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Jul 29, 2021
whatever created this hellhole is pure evil
only something truly evil would let a place like this exist
life is pure evil and these people want it to continue forever i've got a better idea
you don't let evil exist do anything you want just don't cause another harm unless you are faced with evil itself which in this case is life itself to end all life to bring a end to this madness

(1)we have to kill animals to stay alive,
(2)death is inevitable
(3)sickness disease illness deformity disability ugly injury
(4)heartbreak, anxiety, mental health issues, loneliness
(5)disasters, catastrophes
(6) rape, abuse, drugs ,assault, theft, damage
(7) enslaved without anyway to change the machine you are
(8)slow speed of speech things get lost in transmission
(9) pain
(10)the lack of resources and space
(11)the slowness of everything
(12)money the root of all evil
(14)decay aging
(15)nothing is built to last
(16)people animals
(17)hellholes and shitholes
(18)hungry food thirst shit
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Oct 9, 2022
Number one for me is the disparity. We're not all born into the same circumstances. We're not all treated the same.

BUT we're expected to survive just the same.

It's like expecting everyone to run a race. No exceptions. Not even for the ones with no legs or no eyesight.

EVERYONE must participate, even though someone else signed you up for it. And you must love it.

If you're dragging your legless body along the gravel, becoming bloody and losing skin. So? You'd better smile and show gratitude for this wonderful opportunity.

Sadistic and evil.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think maybe one of our biggest problems is consciousness- or, self awareness. Being able to think about all this stuff and how unfair it all is. Emotions, memory and pain go hand in hand with that really. They cause a whole lot of problems.

Animals SEEM more accepting of their shitty deal in life. (That doesn't make it right though obviously.) Robots probably have it best though.

Was it cruel for us to invent and build robots? No. Would it be cruel to make them sentient? Yes. Maybe sentience is the problem in a world like this.

Of course- it wouldn't be a problem if the world were better and fairer, or- if we were better adapted to cope with it. I suppose some people are. Not EVERYONE is depressed and suicidal. I suppose there are some people who live their entire lives relatively optimistically. I have no idea how or why though.
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Jul 29, 2021
Number one for me is the disparity. We're not all born into the same circumstances. We're not all treated the same.

BUT we're expected to survive just the same.

It's like expecting everyone to run a race. No exceptions. Not even for the ones with no legs or no eyesight.

EVERYONE must participate, even though someone else signed you up for it. And you must love it.

If you're dragging your legless body along the gravel, becoming bloody and losing skin. So? You'd better smile and show gratitude for this wonderful opportunity.

Sadistic and evil.
my dad always use to say it not where you start but where you end up and my thought was we all end up dead so does it even matter
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
Life is evil simply because it's able to exist and continue existing in this world. Life itself is the true problem, and the existence of life is the most tragic and disturbing thing. All that life is, is just a cycle of unnecessary suffering that exists all for no reason other than being an unfortunate consequence of evolution. What is evil to me, is the fact that humans continue to create torment and pain by choosing to so selfishly bring life here and it's disgusting how despite this suicide is purposely made so difficult and ways to exit this world are denied from us, making existence so prison like, which is something that is completely unacceptable.

The main problem with life is all the different ways that suffering can exist and torture existing beings, with unlimited potential for how much torment that we can experience. The fact that life is determined by chance means that what we experience can instantly get so much more horrific with little that we can do about this, and this objectively proves that life is truly evil. I despise existence in every single way, at least humans have enough awareness to recognise that existence isn't worth enduring unlike animals who only act in a way to ensure that they survive.
The only thing that could ever be close to being positive about this, is that someday it will all end for me.
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Nov 6, 2020
Life is Very high maintenance ( constantly have to shower wash hair and face. And brush and floss teeth to maintain oral health. If women many are expected to use makeup and hairdo. Constant laundry. Constant cleaning. Wash and repeat. Cook or takeout/ reataurant eating, constant drinking( whether alcohol or water or soda).
Meaningless conversations to kill time or arguments ( my personal prob). Constant handwashing. Constsnt wiping stuff counter or butt or floors. Have to sleep daily. And poo. And repeat

Too many social rules. In western world u have to smile and chitchat( I am asian). In my own culture one has to try ones best and succeed (expectation). Have to be presentable. Clean. To work in society. It is really exhausting for the depressed. We all live for others or worry about how we look to others.

