
Sep 2, 2019
A timeline before Jesus' birth and what happened after that.

2020 : White male boomers rule the earth still. This is so wrong at so many levels that ... everyone who thinks their own thoughts including Great Thunberg is at a loss to explain...
Planetary destruction is on the agenda. Deja vu all over again. Whose DNA will survive???? Noahs?

While ensuring zero push back from women via intimidation and defamation (pogroms), males take the opportunity to rule the earth. Disenfranchised minority populations endure the effect of denunciation and muzzling by the elite.

Jews are forever denounced for the demise of Jesus, even to the degree that it leads to a holocaust in Germany with Nazis.

Mary's situation of being the dumb vessel of divine impregnation increasingly becomes a narrative to create pogrom style warfare on the validity of the quest of females' sexual and existential enjoyment and validity of their thoughts. The narrative becomes about women who are habitually possessed by the devil, women are evil, hysterical, mentally invalid. Eve was in kahootz with the snake, women's evil is the cause of why we no longer live in Paradise etc etc. Women who are outspoken, educated, want a voice, are witches to be burnt at the stake, they cannot be taken seriously in philosophical and political debate, etc.

We have martyrs and the Pope and Martin Luther. After Martin Luther, the Catholic Church becomes superfluous but nobody tells it to disappear so we have them around needing them like a dog needs a dingle berry.

Matthew Mark Luke and John have stories to tell....

Jesus does his thing, and dies on the cross.

Jesus is born at Christmas,,,

4 B.C. Holy Ghost impregnates Mary.

To ensure the ultimate stealth, it was decided that Jesus be "resurrected" so his body could not be preserved, containing all this divine DNA from Holy Ghost.

Holy Ghost volunteers to take DNA to earth. Everyone is happy because he is invisible to humans. Great stealth!

A request for volunteers to take down to earth divine DNA is put out. (This is not the same divine DNA Adam carried to reduce 48 chromosomes -apes to 46 chromosomes- human, so this Jesus DNA has to remain hidden forever from DNA analysis or else all hell would break loose (i.e. divinity would be proven to exist etc)

Higher ups were scared to leave around mitochondrial DNA on earth for anyone to collect during Mary's entire life, that could have been preserved until DNA technologies are discovered, blowing the lid off of evolution. (Humans are NOT SUPPOSED to know about how flaky evolution is). Paternal DNA has hence been used to discredit people like Bill Clinton and Hunter Biden. google things!!!

A divine Witch proposes to have a woman be the messiah.
She is made to step down her demands, forfeiting her veto rights, as the rest of the tribuna lcon her into believing that Mary birthing Jesus will create more respect for women on earth. (instead women are vilified forever)

A new star is put up to interest Magi and lure them to Bethlehem.

A convenient myth about the messiah's imminent arrival promoted by prophets is hijacked to introduce little baby Jesus.

God decrees that women, Jews and Romans (italians) are at the receiving end of the narrative.

Jealous and possessive of male status on earth, higher ups decide to make female witches into another evil meme forever (like Nazis). God decrees that Mary's narrative backfires and women are, as before, vilified forever. Secret plot.

God creates the Jesus narrative to support Jesus' martyrdom on earth. God agrees that Mary will have a role to play, ostensibly to assist females being respected on earth as potential bearers of divine intentions.

Jesus agrees he is ok with a 50 50 chance of success. He accepts that his intervention will set up the Jews and Romans to nail their bad reputation.
If he succeeds, meekness will be sustained as the highest goal for humanity, promoting humility and composure under pressure to exterminating rabied, animalistic toxic human behaviour. Women will be held at high esteem for being naturally meek.

Jesus volunteers.

God is continuously curmudgeonly. He makes it clear he will not grant another Noah style white wash. Humans do not deserve any further divine intervention he says. He calls for volunteers whom he will honour with a 50 50 chance to succeed. They are to go to the scene of the crimes and martyr themselves, and let the dice fall where they may. If no volunteers God will let earth go where the sun do not shine.

God is not about to respond to the alarm in any way shape form. He is irritated, does not like to be reminded of humans and the failed concept he invented for them: living at 1 second per second into the future, with a death and unknown consequences of this death and of their actions during their lives, at the end.

God receives a twitter notification saying an alarm has been triggered by the newly installed universe-wide Huawei planet monitoring system. The alarm is triggered because earth is out of control with wickedness weaving evil webs when first they are trying to deceive. ( playwrights, film script writers, literary stable geniuses had become tattletale whistleblowers who try to get God's attention about human unethical behaviour to the point that an alarm is triggered)

Noah keeps Adams DNA going as survivor of the flood. God has had enough. He creates an edict stating that no one is ever to interfere into human development again because they are such losers and do not deserve any more help.
God decides that he will create the Noah Flood.

God decides to give humans a last chance.

Humans fuck up.

Adam receives divine DNA, his mother is "human" (from apes/neanderthals etc). his father is divine.
God decides on a vague narrative, where humans have control.
The planet proves to be a winner (to god this is like sticking a branch into water to see if it will grow roots)
God feels like creating a planet where biodiversity is predominant. He is not sure yet how he will use this biodiversity to indulge in his hobby (creating episodical TV with torturable beings)

Universe has Big Bang.
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