

May 11, 2020
seriously why is this world so terrible? whenever i tell this to the people around me they deny it but i figured you guys likely feel the same about the world as i do. all of humanity is plagued by cruelty, ignorance and selfishness. most people have had their brains rotted by social media and technology and are shallow as fuck and cant think for themselves. no one is able to form genuine connections with other people or at least it is very rare. everyone acts as though they are the center of the universe and they try so hard to stand out and be important and why? we are all the same, 7 billion humans that are all equal to one another. all humans, animals and plants are of the same value yet individuals are so fucking narcissistic that they can't comprehend that they aren't the only thing that matters. i am trapped in this suffocating loop of wake up, eat, school, work, sleep for a few hours, then repeat and i will be for the rest of my life. unless i have kids, then i will be forced to raise another human on top of it all which sounds awful. there is no meaning in life at all, nothing that makes it worth it. i don't know why we are here. i have been reading a book on existentialism in hopes of finding some sort of point to all this but instead it just left me defeated. all i could comprehend is that there is no meaning in life, and no meaning in death. but in life, you need a meaning in order to make it bearable. death is the end of all things, and whatever happens after death, though it may be meaningless, you won't need a meaning or a point. i am so sick of this world and everyone only caring about themselves. i'm so ready to leave and i hope that day comes soon.
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Aug 23, 2020
For better or worse, you're right - there is no meaning, rhyme or reason to either life or death. The odd psychological need to attach meaning to everything including ones own actions is the reason why humans are so self-important.
Sorry this world upsets you so much.
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Apr 11, 2020
I think some people don't live in the real world. You can tell people how terrible it is but they insulate themselves with pretty words or maybe their experience of reality wasn't as brutal. Maybe their brains are different and are better at coping. I feel like that sometimes. I look at people around me and I don't understand how they cope with everyday hell and just keep going.
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Nov 5, 2018
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Apr 11, 2020
Also isn't part of existensialism is you're supposed to give life meaning? I feel like this world does make that hard though. Someone posted yesterday about how society has kind of eroded and how because we don't need connections for survival anymore a lot of community relationships are gone. Everybody is in their own little box. If you're lucky you get to sit in your box and slowly wait to die and f you're unlucky you have to struggle to pay for your box and/or go through more trauma. I feel like strong relationships would make everybody better. the flow of society though motivates you to be alone. Pay for yourself and buy more stuff is the MO.
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Oct 21, 2020
I've come to the conclusion that people are actualy so wrapped up in themselves that they are tone deaf to anything and anyone else, and social media and the "like me, like me, like me" society it's created have just made things 1000 times worse and brought out all of the nastiness in people.

They do some studies in the US of the level of wellbeing of students when they go to college, and it's been dropping for years, is at an all time low, and is directly linked to how engaged they are in social media.

It seems the less people connect with other people in real life, and the more they isolate themselves in their own bubbles, the worse they get.
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It’s the end of the line, cowboy
Feb 2, 2020
I understand why they do it, and it's probably healthier for them that way too. It's happier to live in a fantasy where you mean something than to acknowledge you and everyone around you has the same amount of worth as a speck of dirt.
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Yuki Tenuki

Yuki Tenuki

Oct 30, 2020
True. That's why i hope my consciousness will experience some relieve after death.
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All washed up

All washed up

Oct 31, 2020
Also isn't part of existensialism is you're supposed to give life meaning? I feel like this world does make that hard though. Someone posted yesterday about how society has kind of eroded and how because we don't need connections for survival anymore a lot of community relationships are gone. Everybody is in their own little box. If you're lucky you get to sit in your box and slowly wait to die and f you're unlucky you have to struggle to pay for your box and/or go through more trauma. I feel like strong relationships would make everybody better. the flow of society though motivates you to be alone. Pay for yourself and buy more stuff is the MO.
Some good points here.
And all these coronavirus restrictions are making everyone stay in their box even more and people just get more used to being alone.
society as we knew even quite recently is no more
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May 11, 2020
I think some people don't live in the real world. You can tell people how terrible it is but they insulate themselves with pretty words or maybe their experience of reality wasn't as brutal. Maybe their brains are different and are better at coping. I feel like that sometimes. I look at people around me and I don't understand how they cope with everyday hell and just keep going.
theres this quote I read by albert camus, "there is so much stubborn hope in the human heart" and i think that is how most people feel. even in the face of direct facts that prove this world is horrible these "normal people" (without a mental illness usually) are able to deny it and protect themselves from reality. i think a lot of people are just good at distracting themselves with everyday things to the point where they dont even think about any of this for a second. but even if i was able to do that i dont think id want to because then i would just be stupid and ignorant. i saw a study that showed that the higher the IQ, the worse the person felt about the world or they had a more negative outlook on life. the smarter you are the more you are able to think about and comprehend just how awful this world is. intelligence makes the brain destroy itself.
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Apr 11, 2020
Some good points here.
And all these coronavirus restrictions are making everyone stay in their box even more and people just get more used to being alone.
society as we knew even quite recently is no more

