

Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I know I'd buy a large nightclub in London for sure. Something industrial looking with a massive dancefloor, balconies and cosy little side rooms. Really bright laser and loads of intelligent lights. I'd make a charity centre for homeless people in London to stay a few nights and get themselves sorted, provide education/training facilities and get them into work with a home. I'd also have a rescue for abandoned pets.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
In London? It'd have to be like 200 square feet, and then you might have 500 quid left over. I guess you could feed a few animals with that.

I would buy this private island and just chill and drink and play vidya the rest of my life.


I'd have to space out my drinking a bit to not blow through 10 million worth of booze before I pop off, but I guess that's a small price to pay.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
In London? It'd have to be like 200 square feet, and then you might have 500 quid left over. I guess you could feed a few animals with that.

I would buy this private island and just chill and drink and play vidya the rest of my life.

View attachment 104116

I'd have to space out my drinking a bit to not blow through 10 million worth of booze before I pop off, but I guess that's a small price to pay.
Ooh nice!! Worth every cent! I love that crystal clear water. We can make it $30 mil so you don't run out of booze 😂
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Jan 16, 2022
I'd die during a night out with friends celebrating 😂 But if I survived I'd live off the rest while travelling the world, before settling down in a country that's always top of the best places to live charts (I think the Scandinavian countries normally are top)
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Jan 16, 2021
I would buy 10 hectares of land on a mountain and build all the infrastructure to be independent of civilization. I would need some 5-6 million for that. I would share the rest of the money with my friends.
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Jan 23, 2023
i would buy a private plane and travel the world for a couple of years
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Grave with a view...
Jan 22, 2023
Buy some land in the middle of nowhere, set myself up to be mostly independent from society. I don't need anything fancy, so I'd probably have a fair amount of money left over. I'd invest the rest, and use the returns to pay for my expenses and to take care of loved ones. I could finally spend my time doing what I love without having to think about things as pedestrian as bills.
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New Member
Jan 23, 2023
Pay off my student dept and those of my friends. Buy a place to live, doesn't have to be big, just more comofrtable than the shed I'm living in now. Give money to some reputable animal shelters. Invest it. Comfortably finish my education without the fear of not being able to pay for it anymore and dropping our because of that. Fund my own PHD. I would try to help some homeless people that I know as well. It would be nice if they could get proper help
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
20 million? 500K would be enough for me to live in peace and quiet in a small pretty place by a beach, surrounded by pets and books. I would free myself of unwanted interactions and turn my back on people in general. I would keep the few genuine ones but close the door on the world and good riddance. I would enjoy peace.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I know I'd buy a large nightclub in London for sure. Something industrial looking with a massive dancefloor, balconies and cosy little side rooms. Really bright laser and loads of intelligent lights. I'd make a charity centre for homeless people in London to stay a few nights and get themselves sorted, provide education/training facilities and get them into work with a home. I'd also have a rescue for abandoned pets.
Buy my best friend a house because he deserves it. Buy myself a small house in the middle of nowhere. Save half of the money for bills for the rest of my life and grocery expenses, use the other half on investing into stocks. If I ever have a kid I'd probably also use some of the money on getting them into private school and to give them a great life.


Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Buy my best friend a house because he deserves it. Buy myself a small house in the middle of nowhere. Save half of the money for bills for the rest of my life and grocery expenses, use the other half on investing into stocks. If I ever have a kid I'd probably also use some of the money on getting them into private school and to give them a great life.
It's a good point. I doubt I'm gonna have kids, but if I had that much money I'd probably reconsider. I don't know how people manage with kids on average wages or less


Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
It's a good point. I doubt I'm gonna have kids, but if I had that much money I'd probably reconsider. I don't know how people manage with kids on average wages or less
I don't know either, my mom raised us on almost nothing because she'd blow all her wages + all her child support on alcohol and partying. Had to suffer unnessescarily due to that until I became an adult and made my own money. I can financially have kids right now, but I'd prefer for them to be in a stable family environment so I would rather wait until I find the right guy for that who is equipped to be a father. If I can't find that, I can always opt for sperm donors, but it would be a last solution type of thing.


trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
Do I have to pay income tax on it?

