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Jul 29, 2021
I find that we are born, live and then die. And when you die, anything that you did on Earth does not matter. Nothing will be remembered. It has gotten me thinking that there is no point in life. Yes, everyone says you have to find a purpose, but then when you die that purpose is nothing. So why even bother to try hard to do all of these things if they mean nothing in the end? Everything dies in the end. Memories, friends, family, love etc. It means nothing. Life is nothing. I study for hours for school, the goal ultimately to get a good job. But what is the point? When we die we lose everything we spent our 85 years trying to accomplish, everything. People are saying life is what you make of it, but perhaps this is true, but when you die, what's the point of what you make out of life? It's all over, and all the things you have experienced ends... It's a really depressing thing to think, but in 100 years none of us alive today will be remembered. We will be forgotten, faded away into the ever turning wheel of time...
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Not Waving But Browned Off….
Sep 27, 2023
That's sort of my take too. 'Purpose' just tricks people into thinking they are making some sort of difference. Few actually do.
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Mar 21, 2019
Biologically, to make more life.
Societally, to be helpful to oursrlves, family and others in need.
Realistically, depending on the individual, it is a bit different.
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
There's none, I will always see existing as very meaningless and unnecessary, to exist is just a futile process of waiting around to die. It's really so tragic to me how existing beings have to suffer so much as a result of the abomination that is existence, the existence of life to me was the most terrible tragedy especially as there was never a need for it at all with nobody being able to be harmed by the absence of everything. Only non-existence is perfect for me, I only wish for the peace of death, the fact that this existence will disappear into nothingness someday with all finally forgotten about is all that comforts me.
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May 14, 2024
Yeah it is true that life is meaningless but since you are stuck on this planet for 80 years (assuming good health) you have to do something to pass the time otherwise you will be bored out of your mind. It's like when you get stuck at the airport for 10hrs, you can either spend that time being miserable, angry, and bored or you can open a good book, read for 2hrs, go have a good lunch, take a nap, and then read some more and maybe interact with other fellow passengers for 1hr or two.

If you compare those 2 routes of spending the time, the latter is definitely better since you are stuck there anyway.
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Misery Minimization Activist
Sep 19, 2023
I think there is a unique part of the "human" experience - existing as a being with higher consciousness - and life is about getting the most out of that for yourself and those around you. Obviously it's a vague concept that people can bend to their own personality and preference. I don't think it's about being in a constant state of "happy," but there are an array of emotions and experiences worth having while we are stuck being alive here.
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Dec 1, 2022
For me there is no point anymore, I've lost my purpose and I'm stuck living a depressing life until I find the courage to get off this planet.
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Apr 18, 2024
And that's why the point of living is up to you. Maybe that's also one of the reasons religion exist or atleast it gives many people a higher purpose.
I don't mind religion or faith, after all it probably all doesn't really matter like I've said.
At least from my perspective without the knowledge what happens after life or if anything happens
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New Member
Jun 3, 2024
I can't imagine having a purpose other than staying alive, avoiding suffering, and satisfying desires. It seems like that is what people do in one way or another. It may never be enough until we die.
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
For many of us the point of life is suffer
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  • Aww..
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Mar 8, 2024
Big giant hamsters on the hamster wheel going around and around, until we drop dead
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
There is no point at all
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Womp womp womp
May 12, 2024
To pay bills and consume product, and then become excited for next product.
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it's over
Jun 2, 2024
There is no point. Purpose is something which life creates, it is secondary. Not even survival and reproduction deserve to be called the purpose of life, they are closer to being the definition of life - life is what sustains and multiplies itself. The purpose of going to work can be earning money to survive, the purpose of dating can be finding a mate, but life itself has no purpose whatsoever. I think that finding your purpose in life or giving your life a purpose is just a cope, it's an attempt to rationalize what is irrational. Yes, it is possible to find a purpose "within" life, because that it what life does, justifies its existence. Saying that because one may have a purpose in life, life itself has a purpose is a logical fallacy however.

There is no point. The best life can do is mitigate its own consequences.
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Mar 8, 2024
There is no point. Purpose is something which life creates, it is secondary. Not even survival and reproduction deserve to be called the purpose of life, they are closer to being the definition of life - life is what sustains and multiplies itself. The purpose of going to work can be earning money to survive, the purpose of dating can be finding a mate, but life itself has no purpose whatsoever. I think that finding your purpose in life or giving your life a purpose is just a cope, it's an attempt to rationalize what is irrational. Yes, it is possible to find a purpose "within" life, because that it what life does, justifies its existence. Saying that because one may have a purpose in life, life itself has a purpose is a logical fallacy however.

There is no point. The best life can do is mitigate its own consequences.
Well put.
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Jan 1, 2024
Reproduce, suffer, slave away working to make the top 1 percent wealthy
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Let me go
Mar 3, 2024
Biologically, you are born to survive as long as possible and reproduce, next living beings meet the same fate and it's an endless cycle of existence in general, that's what keeps it running. The "point" is subjective, each individual sees it differently. That's why every view should be respected. No one has the right to judge others with their own views. It's very important to understand that most of the things are operating beyond our control and we're all just trying to go through it.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Biologically, you are born to survive as long as possible and reproduce, next living beings meet the same fate and it's an endless cycle of existence in general, that's what keeps it running. The "point" is subjective, each individual sees it differently. That's why every view should be respected. No one has the right to judge others with their own views. It's very important to understand that most of the things are operating beyond our control and we're all just trying to go through it.
There was no need for anything to exist in the first place though. I wonder why life arose. It probably came about randomly
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Let me go
Mar 3, 2024
There was no need for anything to exist in the first place though. I wonder why life arose. It probably came about randomly
It was really unnecessary to make it this way imo. I might not know better but I wish it was fair at least. Generally, I agree that it was probably random because ain't no way a creator would wish something like this to be the " ideal existence", or they're just a sadist which is where it would make sense for it to be like this. It's definitely a wonder tho.
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Jan 1, 2024
There was no need for anything to exist in the first place though. I wonder why life arose. It probably came about randomly
Some spiritual people say we come here to learn lessons like i was told in a reading my purpose here is to be "brave" 🙄


Mar 15, 2019
It is indeed a pile of bullshit. All those "purpose" and different positive quotes and sentences, is just a bunch of fake lies and illusion. The truth hurts, but it is what it is

I always say this, and will continue to repeat it. People need to stop having kids, period. And its not meant to be negative towards parents in a personal way, but just as a general rant towards the world

This is what life is like.....

Imagine you spent a whole month to plan and prepare a big feast for a gathering. Then in the end, after all that grocery shopping, meal prepping, cooking, effort and heart.... the moment the food is finally ready, it just immediately gets smashed on the ground, and thrown right into the garbage

Isn't that what life is like?

Decades and decades to get a bullshit degree from school, 40 fucking years to slave away to pay bills, stuck in traffic, constantly exercising, eating healthy, everyday cleaning & grooming yourself, build relationships, endure hardships... save up to buy a house, build a good credit score......... just to fucking rot and die in the end

Then when you die, people still coming left and right to try to take your last money if possible (funeral cost, medical bills, insurance, lawyers, thieves)

I'm just so sick and tired of life. If someone murdered me right now, they would unknowingly be doing me a huge favor, and I instead need to thank them
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