I've been thinking about this quite a bit for awhile. Definetly doesn't make the world an easier place to live thats for sure. The mask thing starts to bother me after awhile too. It wasn't so bad going into it but now it's here for like the foreseable future and it sucks. makes communicating with people wierder. More isolation isn't what anyone needed.
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May 11, 2020
I've come to the conclusion that people are actualy so wrapped up in themselves that they are tone deaf to anything and anyone else, and social media and the "like me, like me, like me" society it's created have just made things 1000 times worse and brought out all of the nastiness in people.

They do some studies in the US of the level of wellbeing of students when they go to college, and it's been dropping for years, is at an all time low, and is directly linked to how engaged they are in social media.

It seems the less people connect with other people in real life, and the more they isolate themselves in their own bubbles, the worse they get.
social media has absolutely destroyed our society. it ruined human connection and now everyones sense of validation and self worth comes from a screen, people are far more worried about whether people like them on social media than being a decent fucking human being and forming real connections with others. everyone is so wrapped up in themselves because of it. but the thing is social media is never going away, it is only getting worse. like maybe myspace and facebook werent toooo bad, but instagram and snapchat fucked everything up and tiktok is the absolute WORST social media. who knows what they will come up with next.
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Nov 1, 2020
I couldn't agree more. Humans should go extinct
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May 11, 2020
I understand why they do it, and it's probably healthier for them that way too. It's happier to live in a fantasy where you mean something than to acknowledge you and everyone around you has the same amount of worth as a speck of dirt.
i get it and if thats how people want to live their lives thats their business, who am i to tell them not to? my problem is when they start putting other things down. people are ruining this planet because they think they are all important. in reality, they have as much worth as the plants and trees they are killing, and the animals whos habitats are now gone. if other animals are able to live on this earth peacefully without destroying it, why cant humans do the same? we see ourselves as superior beings and it ruins everything around us.
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Oct 21, 2020
social media has absolutely destroyed our society. it ruined human connection and now everyones sense of validation and self worth comes from a screen, people are far more worried about whether people like them on social media than being a decent fucking human being and forming real connections with others. everyone is so wrapped up in themselves because of it. but the thing is social media is never going away, it is only getting worse. like maybe myspace and facebook werent toooo bad, but instagram and snapchat fucked everything up and tiktok is the absolute WORST social media. who knows what they will come up with next.
The thing that pised me off the most was at the height of the pandemic in lock down 1 - we had nurses and hospital staff who were supposedly under s much pressure spending all day making fucking tik tok videos of themselves prancing around like idiots.

I just thought - what the fuck is going on, and has humanity really devolved to this shit?
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All washed up

All washed up

Oct 31, 2020
I've been thinking about this quite a bit for awhile. Definetly doesn't make the world an easier place to live thats for sure. The mask thing starts to bother me after awhile too. It wasn't so bad going into it but now it's here for like the foreseable future and it sucks. makes communicating with people wierder. More isolation isn't what anyone needed.
Yeah the mask thing is shit and potentially here for years.
The original restrictions just seemed to be a novelty and we weren't advised to wear masks at all in my place until August but yes it's so weird and makes communication much harder
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May 11, 2020
The thing that pised me off the most was at the height of the pandemic in lock down 1 - we had nurses and hospital staff who were supposedly under s much pressure spending all day making fucking tik tok videos of themselves prancing around like idiots.

I just thought - what the fuck is going on, and has humanity really devolved to this shit?
not only that but the fucking people joking about it!! like haha theres a virus going around thats going to infect millions lets make a tiktok about it. really makes you realize there isnt much hope left for us. and the way they romanticize mental illnesses while all of us here are struggling so much...
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All washed up

All washed up

Oct 31, 2020
The thing that pised me off the most was at the height of the pandemic in lock down 1 - we had nurses and hospital staff who were supposedly under s much pressure spending all day making fucking tik tok videos of themselves prancing around like idiots.

