What impact do your dreams have upon you?

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Aug 23, 2024
I don't remember my dreams often, but when I do it's always the most horrific shit imaginable.

I never dream anything positive, since many years. It's always me getting followed by strangers, getting stalked online, sometimes getting raped, getting bitten by dogs (doesnt feel realistic, but still terrifying), getting spit on by random people, only such bullshit!
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
I sometimes get nice dreams but most often recently it's either extremely disturbing, horrifying or puzzling :ahhha:

Trigger Warning : Graphic and Horrific Nightmare Description

I dreamt not too long that I had 2 brothers and a sister (I only have one brother IRL and he wasn't in this dream), it was a rich household, but our genitors were my actual genitors (and abusers IRL) and felt the same as IRL.

In this dream I was coming "home" from my day, whatever it was, to the "family" house with the most horrible death like feeling imaginable. As I proceeded from one room to another I found in each room the cadaver of each of my siblings brutally murdered by our genitors who had turned each one into a raw, bloody and gore jelly like dish, some kind of paté en croûte, sitting on a table, and they were eating it.

I remember silently sneaking outside in absolute panic and heavily traumatized, meeting a boy of my type and being unable to reveal the truth to him and pretend like everything was ok, which is very much not like me IRL, then attempting to desperately escape the same fate by running away.

Now, there could be some explanations for this kind of nightmare given the kind of things I've been exposed to, but as far as I know I've not been victim of that myself, yet the realness of the horror I felt upon entering each room and finding those scenes and the sheer doom / death like feeling was so disturbing I don't think it such explanations are enough to account for it and maybe I've felt the emotions of someone else, or of another life iteration of myself and I keep wondering what the heck that was about.

I've had far too many "doom" dreams that felt like death, but worse, and echo the existential annihilation I've endured at the hands of my biggest persecutor (my first attempt at a relationship that turned out to be a psychopath using and discarding me extremely inhumanely and led to my many CTB attempts and torture since) and the horrible repeating pattern it's turned into, so very much not cool, but also many WTF dreams.

Ridiculous Nonsensical Dream Example

I've literally dreamt that a boy I was interested in, who happens to be a waiter at a boardgame bar IRL, worked as head of some school and I was his successor, for whatever reason.

So I started my first day of work and the first thing that happened was a farmer calling me screaming on the phone "T. (name of the boy) ! WHO'S GONNA DIG UP THE POTATOES NOW ?", as apparently he used to send the students to the farm to harvest their potatoes ???

I have to specify that none of us has any connection to any school or potato farm, it's literally nonsense that came out of absolutely nowhere, but my sleeping brain seems especially skilled at WTF BS and atrocious horror in particular lately, which I don't like very much :ahhha:
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Aug 25, 2024
My dreams are mostly harmless, taken all into account mainly positive. I sometimes have horrible dreams but I usually put it down to cheese or something I was thinking about during the day.

The one dream I'll never forget: I'm standing on an area of grass behind the old flat where I used to live. Beautiful sunny day, sky is blue. No clouds. Sound of children playing. An alarm sounds. I look up. Rising through the sky above me I see a white and red missile, arching over the city. Then I realise, it's all over. And it's all I can do, while everyone is panicking, to experience the profound sadness that there will be no more art, there will be no goodness. My death will mark the end of civilisation itself.

I woke up crying.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
My dreams, whether they be positive, negative, or neutral, never tend to have much of an impact on me.

Also, if you don't remember most of your dreams then how do you know that the majority of your dreams are negative? People, on average, are more likely to remember their nightmares due to them typically occurring during the period where are REM intervals are lengthening, so they usually cause us to wake up while still in the REM phase. When you wake up during the REM phase you are more likely to remember your dreams. Your dreams might be more positive or neutral, on average, but you recall your nightmares more.
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Sep 1, 2024
I have this theory that dreams are like snippets of what happens to your consciousness when you die. Like you get these absurdist visions because of the DMT released or something. I guess I find a bit of comfort when I dream since it makes me hope that I'll have those when I'm dying/dead


Aug 23, 2024
My dreams, whether they be positive, negative, or neutral, never tend to have much of an impact on me.

