

I'm not from katowice!
Jun 17, 2022
Tell your general story!

Preferrably a story where those only child like me won't ever know.

I'll drop stories about life as an only child here if enough are interested. But be warned, it's not as exciting!

Edit: Gonna respond to each as well! Thanks for all your amazing stories
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Dec 21, 2022
We were at a hotel swimming pool as kids. I meant to tell my sister that I could hold my breath long, so I said, "drown me". She almost did by sitting on my head.

General story, we've had our fights and differences but I'm glad I have a sibling. I sometimes wish I'd had an older brother too that could have mentored me and taught me things about being male. I guess it's a roll of the dice though, I know some people have really awful siblings who torment them.
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Mixing pills with potions under the smoke alas
Jan 2, 2022
As for childhood years, some lingering guilt when rememering a few things, lack of an adequate role model got me confused about things and did not know to contain my anger and compulsivness, nor how to empathize
Luckily i wasted some excess energy by creating some games for us, throwing like 8 baloons in the air and trying to make sure none hit the floor, and preferably preventing a skull collision if possible

She understands that men can feel too and are being judged in a manner dissimilar to females and gets frustrated with me when i block things out because she really hates holding back her tears, that snitch, always went crying to my mom and dad...

Lots of venting to me nowdays, sometimes while im sitting and trying to hide the fact that i just overdosed on stimulants and i rly want u out of my room right now, trying to conceal bad habits and reveal the good ones is too tiring.. and for some reason its reflexive still, i mean, we'r adults now.

And a bad vibe when a relationship takes place.. a brain overflooded with oxytocin(or the fear of losing it) doesnt seem to be very family-friendly

asking for advices, not applying them, coming back to confide, asking what did i do wrong,
and really triggering the urge in me to say i told u so.

2 polar opposites, cant say i see anything exciting here
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Why Me?

Apr 5, 2022
For me it was not worth it, because they are 2 devils that neglected me, abused me, and traumatized me thru out my life. Even when they did a few kind things for me, their mask always came off at the end revealing their devil face. There may have been good times, but at 42, in retrospect, I would have been better without them. I had a terrible life of hell that could have easily been prevented if I had REAL sisters instead of super evil selfish jealous narcs as siblings.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
For me it was not worth it, because they are 2 devils that neglected me, abused me, and traumatized me thru out my life. Even when they did a few kind things for me, their mask always came off at the end revealing their devil face. There may have been good times, but at 42, in retrospect, I would have been better without them. I had a terrible life of hell that could have easily been prevented if I had REAL sisters instead of super evil selfish jealous narcs as siblings.
Wow, I could have written every word of that. Even the bit about being 42.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
I'm the youngest of 6, but my 4 half-siblings aren't in my life anymore. It's just me and my sister. One thing we've bonded over is that we had to learn "how to be women" on our own since we lost our mom when we were both really young. My sister's always been a tomboy, whereas I've always been really feminine.

My sister and I do fight, but we work together (she trained me), and she's been one of the biggest supporters of my transition. Our half-siblings (particularly our half-sisters) abandoning us really drove me and my sister closer together. I recently got my first sports bras since I'll need to wear them as I recover from my surgery, and my sister's preference for comfortable clothes rather than cute clothes managed to help me out a lot there.

I don't think I give her enough credit most of the time, but we have a very close sisterly bond, and she was one of the first people to accept me as a girl.
(PS, I love the Mahiro header picture on your profile)
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I'm not from katowice!
Jun 17, 2022
@Rainy_days That sounds so much fun! It's definitely a story I long for :)

@SeeminglyFine Oooh that's one of the privileges of being the only child. Our family only has two, so I don't have to worry much about "I want you out" times, I can be by myself a lot. I guess there's a side to everything!

@Why Me? Sorry to hear that ;-; that sounds like my school life (getting bullied by quite literally almost everyone in class). Wasn't easy to fit in afterwards. I can feel you in a way.

@borderline-feline Thanks for the Mahiro comment :P and for your story too. I am having troubles with a thing called identity (see my profile) ;_; I'm jealous of you, for having supportive people and for finding yourself as well. (PS transition into a cat next?!)

Telling my story here after a while, as soon as I come up with something worth telling ;_; if you have ideas about what I should tell pls drop me a DM

Thank you again! You all made my day!
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I'm not from katowice!
Jun 17, 2022
I'll keep my promise before I go to sleep anyway! Here's life as an only child!