I just thought - what the fuck is going on, and has humanity really devolved to this shit?
Yeah and the police were tik toking
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Apr 11, 2020
i get it and if thats how people want to live their lives thats their business, who am i to tell them not to? my problem is when they start putting other things down. people are ruining this planet because they think they are all important. in reality, they have as much worth as the plants and trees they are killing, and the animals whos habitats are now gone. if other animals are able to live on this earth peacefully without destroying it, why cant humans do the same? we see ourselves as superior beings and it ruins everything around us.
Well it kind of stops being their own business when it starts to affect others doesn't it? Sometimes people need a reality check. People can be poison. I saw something once about the people who end up getting in positions of power are mostly narcissistic/psychopathic. So that's the type of people that run the world. They make everything including all the news and all of the viewpoints. That is where the rot comes from. Monsters are in charge and they create a nation of mostly idiots. It doesn't matter if someone is right wing or left wing if someone forms their opninion from something like CNN or Fox News (or any MSM) they are just not informed and mostly walk around like drones spreading and strengthening trash memes in their echo chamber. So that's the world we live in. Most people don't go outside the box. I am also sad we are destroying the planet.
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Oct 21, 2020
You couldn't really get more unprofessional, but then again in the UK we have Police officers prancing around in high heels, doing stupid dancing in the streets at the Notting Hill carnival and etc.

They are there to uphold the law, not to do PR work to make themselves look part of the show.
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Apr 11, 2020
not only that but the fucking people joking about it!! like haha theres a virus going around thats going to infect millions lets make a tiktok about it. really makes you realize there isnt much hope left for us. and the way they romanticize mental illnesses while all of us here are struggling so much...

Totally feel it. I remember watching some late night tv(seth Meyers/daily show type stuff) this summer and it was bizarre. Not funny man. I watched Samantha Bee's election special last night and it was like man, just not funny to me as a joke right now. It cheapens things for me. Then there was this guy from the ACLU talking about how the supreme court appointments will affect our kids and their kids. All the trans kids who are gonna have live in that world is really triggeing. They are trying to pass laws to make it so trans kids can't take hormones in some states and that will probably be at the Supreme Court eventually. It makes me wanna kill myself which is how I ended up on here this morning. I'm scared of killing myself and then i'm just still here without a body as like energy or something. I don't want to watch anymore. I just want it to end.

Anyways sorry for the rant my point was I just don't want to watch some smarmy late night host who probably has life made in the shade sit in their ivory tower and make jokes about all of it. It isn't funny anymore. It's not a politically correct thing either it's just not funny to me, it's cringe actually.
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New Member
Aug 22, 2020
I think some people don't live in the real world. You can tell people how terrible it is but they insulate themselves with pretty words or maybe their experience of reality wasn't as brutal. Maybe their brains are different and are better at coping. I feel like that sometimes. I look at people around me and I don't understand how they cope with everyday hell and just keep going.
I often look too the proliferation of the trite phrase Live, Laugh, Love and assume it's popularity is a result of a large number of people actually finding comfort and meaning in it. As much as it drives me crazy I also wish I was so easily passivise!
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
I've given up hope in humanity a long time ago, there's nothing to expect to be honest.
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New Member
Aug 22, 2020
Yeah and the police were tik toking
Argh! that crap drives me crazy! Not just because it's tiktok but because they are supposed to be society's support system right no. Why are people so self involved!
Sorry this is a bit off topic, I'm new to this forum, is it just my device or keyboard but when I type, especially when I use punctuation, letter get deleted from what I'm writing. It's driving me nuts it makes me look like I'm either terrible at spelling or really drunk!
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Just Passing Through
Oct 10, 2019
Not a purist religion person, but based on pre-modern world predictions from several thousand years ago, one could argue the following is true today ......

2 Timothy 3:1-5
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.


Apr 11, 2020
I often look too the proliferation of the trite phrase Live, Laugh, Love and assume it's popularity is a result of a large number of people actually finding comfort and meaning in it. As much as it drives me crazy I also wish I was so easily passivise!

Yeah sometimes I wonder if i'd be better off if I wasn't so aware. Even the people I know who are decent aren't like bothered by stuff like I am. To be honest if I thought psyche meds were actually what they say they are i'd probably take them. There was a time where it was like fuck man just make me numb I don't even care anymore. Unfortunately they're isnt a happy magic pill.
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Boarding the bus to Everlasting Dreamland ♡
Oct 19, 2020
I always think I've hit my last nerve with humanity & then the majority of people prove me wrong. The constant bickering, lack of care for others/the planet, abuse/wars, cheap thrills, fake imagery/unrealistic expectations... sick. Is that really what we all have amounted to to be here? Endless cycle of barbarism. I used to have hope. Life stole it away.
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Nov 5, 2018
I always think I've hit my last nerve with humanity & then the majority of people prove me wrong. The constant bickering, lack of care for others/the planet, abuse/wars, cheap thrills, fake imagery/unrealistic expectations... sick. Is that really what we all have amounted to to be here? Endless cycle of barbarism. I used to have hope. Life stole it away.

Majority of people are demons in human form

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Jun 28, 2020
Felt similar for most of my life nobody seems to understand or if they do it doesn't effect them. I've tried very hard to just get on with life and ignore the thoughts that I have but it's too much work for so little reward.
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