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Vincent Moraes

Vincent Moraes

Jul 20, 2018
I live with a friend, but my parents live in a close town, so I go there every weekend.

When I am at my place I usually just stay in bed until eleven, take a shower if I didnt take the day before, and go to work at noon. Stay at work until 6pm (I am at work right now), and go back home. I have some kind of conversation with my flatmate (mostly he talking and me listening) until he makes dinner, eat dinner and sleep. Over and over again, with constant thinking about my suicidal plan, it's always there.

Friday night I go to my parents. There, I basically stay on the couch watching TV until it's time to eat. Eat and come back do the couch. Over and over again, with the same suicidal thinking the whole fucking time.
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Jun 7, 2018
Wake up, either work or do nothing (depends on weekday or weekend), eat, sleep, repeat. Feel miserable the whole day, with maybe a little relief when I'm getting high before going to sleep.
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Jul 13, 2018
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Apr 10, 2018
I don't work or go to school so I sobt really have much of a routine. I wake up at 9am, have breakfast and take my meds. Spend the rest of the morning doing chores. From afternoon to night I usually just spend the time online or playing videogames. Yeah my days are pretty dull.
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Jul 2, 2018
Damn you are getting shit done .... I mean it's like porn and food but hey ...
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Jul 22, 2018
ive skiped work 3 days in a row. they are bound to fire me at some point. too bad im good at what I do. I just don't have the energy anymore. I just ate some cookies. first thing ive had in like 3 days?
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Reactions: lastsummer, EuroMan, Dead_Inside and 2 others


Jul 22, 2018
but yeah. eat. try and sleep. tv. work. games if I can muster the ability to focus or enjoy them which never happens anymore. so yeah just the same stupid shit just getting by
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Jul 9, 2018
If I'm lucky, I get two or three hours of sleep a night. (I have trouble sleeping due to anxiety.) I spend most of the day lying in bed, thinking about suicide. I eat the meals my husband prepares. My husband cleans up after me and I go back to lying down and thinking about suicide. I shower only for appointments or when I have to leave the apartment, which isn't very often. I'm just a dirty piece of walking meat, a zombie. I've had suicidal thoughts for years, but starting last month they've gotten pretty serious with me actually coming up with a plan and even getting ahold of a gun. Since last month, there have been many times where I feel like I'm not even in my own body. The more I focus on suicide, and the more fear I feel about suicide, the more I feel outside my body. (Yes; I feel a lot of fear about committing suicide. But I will have no choice but to overcome that.) I spend most of my days lying in the bed surfing this website and reading about suicide in other websites.
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Mar 31, 2018
Recently mostly watching garbage on Netflix. I was hoping to play League of Legends but my stupid anxiety keeps getting in the way. I should go back to drawing but I just don't have the motivation for that these days. A few month ago I was drawing a lot every day, but... yeah.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I do the bare minimum and waiting till I can finally ctb. It's really bad. I'm not taking care of myself that great. I do maintain hygiene and eat, otherwise I just watch YouTube vids and veg.
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Jul 22, 2018
haven't showered in 5 days. oops
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Apr 18, 2018
Recently mostly watching garbage on Netflix. I was hoping to play League of Legends but my stupid anxiety keeps getting in the way. I should go back to drawing but I just don't have the motivation for that these days. A few month ago I was drawing a lot every day, but... yeah.

I used to love drawing. I used to do it all the time, but it's been quite a while since I've last drawn anything now.

To answer the OP' question, I really don't do much of anything at this point. I wake up. I take care of basic hygiene. If I feel I'll be able to get any amount enjoyment out of it, I'll watch something or play a video game. I don't have much of an appetite, but I'll usually eat something at some point.

I find it difficult to get up the motivation to do most anything. There's nothing I really enjoy doing, and I don't think that's going to change anytime in the future, so I can't see a point.

There's really no reason I shouldn't be ending my life right now, not a day goes by where I don't think I should've killed myself the previous, but instead I just continue to procrastinate. I know it would be best if I just did it, but for the life of me, I can't seem to get the willpower together.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Same as it's always been, more or less. There's waking up of course, which itself can range to pretty much anytime, whether it be from 5:00 in the afternoon, to 3:30 at night. I'm a hermit who almost never goes anywhere so, as a result, my sleeping patterns are fairly arbitrary & all over the place.

