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New Member
Mar 14, 2021
I used to take SSRIs, until one day I woke up and my body decided to literally reject them. they were working fine for a while; I literally just woke up one day + took my meds and instead of the pills helping me feel calmer, I felt extremely nauseous, threw up, and just felt very sick. I switched to a couple different SSRIs to test if any of them worked, and I had the same symptoms with all of them. super weird, I haven't heard of this happening to anyone else where their meds just stop working out of the blue, and I haven't been able to take them in quite some time. which leads me to owning a nearly full bottle of lexapro that makes me terribly sick.

I know that SSRIs aren't lethal to the average person, and ODing on them will probably just lead to a bad case of serotonin syndrome. but I was wondering if, because my reaction to it is so bad with just one pill, would taking the entire bottle kill me?

to further explain how bad my reaction to SSRIs is, I'll detail the last time I took a pill (about 9 months ago I think). it might be gross, fair warning.

I wanted to test taking a pill before bed (I had only taken them in the morning beforehand) and see how bad my reaction is as some kind of test run (probably not a good idea). so I took just one pill, and afterwards I went to bed. I woke up early in the morning and knew I had to bolt to the bathroom. so I did, and I sat down on the toilet. I felt incredibly nauseous--it felt crushing and overwhelming, it was so bad. I grabbed the trash can and while I was having diarrhea, I tried to throw up into the trash can to get rid of the horrible nauseous feeling, but nothing was coming out. the more I tried, the worse I felt. it felt like my throat was trying to crawl out of itself. I kept trying even harder to throw up to hurry up and get the vomit out of my system so I would feel better, but nothing was coming out. I was trying to vomit so bad that my vision blacked out and I went temporarily blind; I could not see a thing. I gave up on throwing up and set the trash can down, wiped, and stood up, and then I woke up on the cold bathroom floor. I don't remember passing out, but I think I was unconscious for only a few minutes. after I woke up, my vision was back, but my hearing was a bit tinny (probably from collapsing). I went back to bed after this and was fine.

so my question is--if that's my reaction to just 20 mg of lexapro, what would happen if I took all 78 pills (yes I counted them lol, it ends up being 1,560 mg)? my biggest worries are either A) it'll be a horrible, painful death--to which I wonder if falling asleep after taking them would prevent this? I didn't wake up for a few hours after I took the pill before I had to run to the bathroom. Or B) I won't die, and it'll just suck super bad and I'll have to get my stomach pumped. I have never gotten my stomach pumped before, but I've heard it's excruciatingly painful, and I do not want that. or I guess I could just not go to the hospital and suffer at home lol.

does anyone have any thoughts on this? I figured I might as well get some use out of the pills if I can't take them anymore.

edit: forgot to mention. I have no idea if this is important information, but I might as well throw it in here. I haven't taken any more than 2 pills, mostly because I'm scared of how my body will react. but when I've taken 2 pills instead of just 1, it actually is a much better experience than just 1. don't get me wrong, it still sucks because I feel incredibly sick, but I can't vomit when I take only 1 pill. I think it's because it's not enough for me to throw up. when I take 2 pills, I always vomit. after I get it out of my system, I feel much better. when I take 1 pill, all I can do is wait for the nausea to go away, and it's much more horrible. anyway not sure if this is helpful info but I'm adding it here just in case.
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Aug 12, 2020
You'll just end up in a coma and make yourself worse. Not a good idea.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
You'll probably fuck your body and end up with serotonin syndrome
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
You would probably end up in a coma. Ask @WornOutLife .
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Feb 18, 2021
Just as you guessed, even if you do die, it'd be a painful process. I'd wager that it'd take 6+ hours for you to be done in, and you'll feel your organs shutting down all the meanwhile.


Mar 22, 2020
You would probably end up in a coma. Ask @WornOutLife .

Yes, probably a coma and then hell is coming.
I was in a coma for 2 days and lost my freedom for half a year.


Oct 27, 2020
Would be a horrible way to die, if it did kill you. Cause of the nature of SSRIs there are no way they would prescribe enough that could cause overdose at once... Just common sense