Also, if you don't remember most of your dreams then how do you know that the majority of your dreams are negative? People, on average, are more likely to remember their nightmares due to them typically occurring during the period where are REM intervals are lengthening, so they usually cause us to wake up while still in the REM phase. When you wake up during the REM phase you are more likely to remember your dreams. Your dreams might be more positive or neutral, on average, but you recall your nightmares more.
Yeah thats probably true. For some reason I just remember the horrible dreams


Jun 11, 2024
Damn 33% for all votes, nonetheless my dreams are boring as shit.
I'd say more negative than positive but its mostly neutral.

My dreams are also pretty weird, and devoid of logic.
Idk why, but there's this recurring thing in my dreams where something bad will happen, and I will just go back in time to fix it, and somehow I know I can go back in time despite not knowing I'm in a dream.

I also hate those dreams where I'm naked, but thankfully I haven't had those in a long time.
My dreams also don't feel real, I actually kind of wish they did because of how boring they are.

I also lucid dream a lot like I don't even try, and I have lucid dreams, but they always suck and never feel real, and they're hard to control.
Sometimes I try to wake myself, by trying to kill myself, and it literally never works. I head someone say if you try to open your eyes in a dream, you will wake up irl, but I tried that, and it doesn't work.
My dreams, whether they be positive, negative, or neutral, never tend to have much of an impact on me.

Also, if you don't remember most of your dreams then how do you know that the majority of your dreams are negative? People, on average, are more likely to remember their nightmares due to them typically occurring during the period where are REM intervals are lengthening, so they usually cause us to wake up while still in the REM phase. When you wake up during the REM phase you are more likely to remember your dreams. Your dreams might be more positive or neutral, on average, but you recall your nightmares more.
I remember the positive dreams because when i wake up I'm pissed.
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Aug 23, 2024
Damn 33% for all votes, nonetheless my dreams are boring as shit.
I'd say more negative than positive but its mostly neutral.

My dreams are also pretty weird, and devoid of logic.
Idk why, but there's this recurring thing in my dreams where something bad will happen, and I will just go back in time to fix it, and somehow I know I can go back in time despite not knowing I'm in a dream.

I also hate those dreams where I'm naked, but thankfully I haven't had those in a long time.
My dreams also don't feel real, I actually kind of wish they did because of how boring they are.

I also lucid dream a lot like I don't even try, and I have lucid dreams, but they always suck and never feel real, and they're hard to control.
Sometimes I try to wake myself, by trying to kill myself, and it literally never works. I head someone say if you try to open your eyes in a dream, you will wake up irl, but I tried that, and it doesn't work.

I remember the positive dreams because when i wake up I'm pissed.
The worst thing for me is how real my dreams feel. When I say I dream of rape, I really mean actually feeling this stuff. It never lasts long thankfully, but when I have one of those dreams I feel really sad and angry the entire rest of the day, even more than usual. And everything looks very real and they talk in a "logical" way, I don't have any real clues that I dream that I could notice to wake up. It always feels so fucking long and then suddenly I wake up completely scared


Jun 11, 2024
The worst thing for me is how real my dreams feel. When I say I dream of rape, I really mean actually feeling this stuff. It never lasts long thankfully, but when I have one of those dreams I feel really sad and angry the entire rest of the day, even more than usual. And everything looks very real and they talk in a "logical" way, I don't have any real clues that I dream that I could notice to wake up. It always feels so fucking long and then suddenly I wake up completely scared
I feel like bad dreams feel more real and good dreams feel more fake
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Dreams have rarely left an impact on the rest of my day when I remember them but when they do, it's always negative. Even a really good dream can make me wake up miserably once it sets in that I was only dreaming and that I'll never get to experience those happy feelings in them. Too bad terrible dreams don't leave me waking up relieved that they're over, they just sit in my mind because of how possible they seem.
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Jun 11, 2024
my dreams are pretty realistic if you think about it my dreams are boring just like my life
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Recovery are not the winner.
Feb 24, 2023
dream is a way my subconscious mind re-depict my past
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Jul 18, 2023
Damn 33% for all votes, nonetheless my dreams are boring as shit.
I'd say more negative than positive but its mostly neutral.

