A friend's death. I keep thinking of what I did and what I didn't do, and wishing he were alive and I was alive, or he were dead and I were dead. And I've always had this sort of tunnel vision, where when I want something I would do anything to get it. I don't care about anything more than this, but I need to let the dead rest and continue on instead of resting with them because that's what he wanted.
Life is fine right now. But I feel deep regret about what used to be and what could've been. I think rose-tinted glasses are a big part of it. I see how much happier I could've been, that what I currently have just feels like garbage in comparison. I still have the job that I don't like (but trying to get out of it), the friends that I don't find insightful (is that the word? interacting with them just isn't interesting for various reasons), the relationship that is fine but doesn't compare to the compatibility of the friendship I had with my lost friend, and the mood that is normal but not pure euphoria. Sometimes I want to throw my life out the window just for the gamble that there's an afterlife and I'd see him and be able to stop regretting. But I know that it would be selfish, and that I have created an idealized image of him. And I'm also scared that he'd be disgusted with me if he knew how I truly was as a person. Terrible, selfish, and obsessive, creepy even.
I think a better question for me is why I'm not dead. I wish I had never existed in the first place. But now that I exist, I have irrational emotions and an innate desire to continue existing. I hate it, because once a person exists, what they experience is almost mostly undesirable, just for their mind to keep telling them they want to keep existing because of the 1% that is. It's very irrational and I wish that survival instinct would stop. I can easily say that I would live it all again, that I would be in pain for years, just to know him for another day and the desire to fulfill what he wanted. Hah. I don't want to feel this way at all, but I do which is why I'm not going to ctb.