You try something else, like Life and Death said. And you keep trying until there is nothing left to try or until you are just so beaten down, you can't try anymore. Then you come here.
Sometimes, someone will say something that kinda clicks for me and I think about what they said and it gives me a little more understanding because I want to know WHY? And someone says they celebrate the little things, like actually getting up and doing the dishes, and I think, "Okay, I will do that" and I do and for those few minutes I feel a bit better. It's just a few minutes but beggars can't be choosy.
I am of the opinion that, for me, psychotherapy is a crock of poo (yes, I have been there) and drugs are just a coverup and family and friends are clueless. It is up to me to do this. Either do it, or do IT.
One day, one hour, one minute at a time.
The people here help keep me safe from myself.