In a sense it felt like life just goes on. There are times that I just long for someone to play with, or just talk whatever, and get a "I knew you were like that" in a half-sarcastic but understanding tone. Feels lonely at times seeing successful siblings, or just my twin cousins playing together.....

I can't complain about this though. My parents got divorced a long time ago, so I've been living with mom for as long as I can remember. Maybe it was the lack of a brother or sister that made life possible for us at all. Our house is small but there's still a lot of space for us! And with few people in the house, I can more safely hole up in the room when I feel the need to recharge :-:

Is there anything you want to ask? DM me if you want to, I'm open for conversations!
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
Tell your general story!

Preferrably a story where those only child like me won't ever know.

I'll drop stories about life as an only child here if enough are interested. But be warned, it's not as exciting!

Edit: Gonna respond to each as well! Thanks for all your amazing stories
Having siblings suck, if I ever have a kid they will be a lone child so I can raise them right and give them the attention and care they deserve.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
@borderline-feline Thanks for the Mahiro comment :P and for your story too. I am having troubles with a thing called identity (see my profile) ;_; I'm jealous of you, for having supportive people and for finding yourself as well. (PS transition into a cat next?!)

Telling my story here after a while, as soon as I come up with something worth telling ;_; if you have ideas about what I should tell pls drop me a DM

Thank you again! You all made my day!
I know how confusing identity can be. I had to sort through a lot of things to see if gender dysphoria was truly my problem.

As my username suggests, I also have borderline personality disorder, which causes a lot of identity disturbance. All I really know about who I am is that I'm a woman, a gamer, and an otaku.

So yeah, it's hard to figure out who you are, but I think you'll be able to.
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King of Escapism
Jan 24, 2023
The first time I went out to drink at a friends house I was 15 (semi-legal in germany). My brother was 17. I had no experience and drank way too much. Puked the entire night, left to go home at like 6am. When I got there, all the lights were on. Turns out, while I was experiencing the milder effects of alcohol poisoning, my brother had taken it a step further and actually had to go to the hospital and be given fluids.
That was a pretty interesting moment of kinship for us, the first time either of us took it too far with the alcohol, and we both did it at the same time.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I was a very content only child until my Dad remarried. Then I had the 'joys' of growing up with a (likely) Narcissistic step sibling. (Not at ALL joyous by the way.) My experience? Suicidal ideation at the age of 10. I wish I'd stayed an only child!
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
My brother and I always had a distance between us, him being 4 years younger. We never really socialised together, then I went to uni, and he went to uni, and we rarely have spoken since. But I remember we used to play video games together as kids. He'd always win so I'd punch him out of frustration 😂 poor bugger. He loved beating me a bit too much though 😂 maybe he kinda deserved it. He went on to be successful in life, I didn't. My parents treated us fairly equally which I'm grateful for. We still say hi to each other about once a year by text, either on one of our birthdays or Xmas but that's about as far as it goes. I suppose we're there for each other if really needed, but even when desperately depressed and suicidal I haven't gone to him. I guess he probably has better things to do. I don't think he could help, anyway. Talking has never done me much good. But if I were to become homeless I know he and his gf would take me in. We definitely have some sort of family bond even if we're normally distant. I guess I'm grateful for that much. But it hasn't stopped me from wanting to take my life; I'm sure he'd cope. He's done well on his own
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I'm not from katowice!
Jun 17, 2022
@picapica oooft must be fun in retrospective.

It's one more thing that I'll never get without a sibling or a childhood friend, the ability to do embarrasing things, then laugh at it in retrospective years later, ending with a smile on the face!

@Forever Sleep hard for you .-. My parents divorced too, but my mom never got married. You made it this long!

I remember when I was at 10 years old my mom was pregnant, but then she had to abort for circumstances.... I wonder what mom and dad went through then (p.s. they divorced when I was 2)

@jodes2 It's a luxury to have a family like yours! There are downsides with being successful too, it's not all glory like how it looks (trust me on this one ;__; I know this well), I'm sure he has his fair share of troubles.

Somehow I believe he would listen to you anyway. If he's so successful he would be understanding enough. But it's okkkk it's your choice. Just don't forget to think of the rest of your family too if they're still alive!
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Jul 10, 2022
Your question caught me as I've always had a difficult relationship with my older brother and family.