My dreams are also pretty weird, and devoid of logic.
Idk why, but there's this recurring thing in my dreams where something bad will happen, and I will just go back in time to fix it, and somehow I know I can go back in time despite not knowing I'm in a dream.

I also hate those dreams where I'm naked, but thankfully I haven't had those in a long time.
My dreams also don't feel real, I actually kind of wish they did because of how boring they are.

I also lucid dream a lot like I don't even try, and I have lucid dreams, but they always suck and never feel real, and they're hard to control.
Sometimes I try to wake myself, by trying to kill myself, and it literally never works. I head someone say if you try to open your eyes in a dream, you will wake up irl, but I tried that, and it doesn't work.

I remember the positive dreams because when i wake up I'm pissed.
I love my dreams! It's the "living" part that I find difficult. ☹️
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
When I remember them, they've usually been horrible. I'll even sometimes dream about the very worst person from my childhood which tends to follow me into the day, with unwanted thoughts about them. So, most of the time, they impact me negatively or, I don't remember them at all.

On the rare occassions I get treated to a nice dream, it's so disappointing what my imagination does. I dreamt I met a huge crush in the street once and... I bought him a sandwhich. Like... really? Is that all you could come up with? You'll go into great detail about how people are trying to break into the house (a common nightmare for me,) or, you're late for a lesson or job shift but can't find the place, or you're falling but- this is all I get for a nice dream?!!
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Jan 29, 2024
I wouldn't say they had an impact on me but the ones I remember most, the lucid ones, are always violent in some way.
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
Dreams have always had a big impact on me as I would wake up and remember a lot. Years ago I'd have many dreams per night. They were almost like a movie, different camera angles, different color schemes, different themes. They were weird and the big majority negative. One dream even made me wake up with nausea.

For several months though, my dreams have been nightmares about my current pets being in danger and me trying so hard but unable to save them. Most of the times they die, I hold them in my hands crying and they come back to life just to die again. Then the nightmare repeats.

Or nightmares that my mom is alive but she's dangerous, her face like a psychopath, same for my grandma and me needing to hide in a house but the door doesn't close. They pounding at the door and a black hole growing bigger in the garden about to kill us all.

Trigger warning: Gruesome description. Also had a nightmare about my past cat where I saw her being stabbed and opened while she was looking at me and I couldn't move to save her.
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How do I return this joy?
Aug 22, 2024
Mostly, I barely remember them awake. Sometimes they're reacurring and it feels like a videogame level I can never quite manage to get right. Othertimes they're just plain bad and I wake with a panic attack. Sometimes its a mix and I don't know why I'm so upset until the feeling fades. And every once in a while, when I figure out the best solution to a recurring one, they're so nice I don't want to leave.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
None. I don't even remember most of my dreams in the first place and I don't really care about the dreams that I do remember
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I usually just forget about them when I sadly wake again and continue to suffer in this painful, cruel existence that I never would have chose, I only hope to never wake and never experience anything again, I only wish for dreamless, eternal sleep.
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oh no :(
Apr 10, 2023
Usually they don't have much impact on me, mostly they are just strange and have nostalgic themes, and also kind of fascinating, so sometimes I wish I could remember them better, but about a month ago I had a really bad nightmare with a really messed up scene and I kinda wish I could forget it
But when I do have nice dreams and remember something, It fells horrible waking up and realizing it was all just a dream and that I forgot most of it.
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Aug 12, 2024
oh, most of the time don't see anything. just a black screen. it's 50/50 when i do. sometimes something good. sometimes bad. it fluctuates. i'm not afraid to sleep thankfully. i had some pretty fucked up dreams. maybe i should write them here one day
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