From there, I exercise for about an hour, almost immediately after waking up. I've been doing this every day for just about the last few months now, so it's a rather new addition to the usual crap I busy myself with. I originally started with our treadmill and using that for about 60-80 minutes at a power walk-like pace on a high incline, but after about a month 1/2, the weather got too insufferable to continue. Not to mention, the tread began to stick (again), making the damn thing nigh unworkable. Regardless, I'll probably start using it again once the Summer's over, assuming it can be fixed that is. An unfortunate turn of events either way, but I managed to find alternative ways to workout that, more or less, suited me. That being 9 1/2 minutes of light HIT (High Intensity) exercise, 6 sets of 10 kettlebell swings with a 36 pound bell, 10 Turkish get-ups, one for each side, with a 15 pound bell, and finally 3 sets of 21 goblet squats with that same 15 pound bell. It's not much, but it's something. I honestly couldn't tell you why I started in the first place. Aside from losing a bit of weight and getting a bit of definition in some places, I really don't feel any differently than I did before. Ultimately, it just felt like something to do, that beats smashing my head in the wall, or harming myself in some other way. Who knows how much longer I'll keep it up. It's all pretty pointless in the end.

After that, I boot up the old personal computer and come here basically. Usually shitting out a post or two in the process (such as this one, for instance). I really do hate the fact that I feel the need to do this. Expressing myself to a bunch of strangers online. It's such a waste of time & energy (like everything else in this life). I despise reading back the things I've written. All the incoherent rants, all the useless self-indulgent tirades, all the whiny bullshit. Saying things that have already been said a trillion times before. I literally get nothing from this website, aside from discomfort, awkwardness, alienation, & pain. Nelson Muntz's "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!" line from The Simpsons pretty much sums it up. Maybe the mods should just ban me as a form of mercy, or something. I don't know.

After I'm done perusing here, I usually check out a few other websites/sub-reddits, then have my one, and often only, meal of the day. Usually just a plate of vegetables with some meat. Assuming my mother hasn't already made me a meal and left it in the fridge, then I just whip one up myself. Personally, I've always detested the act of eating and have always tried to put it off for as long as I can, until my hunger finally gets the better of me. I've often wished for a robot body, if only to save myself the hassle of ever having to eat again.

After all that, my day gets a lot hazier/less structured. I might have a shower, I might have a long nap, I might go talk with my mom for a bit, or I might just sit & stare at the wall/carpet for a while. This part of the day is always the hardest to get through and is quite often when my internal tension/depression/restlessness is at an absolute fever pitch of excruciation. Just saying that though, really doesn't even cover it. It's honestly fucking hell. At some point however, I'll usually end up forcing myself to play a video game of some kind. Often for a great length of time, (say 4-6 hours straight, or even longer). In between, I might listen to some music, or watch a couple YouTube videos, but that's about it. After all those hours pass, I get up & stumble around for a bit, recheck a few websites (including this one), maybe masturbate if I'm in the mood, and then, at long last, unfold the futon and crawl my weary ass into bed, only to arise the next day and have it all. Start over. Again. Rinse, fucking repeat. Even without being saddled with some mind-numbing occupation, life is still an unbearably tedious grind.

As an odd aside, one big break to my routine lately was going to ascertain whether or not I was a candidate for Lasik/PRK. I've always yearned to be free of my glasses, given that I've been burdened with them all my life and literally need them to see. Anyway, doing this required me to go on quite a long journey and effectively expose myself to being outside in broad daylight for the first time, in a very long time. It wasn't easy, but I managed. I basically just laid myself down in the backseat of our car with a blanket over top of me, until we finally got there a couple hours later. Both my parents were with me the whole time, so that certainly helped ease my palpable anxiety a bit. Sadly, it was all for naught, since I wasn't a candidate. As I had feared might be the case, my prescription was deemed too high to be considered safe for treatment. I'd like to say I didn't get my hopes up, but I kinda did and the pain of disappointment as a result was hard to deny. Fucking figures, but oh well. Serves me right, I guess. Wishing for such an unlikely outcome like that. Utter foolishness. It has given me the slight motivation to finally try contacts, but enh. We'll see about that. I also heard about something called lenticular implantation which could essentially reduce my prescription far enough to make me eligible for PRK. Unfortunately, it's a fairly new treatment, so I'm hoping (there I go again) that it'll become an available treatment within the next couple years. (*sigh*) Christ. Listen to me. A couple years? The thought of me still being alive by then sends shivers down my spine. What a fucking nightmare this all is. Either way, it doesn't matter. Don't even know why I brought this up in the first place. I guess because there's nowhere else for me to say it, as useless as it all is. Anyway, whatever. Time for the cycle to repeat. Excuse me while I complete my personal Groundhog Day one more agonizing time.

