Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Ok- so this one is really for the people out there who believe in reincarnation (as a moral teaching tool mainly.) From a personal perspective, I simply don't know whether I believe reincarnation exists but I have to say- I have a bias against it.

So my question really is this: Is there such a thing as good and bad souls? Are some people more likely to turn out 'evil' because of the soul that lies within them?

What would you do if you found out you had the soul of Hitler for example? Is there anything you could do or endure to make up for all of that wrong?

I always used to have this idea that if reincarnation was real- and if it existed to serve some moral end- to become a better human being. Would you need to live a spotless life to be released and become an angel or something?

Then I thought- maybe life is more like coursework... Maybe you just need to learn a specific lesson or skill in each lifetime- humility maybe or love or brick laying...

I guess there's the final argument that the soul is simply energy- neither good nor bad. But presumably then- it doesn't have a personality or memories? In which case- why do a tiny fraction of people remember their past lives?

Plus, have any of these people ever been anyone REALLY awful- like a serial killer? Perhaps those soles get sent to landfill though (hell) rather than being recycled...

Suppose what I'm trying to say is: if you have a bad soul- is the goal to fight it so that maybe next time around- it's a little cleaner? Do you get extra points for repressing any really awful things you want to do? (Just like to reassure everyone here- I'm not about to confess to being a murderer or anything- I'm honestly fairly average in terms of sin or intent to sin.)

Why do some people remember their past lives? Have they somehow become more enlightened to have that sight? If I can't remember my past lives- does that mean my soul is new? Not sure we're off to a great start in that case...
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
The soul is neither good nor bad, it is the software that regulates the use of the hardware (the body). I have never understood how something so transcendental to understand how we function, as is the implementation of software in machines, went so unnoticed within the scope of society when it was created.

We finally discovered what the soul was and we still think of it as something mysterious. The soul is 'software' and just like the 'software' of computer systems it has no physical existence (no matter how much you open a hard disk with a handsaw you will not find anything inside, no files, no folders, no operating systems, no images, no music).


L'ànima ni es bona ni dolenta, és el programari que regula l'ús del maquinari (el cos). No he entés mai com una cosa tant trascendental per entendre com funcionem, com és la implementació del programari a les màquines, va passar tan desapercebuda dins l'ambit de la societat quan es va crear.

Per fi vem descobrir que era l'ànima i seguim pensant en ella com una cosa misteriosa. L'ànima és programari i al igual que el programari dels sistemes informàtics no te existéncia física (per molt que obris un disc dur amb un xerrac no trobaràs a dins rés, ni fitxers, ni carpetes, ni sistemes operatius, ni imatges, ni música).
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Sister of the Moon

Sister of the Moon

Dec 17, 2021
Dolores Cannon has some good writings on this subject that make a lot of sense. Basically she was able to connect with thousands of people through hypnosis and tap into their higher self. She questioned them on a lot of unanswered questions we have and it's striking how similar their experiences are. Check her books out on A****on or she has an active F*****ok page too.
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Dec 21, 2022
I think it's worthwhile to read what different religions have to say about this, even if you reject their ideas. I like the Buddha's doctrine that we aren't souls inhabiting bodies so much as a natural phenomenon. He compares consciousness to fire existing because fuel and heat combine. Remove the fuel (desire and attachment) and the fire of life and consciousness is extinguished. He developed a whole teaching about how to do this but it is much easier to read about than put into practice.

But yeah like you I struggle with the idea of having a (possibly evil) soul. Grew up in Judeo-Christian society so inherited all those ideas about good and evil, reward and punishment etc. I reject them intellectually but it's hard to rid yourself emotionally of that deep seated guilt and judgement. Sorry if I've strayed off of the question, it's not one I can answer with much confidence.
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Oct 16, 2022
We are in a death trap and only way to escape it is to exit the grid so when you die look up if you see a grid that looks like cross hatched bars look for holes you can slip through its the only way you'll escape the whole reincarnation back into earth bs and better do it soon before the singularity happens that will be the new grid and there won't be holes to escape out of in the new grid system

To escape through the tears or holes in this current grid just imagine yourself propelling through it and reaching the other side
Once you reach the other side you can be a creator yourself and create your desired reality for yourself!

But heed anyone trying to contact you chances of family or friends actually finding you is slim to non so its probably the grid guards trying to get you to go to the light (dont go) it will basically just lead you back to being reborn on earth where you will be in a new grid called the singularity and that will be literal slave hell for anyone who goes back
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Jul 15, 2022
Reincarnation doesnt exist
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Oct 16, 2022
Look you dont need to believe me but when u die look up search for the grid then ull know I was telling the truth if you find it better to at least try then to unwittingly jump into a white light thats Not beneficial to you in ANYWAY
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