class. There will be a very severe recession in the next months. It will be dramatic. People who are poor should not spend all their money on new products in an upcoming inflation. Logically one needs savings in order to still buy the products for living. And he gave this tip to many other poor people. Poor souls. It made me quite angry because these people will probably get into a lot of trouble when the energy prices climb. He spreads a lot of other misinformation that hurts other people. And then he is so proud about his intelligence. I told him some uncomfortable truths. Though I think he is too far-gone.

Do you know people like that? People where the Dunning-Kruger effect fits? Do you find it very annoying?
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I think the problem is universal. Some people, especially the unintelligent, are more susceptible, but I think we are all vulnerable to it. The explanation you gave for why this occurs really makes me feel like it is an inescapable part of the learning process.

As a former PhD student, I would get really annoyed when people argued with me over my subject matter with very little education to back it up. As the years have passed, I have become more relaxed. I try my best to find areas of commonality that I can build upon, but my temperament doesn't lend itself to being generous.

Ironically perhaps, I experienced the Dunning-Kruger effect firsthand when I was a student. It is very crippling to realize all that you simply don't know and perhaps never will. I couldn't find my way out of the ensuing fog. Very few do. Most who remain as academics learn to tolerate or even like the state of unknowing (assuming they are honest and have only average luck with new discoveries).
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I am a complete Dunnig-Krueger. I'm too curious and don't quite learn things well, leading me to talk about any subject with anyone.
But I often screw it up from top to bottom out of pure ignorance, because knowing a little bit of everything doesn't mean knowing everything.


Jo sóc un Dunnig-Krueger en tota la seva plenitud. Sóc massa curiós i no acabo d'aprendre bé les coses del tot, portant-me a parlar de qualsevol tema amb qualsevol persona.
Però sovint l'espifio de dalt a abaix per pur desconeixement, doncs saber una mica de tot no vol dir pas saber de tot.
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Aug 29, 2022
Internet gave a lot op people access to random information and also gave them a way to disseminate their silly ideas around the world. Lots of conspiracy theories are just silly from the scientific standpoint but they get visibility because traditional mass media drop down to the level of facebook in order to generate attention.

You do see so called "doctors" in tv talking against vax. The truth is that there is no doubt in the community about vaxes, but from time to time you find also an idiot doctor that wants visibility and he/she gets on the news and makes people think that the scientific community is divided.

Communicating recent scientific advances is complex and it requires a lot of training. People good at science are often terrible at talking about it to general people. I teach STEM to students and I face this challenge every day.
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Jun 17, 2022
I believe this describes every human with a formal education
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