Diagnosis and treatment. There are at least two treatments available, unfortunately since I've been stuck in this merry-go-round with them, it's never gone anywhere and the abuse from them only ever made things worse, that and sharing notes with my abusive family.
I've been better off without them, but that still means I've got by with completely untreated C/PTSD as well. Besides dealing it with myself and getting meds from G.P. myself not through psych.
I requested mirtazapine from G.P. because a friend suggested they were great for PTSD and they've been great for me. My energy has gone way up. I complained about
lack of energy, etc for years and nothing was done before that. In general, most G.P.s have been helpful with everything but psych's just made everything way worse. I've no idea whether G.P.s get access to N.H.S. psych notes, do they?
My previous G.P. knew roughly what what P.D. they had me down with (from reading my notes it looks like it was the guy who shouted at me who dx that, but they are really unclear about who is who). Incidentally, I never know what P.D. it was supposed to be, because they never told me. Which increases the likelihood it was that gone, from the notes it seems to be around that period because I moved to a new address and the notes give my address as that.
So maybe they do and G.P.s are just not assholes? Maybe G.P.s have notes on my entire family, for that matter, whereas psychs are only allowed to look at the notes for the person they're seeing? Or there are more recent notes on my family and the guy who laughed at me about what my uncle put me through a few years ago was just a terrible person? - that was kidnapping, physical and mental torture, group beatings, death threats, violence, etc btw. There's nothing funny about it and it didn't help with PTSD that I already had, either going through it or the psych laughing about it and asking whether I enjoyed all of that.
To be honest, I'm not sure whether or not it was even the same guy/place who was involved in my mom's care, in which case there's a conflict of interest right there. That guy also shouted at me btw.
I'm just trying to get a proper dx and treatment for PTSD, at this point it feels like sunk investment. I've been through so much with this, and I guess I'm swayed by people telling me to try again. I think it does not help that there is a huge disparity between the way psychs see me and the way my friends see me. So my friends are like, they will believe you, it just takes time to find the right one you gel with, meanwhile for me I have to deal with all these pre-conceived notions from the psychs because they only have shoddy records, an inital record of childhood psych who had a bias and reported all of my family's lies on my sheet as facts while questioning what I said, and then these later direct abuses from certain psychs.
It's all been a hassle for me. In my childhood, it wasn't voluntary either, my family sent me there, and when I tried to tell them what was happening they straight up ignored me and tried to find problems with me instead. Which meant I had to fear years more of abuse at home, since I was only 13 then. Of course when they wanted to take me into isolation at 13 my family outright refused them to do that. They probably would've discovered what was really happening then.
You would think a 13 year old displaying signs of stress and being quiet and withdrawn would've raised alarm bells, not to mention I straight up told them, but I guess not. As soon as I was an adult and ran away from home they diagnosed me with stress, anxiety and depression. How hard was that? And why didn't they update my notes after I told them about my uncle?