
Jun 10, 2023
Not sure how to title this. Don't know If my title even makes sense, please just read all the way through and you'll understand 🤍 ok. So, let's say I jump from a 150M-200M building, how will I feel? This might sound stupid but there must be some sort of research about this.

Possible outcome 1. I fall, feel like I'm dreaming, hit the ground, hear a ringing in my ears, then I realize all my bones are broken, I feel my wet clothes drenched in blood, hyperventilating, in extreme pain... passing out and dying..

Possible outcome 2. I jump, loose consciousness, and then everything that happens in possible outcome 1 but I'm unconscious so I don't feel it.

It's probably my only choice. Can't perfect SWB, can't find my carotid arteries for night night and failed at partial hanging..

If I do get the courage to do it, where will I find a building to jump off of? Do I just go the rooftop of a mall or something.


and if i’m turning blue please don’t save me 🌛
Dec 14, 2023
Outcome 1 is not at all possible with a building that tall. But I assume it's not easy finding one that's 150-200 meters high and is easily accessible. The rooftop of a mall on the other hand seems not to be high enough. Depends on the mall of course, but.
The moment of jump is most probably pure panic, no matter how ready you think you are. Free falling is not what our bodies are used to, and you can feel it even during a stupid bungee jump or something. But that lasts for a couple of seconds tops, and then I'm sure you go unconscious, the moment your head hits the ground. Try hitting your head against the wall and you might already feel dizzy. So the outcome number two has my vote.


Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
There's more outcomes than that.

You could hit the ground and not pass out, feel absolutely everything and not die, and make a full recovery, or end up severely disabled and never able to kill yourself

You could pass out, and suffer for a long time, then die

You could not pass out, feel everything and suffer while dying.

You could become unconscious on impact and die immediately

You literally don't know

I know of 4 jumping cases:

1. Broke everything from the waist down, and is now severely disabled but lives alone and has carers come in. Mentally and physically worse off. Cannot die from suicide (tried countless times since - not via jumping as they can't move too well).

2. Took a while for them to die and it appeared they were suffering

3. Took over an hour to die, but apparently they were unconscious.

4. Did not pass out, broke everything from the waist down and made a full recovery, and are mentally doing well.

Each individual is different. Some could jump from the same spot and die, some not. Depends on many factors.

Personally, I wouldn't jump as I have personally seen the aftermath it can cause if you end up surviving. Fuck that.


Sep 24, 2024
Not sure how to title this. Don't know If my title even makes sense, please just read all the way through and you'll understand 🤍 ok. So, let's say I jump from a 150M-200M building, how will I feel? This might sound stupid but there must be some sort of research about this.

Possible outcome 1. I fall, feel like I'm dreaming, hit the ground, hear a ringing in my ears, then I realize all my bones are broken, I feel my wet clothes drenched in blood, hyperventilating, in extreme pain... passing out and dying..

Possible outcome 2. I jump, loose consciousness, and then everything that happens in possible outcome 1 but I'm unconscious so I don't feel it.

It's probably my only choice. Can't perfect SWB, can't find my carotid arteries for night night and failed at partial hanging..

If I do get the courage to do it, where will I find a building to jump off of? Do I just go the rooftop of a mall or something.

IM NOT going to encourage you, because I would be sick.

But if you're jumping go HIGH. You're not going to feel fuck if your 2,000 feet above ground.

If anyone here suggest you'll fell pain from leaping 2,000 feet...they're lying.

The impact is going to be so SLAP .. it would be foolish to argue against this method.

Personally, I would get shit wasted drunk and have the best meal of my life and apologize to God. Then JUST FUCKING DO IT.

BUT...I think (personally) that is what would stop me.

REMEMBER....Let's be honest. If you jumped off the Empire State building you WILL die instantly.

You might not have access to the Empire State building.

The higher you go, the better the outcome.

#the Sears Tower
#the Space Needle
#Stratrosphere in Las Vegas

Just don't fall on anyone is pretty much it.

There's plenty of super high buildings or landmarks.

And a lot of them are free or cost less than 20.00 to visit.

RULE OF THUMB: The higher the better. If you have access to an EXTRMELY HIGH building...also, bring yourself some binoculars.
Last edited:


À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
Statistically from a height of 100 meters the probability of survival is 1%.


I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
There's more outcomes than that.