I'd move to California, buy a house in Santa Monica, another somewhere outside of the city, some place close to nature but not so remote it doesn't have 5G cell coverage, and an RV/camper van so I could road trip around the American southwest whenever I wanted. And an electric Mercedes. I'd try to do all that under $10 million, and probably cut back my dreams to only spend less than $5 million. Real estate probably costs more than I think. So I'd probably still get the RV and luxury electric car, and get a house some place more practical.

maybe I'd hate Santa Monica, everyone is so pretty there, I wouldn't fit in… I guess I could afford a lot of cosmetic surgery and it's probably readily available in LA.

For the rest… (office space quote)
You know what I would do if I had a million dollars? I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities...

Invest money, try to use proceeds for good, maybe be minimally involved in backing businesses or organizations that align with my values. Drug harm reduction, cPTSD recovery, tech that doesn't hurt/exploit individuals, etc.
with my mental illnesses, the best way I can help causes I care about is probably financial contributions, and if I make myself happy by being in nice places, maybe I can be healthy enough to make the world a better place.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Do I have to pay income tax on it?

I'd move to California, buy a house in Santa Monica, another somewhere outside of the city, some place close to nature but not so remote it doesn't have 5G cell coverage, and an RV/camper van so I could road trip around the American southwest whenever I wanted. And an electric Mercedes. I'd try to do all that under $10 million, and probably cut back my dreams to only spend less than $5 million. Real estate probably costs more than I think. So I'd probably still get the RV and luxury electric car, and get a house some place more practical.

maybe I'd hate Santa Monica, everyone is so pretty there, I wouldn't fit in… I guess I could afford a lot of cosmetic surgery and it's probably readily available in LA.

For the rest… (office space quote)

Invest money, try to use proceeds for good, maybe be minimally involved in backing businesses or organizations that align with my values. Drug harm reduction, cPTSD recovery, tech that doesn't hurt/exploit individuals, etc.
with my mental illnesses, the best way I can help causes I care about is probably financial contributions, and if I make myself happy by being in nice places, maybe I can be healthy enough to make the world a better place.
Wouldn't the world be such a better place if billionaires all stopped hoarding their wealth and were as generous as us! Imagine if they all too only spent a few million on themselves and distributed the rest. They say the top 1% has two thirds of the wealth or more. Everyone would be three times as well off! The poorest significantly more well off. They're so selfish!


Dec 21, 2022
Buy a house, pay off sister's and Dad's debts. For the rest I would do charity and investing. There's not that much I really care to buy, just don't want to be homeless or unable to care for parents.
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Golden Slumbers

Golden Slumbers

golden slumbers fill your eyes
Jan 23, 2023
buy a small family home out in the sticks with all the amenities, throw the rest in government bonds, and live comfortably off compound interest forever!
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Nov 6, 2020
Buy permanent home in desirable place and then go cruise for years


Nov 5, 2022
Would buy a house in the perfect area and as many canned food/instant meal items as I could fit.
Would pay off debts.
And finally, I would donate money to efforts for causes that I support.
Oh, yes. Almost forgot, I would also begin to consider if there were any surgeries that I would like to get.


Aug 31, 2020
Have a permanent place to live, but then go off traveling with a professional chef. Being able to have access to tasty cooked food at all times would be lovely.
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actual cyborg
Jan 20, 2023
Small house in the middle of nowhere, which doesn't seem like a "super expensive pipe dream," but add on some kind of preposterously good, multiple gigabit internet. I imagine the costs of like, having to lay cable all the way out to a tiny parcel of land in the country would be crazy, lol :ahhha:. Add on a supply of shelf-stable food that only needs to be replenished once every month or two so that I don't have to leave the house, and commissioning someone to make a few cosplay props out of actual metal... Beyond that, I'd buy a bunch of the anime figures on my wantlist, new clothes for the first time in a few years, then get rid of like 3/4 of what's left through donations or smth and still live comfortably off of the rest.

Alternate answers: house with a murder basement/irl catgirl research funding
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