I always thought to myself would being an only child be better than having a brother or a sister, also depending on how many siblings you have? I don't want this to turn into a sob story. I always assumed in my head that a sibling would be someone who would be your best friend because your sibling is the only person, regardless of a friend, who goes through the same things you do being the children of your parents.

For the longest time when I was younger, I always looked up to my brother because he got good grades at school, he went into a successful job, receive various awards, and quite frankly, does have an incredible resume. I because of this, was always compared to my brother because he set an incredibly high bar, but I don't really believe in conclusion that I could ever reach that bar, especially because I was a different type of person.

I on the other hand was more the rebel, the person that made many many mistakes, various issues, mentally, physically, and half of that is my own fault, half of that, it's just because that was the card I was dealt with in life.

After he went to university and ended up being in a good successful job, I found that he drifted away from me more and more as the years went on, and this in stilled, a huge anger in me, as I was made to feel that I was less than him and wasn't on the same level as him. To cut a long story short we don't speak anymore, he hasn't contacted me when I've gone into hospital for example or was in trouble with the law, when he got married, he thanked our parents in his speech, but completely, and utterly ignored me, and there was no mention of myself. There are many other things, but I can't remember at this time.
I'm not expecting various people to care about you all the time, but you do think when you have relationship with people that one person at least would reach out to at least see if you were okay, for example when I mentioned about the hospital stint. As much as this is a situation that could be seen as me feeling bad about myself, because of how somebody else has made me feel, what it actually did was teach me a very valuable lesson.

Everyone of course has different relationships with siblings depending on their personalities but don't allow anybody whether it be friends or even family members make you feel bad about yourself because they're in a better position than you are. You are a stronger person because you go through hardships more frequently, as you know how to deal with future setbacks, whereas people who sail through life will not be able to handle any setbacks because they're not used to it.

What situations like this teach you is even if you have barely any belief in yourself, still take that one percent belief, don't be so trusting and realise not in a negative way, but the only person you can truly trust is yourself the label of family shouldn't excuse people from their behaviour.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
@picapica oooft must be fun in retrospective.

It's one more thing that I'll never get without a sibling or a childhood friend, the ability to do embarrasing things, then laugh at it in retrospective years later, ending with a smile on the face!

@Forever Sleep hard for you .-. My parents divorced too, but my mom never got married. You made it this long!

I remember when I was at 10 years old my mom was pregnant, but then she had to abort for circumstances.... I wonder what mom and dad went through then (p.s. they divorced when I was 2)

@jodes2 It's a luxury to have a family like yours! There are downsides with being successful too, it's not all glory like how it looks (trust me on this one ;__; I know this well), I'm sure he has his fair share of troubles.

Somehow I believe he would listen to you anyway. If he's so successful he would be understanding enough. But it's okkkk it's your choice. Just don't forget to think of the rest of your family too if they're still alive!
Thank you, you're right, I do have something to value there ❤️
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I'm not from katowice!
Jun 17, 2022
@Againstthewind Hey thank you for going all out writing!

Actually I really appreciate your story. While it's true I don't have any siblings, I do have two little cousins, they're about half my age currently (it's actually one of their birthday tomorrow!). They would come every weekend to play. There are ups and downs, but we have a lot of fun playing, and trolling the adults together (even though I'm technically at adult age!). It's almost as if I grew up with them. I didn't have a very happy school life back then.... I feel a bit of your story in my school life.

It's certainly a weird bittersweet feeling that they have a whole family and then I can somehow get along well

Glad you are better now. You never know what the future holds. Actually I should start believing that as well!

Hey I just wrote a story too X)
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Jul 10, 2022
@Againstthewind Hey thank you for going all out writing!

Actually I really appreciate your story. While it's true I don't have any siblings, I do have two little cousins, they're about half my age currently (it's actually one of their birthday tomorrow!). They would come every weekend to play. There are ups and downs, but we have a lot of fun playing, and trolling the adults together (even though I'm technically at adult age!). It's almost as if I grew up with them. I didn't have a very happy school life back then.... I feel a bit of your story in my school life.

It's certainly a weird bittersweet feeling that they have a whole family and then I can somehow get along well

Glad you are better now. You never know what the future holds. Actually I should start believing that as well!

Hey I just wrote a story too X)

Yeah, my bad I kinda went off on one lol

Good thing with extended family is at least you only get them in small dose, so whenever you've had enough you don't have to see them for a while
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