You could hit the ground and not pass out, feel absolutely everything and not die, and make a full recovery, or end up severely disabled and never able to kill yourself

You could pass out, and suffer for a long time, then die

You could not pass out, feel everything and suffer while dying.

You could become unconscious on impact and die immediately

You literally don't know

I know of 4 jumping cases:

1. Broke everything from the waist down, and is now severely disabled but lives alone and has carers come in. Mentally and physically worse off. Cannot die from suicide (tried countless times since - not via jumping as they can't move too well).

2. Took a while for them to die and it appeared they were suffering

3. Took over an hour to die, but apparently they were unconscious.

4. Did not pass out, broke everything from the waist down and made a full recovery, and are mentally doing well.

Each individual is different. Some could jump from the same spot and die, some not. Depends on many factors.

Personally, I wouldn't jump as I have personally seen the aftermath it can cause if you end up surviving. Fuck that.
What IS the high for 4 people?


Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
What IS the high for 4 people?
One of them was 75 foot. Several people died jumping from that particular bridge, but that was the first person to survive in about 30 years. And there wasn't many survivors in total. The doctors had never actually seen anyone survive that height, ever in their entire careers with jumpers (they told me themselves). At the time, the doctors didn't actually think this person would survive, it was basically a miracle, if you like. There's no reason why they survived given the injuries, including brain. They are disabled now.

I don't know the other heights, but I do know it would be lethal enough for anyone to die jumping off it, many have - it is a spot for suicides.

Jumping depends on many factors.

Look at the woman that survived thousands of feet (her husband tried to kill her).. precisely why I'd never jump. If a person can survive falling thousands of feet.. imagine that. There's many cases where people have survived such heights and it is shocking - incredible what the body can withstand.


I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
L'un d'eux mesurait 23 mètres. Plusieurs personnes sont mortes en sautant de ce pont, mais c'était la première personne à survivre depuis environ 30 ans. Et il n'y a pas eu beaucoup de survivants au total. Les médecins n'avaient jamais vu quelqu'un survivre à une telle hauteur, de toute leur carrière de sauteur (ils me l'ont dit eux-mêmes). À l'époque, les médecins ne pensaient pas vraiment que cette personne survivrait, c'était en fait un miracle, si vous voulez. Il n'y a aucune raison pour qu'ils aient survécu compte tenu des blessures, notamment cérébrales. Ils sont maintenant handicapés.

Je ne connais pas les autres hauteurs, mais je sais que ce serait suffisamment mortel pour que n'importe qui meure en sautant, beaucoup l'ont fait - c'est un endroit pour se suicider.

Le saut dépend de nombreux facteurs.

Regardez la femme qui a survécu à une chute de plusieurs milliers de mètres (son mari a essayé de la tuer)… c'est précisément pourquoi je ne sauterais jamais. Si une personne peut survivre à une chute de plusieurs milliers de mètres… imaginez cela. Il existe de nombreux cas où des personnes ont survécu à de telles chutes et c'est choquant – incroyable ce que le corps peut supporter.
Me: hight 60 m


Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
Me: hight 60 m
That's nice, but it really isn't about the height, I don't think you are quiet grasping that yet. You can still survive though. Even thousands of feet. Google it.

Look at those that hit their head on a curb and die from impact.. some become disabled, some don't. So many factors.

Good luck with your plans anyway.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Yes, i have understood but i have not others Way of ctb


Sep 5, 2024
That's nice, but it really isn't about the height, I don't think you are quiet grasping that yet. You can still survive though. Even thousands of feet. Google it.

Look at those that hit their head on a curb and die from impact.. some become disabled, some don't. So many factors.

Good luck with your plans anyway.
I've figured out a method to hit the ground head first.
Since I intend to jump from 26m (85ft) and I do not want to fail. (See quotes below)
Do you think the outcome will be certain immediate death?

I just came up with an idea to make me fall down head first. I hope it doesn't sound foolish. By tying something light to my feet, that can open up to some small volume. like a mini parachute or small umbrella it can pull my feet upwards while my short fall occurs, turn me head down, but still not slow me down to much so the speed remains lethal. does this sound doable?
The blunt umbrella slows him down just from 1.3sec to 1.5 sec from 10 meters. The medium umbrella 4:08 slows him down even less. Tied to my foot it can make me go down head first easily.
After 6 meters the umbrella will be folded backwards and I keep falling head first for 18 more meters.