
Aug 18, 2020
For me Lil Peep, David Foster Wallace and some high politicians are inspirational. My personal notion of being inspirational is: dedicate your life to something. Maybe sublimate the suffering in something productive. Worship your own value system and live according to your own ethical principles. Don't give up after a short time and keep trying. Don't let obstacles stop you from your goal. Ignore it when people doubt you. Try your best at something that gives meaning to you.

Though I think such a lifystyle can also have negative consequences. For example if you neglect your sleep or health to reach your goal.

Other traits that can be associated with being inspirational. Self-discipline and self-awareness (I try to be that), Self-esteem and self-confidence (I suck pretty hard at both). I have huge self-doubts in my own skills probably also because of the imposter syndrome which is pretty strong in me.

Fairness, a sense for justice (both apply to me). But also being a responsible citizen (I am the complete opposite in most instances I am a freerider). Admitting one's own faults, refusing to accept unjust behavior. Being compassionate to vulnerable people, showing empathy and at the same time having self-determination

I think these descriptions can only be fulfiled by a demigod. Altruism might be another trait. However of course on does not have to fulfil all the criteria. It is probably a pretty individualistic or kind of unique way of living that makes someone inspirational.

People who fight with their demons and fears can be inspirational. Other people can get the courage to improve their lives because of such role models. Though I think for example Lil Peep was in many instance not a pretty good role model (heavy drug abuse). I will elaborate later why I still consider him inspirational.

DFW was very inspirational for me. He comforted me with his stories in my darkest hours. He put the pain of depression so perfectly that I fell in love with his literature pretty quickly. I felt way less alone when I read him. He could comfort me very much. He struggled with depression and suicidality for decades. And I admire his fight. I see similarities between me and him. He also did not want to die. He tried everything in order to find a way to live. But he felt like being forced to ctb so this why he hanged himself after decades of pain. But his literature was a gift for so many people who read it. Some stories are so heartbreaking, witty or hyper self-aware.

Lil Peep. He did not care what others think of him. He struggled with anxiety about it. Still he always did what he wanted and went his own way. He was very tolerant and I admire that. I struggle to live in the present. Peep was the oppposite. He lived for the moment and sometimes I need a little dosage of that attitude. His music can comfort me and give me strength. When I am in public I often struggle with social anxiety and listening to Peep helps me very much. The lyrics give me a lot of strength and communion. The sadness fits to my daily melancholia. "I wanna die too, we all wanna die too" (Crybaby) "Everybody tellin' me life's short, but I wanna die" (The Brightside)

As a teenager I wanted to become a high politician. I was craving for power for sure. But I also wanted to create something that continues to exist. To leave an impact in this world. This aim changed a lot since my first breakdown. Now I am struggling to hold a job that brings somewhat of a mediocre income. I kind of admire which work load high politicans have. Though now I am more aware of the dark side. There is something in my soul that craves for introspection and silence and you don't get that in such elite jobs usually.
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