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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
For several times, I considered myself already dead but I'm only forced to live by the physical body.

I've said good bye to life many times and I completely chose that and not to stay. The only thing that keeps me is the physical body. Why we are forced into this life like this? I'm completely saying good bye and there is no returning back. Why this body won't sleep like mind? Why it keeps acting like a different entity and a different person?

This just shows how sadly we are programmed, we can think and plan to do many things but our body limits us and function differently. The body only wants to continue, it doesn't think logically. It doesn't think like our minds.

I just hope I can find a good method to end this and solve this problem. No matter what the body says, every other thing including mind says otherwise, they already said good bye to life.

I just need a peaceful method to match the peace I'm having by choosing to leave. Its such a peaceful thing to leave all pain and the mad machine of time/space called life. But all of this peace is ruined by the body if I don't have the good method.

Its like living while being dead, I need to go and can't stay like this. Sorry for the long talk
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Yes that's kind of how I feel too. I feel like I'm in a prison of my own making to a degree. I hope I can do it with carbon monoxide in the car :(" but I'm thinking maybe buying a gun would be the best surefire route. Violent but at least it's quite effective.
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Jun 27, 2018
Yes that's kind of how I feel too. I feel like I'm in a prison of my own making to a degree. I hope I can do it with carbon monoxide in the car :(" but I'm thinking maybe buying a gun would be the best surefire route. Violent but at least it's quite effective.
Once the bullet leaves the gun there is no stopping it. All one needs is the courage to pull the trigger
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Jun 27, 2018
I have the courage to pull the trigger but dont have access to a a gun . And since I've been in this state no one will give me one


If my body won't follow their nature and try to keep me attached here, I could be dead since a lot of time. But he refuses it and only wants make me living, more and more, he doesn't care maybe it's the worst option, he only wants to fulfill his selfish wishes. Like society itself.