

Jan 29, 2020
Have you ever had THAT moment when you literally snap? When you decide that you have to do it and that no amount of rationalisation can convince you otherwise anymore?
Well I've finally had that moment. I've attempted to kms multiple times but SI came to the rescue. Now, things have gone beyond my control. I can't keep living anymore. The realisation that things will NEVER get better has crushed what little resolve I had left. I don't care about what my mom would think/do when she finds me dead in my room. She can cry for the rest of her life or better yet, follow my steps. The same applies to my dad, or my bother. I don't give a fuck about anything anymore. I've reach the peak of apathy and am devoid of any morals or emotions. It's not my fault I don't want to live, and it's not my fault my parents "love" me. If me killing myself ruins 3 perfectly normal lives then so be it. Why should I keep living for the sake of anybody else's happiness? Nothing matters anymore.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Yeah, I get that. It's a moment. And honestly, I don't see it as bad or selfish or even unhealthy. I think it's a healthy temporary response.

When pressure builds up to an untenable point, not only does something have to give, sometimes everything has to give, at least for a while.

Sending empathy and compassion.
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Bend Sinister

May 27, 2020
You shouldn't do anything for the sake of anyone else. You are your own unique person.
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May 16, 2020
When I found out my partner cheated on me. I'm only sticking around because he hates my cat and I don't want her to suffer after I'm gone. He doesn't know I know (yet) but he will once my baby kitty is gone and I follow her. It is killing me to live this lie with him every day, but I don't care to start over and just want to be done with it all.
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May 7, 2020
Everything seems to do it these days. Feels like a personal attack on me and I just can't take it
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May 16, 2020
I know the feeling. I'm struggling to get through work every day. I count down the seconds until I can come home and drink and sleep. I'm honestly not sure how much fight I have left in me. On my days off I don't even leave the bed except to go to the bathroom. I hate everything and just want it to be over.
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Feb 13, 2020
Have you ever had THAT moment when you literally snap? When you decide that you have to do it and that no amount of rationalisation can convince you otherwise anymore?
Well I've finally had that moment. I've attempted to kms multiple times but SI came to the rescue. Now, things have gone beyond my control. I can't keep living anymore. The realisation that things will NEVER get better has crushed what little resolve I had left. I don't care about what my mom would think/do when she finds me dead in my room. She can cry for the rest of her life or better yet, follow my steps. The same applies to my dad, or my bother. I don't give a fuck about anything anymore. I've reach the peak of apathy and am devoid of any morals or emotions. It's not my fault I don't want to live, and it's not my fault my parents "love" me. If me killing myself ruins 3 perfectly normal lives then so be it. Why should I keep living for the sake of anybody else's happiness? Nothing matters anymore.
We always get told that ending our lives will cause pain for other people and that it's selfish but isn't it selfish that we have to keep living in unimaginable hell and pain for the sake of others?... Why is their pain more important than ours?
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May 18, 2020
Have you ever had THAT moment when you literally snap? When you decide that you have to do it and that no amount of rationalisation can convince you otherwise anymore?
Well I've finally had that moment. I've attempted to kms multiple times but SI came to the rescue. Now, things have gone beyond my control. I can't keep living anymore. The realisation that things will NEVER get better has crushed what little resolve I had left. I don't care about what my mom would think/do when she finds me dead in my room. She can cry for the rest of her life or better yet, follow my steps. The same applies to my dad, or my bother. I don't give a fuck about anything anymore. I've reach the peak of apathy and am devoid of any morals or emotions. It's not my fault I don't want to live, and it's not my fault my parents "love" me. If me killing myself ruins 3 perfectly normal lives then so be it. Why should I keep living for the sake of anybody else's happiness? Nothing matters anymore.
i got tired of everything and then my a family member said we could go a deceased member's grave site and i felt extremely sad


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
My parents cruel and heartless attitude towards me
My best friends ctb
My debilitating ear condition

It all makes me just want to go drink myself unconscious and jump.


Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
I snapped the moment I realized I couldn't get better either personally or professionally. I still be a piece of shit even after some attempt to improve myself over the years.
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Across space and across time, I will be there.
Jan 13, 2020
Not one thing made me snap, but many things building up over the years. The moment I officially decided that I was going to ctb, was when I was experiencing bad social anxiety. I pretty much thought, "Fuck this, I'm done." Before that I was just passively suicidal.
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