Also, unless born into great wealth, constant wage slavery and no freedom. Have to endure coworkers or bosses who are mean. Forced into competition from school, work etc

If family is not supportive nor loving. Again have to endure family conflicts( me)

Constant reminder what a loser i am unless one has great education or career or perfect health or appearance or asset.

Eventually one dies sick and old. Usually the death itself is long and agonizing ( unless die by car accident or in sleep) and alot of old People under nursing care wearing nappy.
More than 50% older than 65 suffer from dementia. Many even if not old, come down with cancer or some sort of serious illness. And body keeps deteriorating as well as mind

Not enough love around. Mostly hatred or anger. ( this year usa had 30 or more mass shooting more than 4 people). Many resort to violence. ( killing others or hate crime) People dont trust each other. Human interactions are fake. Shallpw and they only want to use you

Boredom. I am bored with everything and dont enjoy nothing. Not movie. Not traveling no food. Nothing. Everything is boring and joyless.
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Dec 22, 2021
People. They steal, kill, betray one another, break hearts and leave you to rot.
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Why Me?

Apr 5, 2022
The fact that life is determined by chance means that what we experience can instantly get so much more horrific with little that we can do about this,
I sadly just experienced this, may it at least give me the courage to finally CTB.
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Jan 18, 2023
Humans, most if not all the worlds issues, let alone individuals are designed and perpetuated by other humans, often out of an individuals control.
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Full time failure
May 4, 2022
for me drugs aren't bad lol. at least something that distracts me from the fact that I exist
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Jul 29, 2021
for me drugs aren't bad lol. at least something that distracts me from the fact that I exist
drug addiction ruined my life, weed cause me to get to addicted to listening music with headphones on for 12 hours a a day drum and base for 2 years straight leading to damage ears tinnitus and a brain injury, drugs do ruine lives but i still smoke weed and take coke all the time


Full time failure
May 4, 2022
drug addiction ruined my life, weed cause me to get to addicted to listening music with headphones on for 12 hours a a day drum and base for 2 years straight leading to damage ears tinnitus and a brain injury, drugs do ruine lives but i still smoke weed and take coke all the time
I was only speaking about my case in particular. I know that drugs unfortunately also ruin lifes.


All human rights are important
Feb 5, 2021
Having to life in a society, Pain, Illnesy
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
Everything is defined by its contrary. Nothing good without evel. Based loosly on Wittgensteins "Tractatus logico-philosophicus".
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Jan 16, 2022
I think it's money. My thinking is that if robots took over all jobs so money wasn't a thing, then the world would be so much better. No one is rich and looking down. No one is poor and begging for help. Money stresses won't exist. Free time to travel. Relationships, social standing etc all relate around money.
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Sep 16, 2021
I think you're own perspective or perception is what makes the world evil to you. Morality is relative imo.
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Jul 6, 2022
I see life as neither intrinsically good nor evil, as I believe live has no absolute value morally (that's not to say people can't create relative meanings though).
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Not belonging to this universe
Oct 8, 2022
Life treats everyone differently. We are born in a world that is not fair to us. I can't achieve something simply because of the way and the family i was born into.
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Jan 23, 2023
I don't believe life is always a net negative, I believe people when they say that they feel like THEIR life is worth living. The issue comes in when people feel that because their own life is worth living, that people who are in despair must live based upon their own lived experience.
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Sep 19, 2022
We're born into debt to society, and we have to spend our entire lives repaying this debt. Do you have crippling mental health issues that make this damn near impossible? Well too bad, spend money you don't have getting therapy and ruining your mind with medication. The kicker is that lots of mental struggle is caused because of this stupid system we created. I'm on medication for ADHD and benzodiazepines for anxiety. If it weren't for these stupid man made systems, I would be fine without them. But because I need to be a slave to the system, I have to ruin my health. I can tell you right now these benzos have totally ruined my memory. Anytime I'm walking or driving in the city and look around me I'm disgusted. I don't want to be part of the rat race, I didn't ask for this. If I was born without health issues, perhaps I'd think differently. But I constantly have to stress myself to suicidal thoughts and I'm sick of it.
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