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Apr 30, 2018
Too pathetic to describe.
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Jul 2, 2018
Same as it's always been, more or less. There's waking up of course, which itself can range to pretty much anytime, whether it be from 5:00 in the afternoon, to 3:30 at night. I'm a hermit who almost never goes anywhere so, as a result, my sleeping patterns are fairly arbitrary & all over the place.

From there, I exercise for about an hour, almost immediately after waking up. I've been doing this every day for just about the last few months now, so it's a rather new addition to the usual crap I busy myself with. I originally started with our treadmill and using that for about 60-80 minutes at a power walk-like pace on a high incline, but after about a month 1/2, the weather got too insufferable to continue. Not to mention, the tread began to stick (again), making the damn thing nigh unworkable. Regardless, I'll probably start using it again once the Summer's over, assuming it can be fixed that is. An unfortunate turn of events either way, but I managed to find alternative ways to workout that, more or less, suited me. That being 9 1/2 minutes of light HIT (High Intensity) exercise, 6 sets of 10 kettlebell swings with a 36 pound bell, 10 Turkish get-ups, one for each side, with a 15 pound bell, and finally 3 sets of 21 goblet squats with that same 15 pound bell. It's not much, but it's something. I honestly couldn't tell you why I started in the first place. Aside from losing a bit of weight and getting a bit of definition in some places, I really don't feel any differently than I did before. Ultimately, it just felt like something to do, that beats smashing my head in the wall, or harming myself in some other way. Who knows how much longer I'll keep it up. It's all pretty pointless in the end.

After that, I boot up the old personal computer and come here basically. Usually shitting out a post or two in the process (such as this one, for instance). I really do hate the fact that I feel the need to do this. Expressing myself to a bunch of strangers online. It's such a waste of time & energy (like everything else in this life). I despise reading back the things I've written. All the incoherent rants, all the useless self-indulgent tirades, all the whiny bullshit. Saying things that have already been said a trillion times before. I literally get nothing from this website, aside from discomfort, awkwardness, alienation, & pain. Nelson Muntz's "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!" line from The Simpsons pretty much sums it up. Maybe the mods should just ban me as a form of mercy, or something. I don't know.

After I'm done perusing here, I usually check out a few other websites/sub-reddits, then have my one, and often only, meal of the day. Usually just a plate of vegetables with some meat. Assuming my mother hasn't already made me a meal and left it in the fridge, then I just whip one up myself. Personally, I've always detested the act of eating and have always tried to put it off for as long as I can, until my hunger finally gets the better of me. I've often wished for a robot body, if only to save myself the hassle of ever having to eat again.

After all that, my day gets a lot hazier/less structured. I might have a shower, I might have a long nap, I might go talk with my mom for a bit, or I might just sit & stare at the wall/carpet for a while. This part of the day is always the hardest to get through and is quite often when my internal tension/depression/restlessness is at an absolute fever pitch of excruciation. Just saying that though, really doesn't even cover it. It's honestly fucking hell. At some point however, I'll usually end up forcing myself to play a video game of some kind. Often for a great length of time, (say 4-6 hours straight, or even longer). In between, I might listen to some music, or watch a couple YouTube videos, but that's about it. After all those hours pass, I get up & stumble around for a bit, recheck a few websites (including this one), maybe masturbate if I'm in the mood, and then, at long last, unfold the futon and crawl my weary ass into bed, only to arise the next day and have it all. Start over. Again. Rinse, fucking repeat. Even without being saddled with some mind-numbing occupation, life is still an unbearably tedious grind.

As an odd aside, one big break to my routine lately was going to ascertain whether or not I was a candidate for Lasik/PRK. I've always yearned to be free of my glasses, given that I've been burdened with them all my life and literally need them to see. Anyway, doing this required me to go on quite a long journey and effectively expose myself to being outside in broad daylight for the first time, in a very long time. It wasn't easy, but I managed. I basically just laid myself down in the backseat of our car with a blanket over top of me, until we finally got there a couple hours later. Both my parents were with me the whole time, so that certainly helped ease my palpable anxiety a bit. Sadly, it was all for naught, since I wasn't a candidate. As I had feared might be the case, my prescription was deemed too high to be considered safe for treatment. I'd like to say I didn't get my hopes up, but I kinda did and the pain of disappointment as a result was hard to deny. Fucking figures, but oh well. Serves me right, I guess. Wishing for such an unlikely outcome like that. Utter foolishness. It has given me the slight motivation to finally try contacts, but enh. We'll see about that. I also heard about something called lenticular implantation which could essentially reduce my prescription far enough to make me eligible for PRK. Unfortunately, it's a fairly new treatment, so I'm hoping (there I go again) that it'll become an available treatment within the next couple years. (*sigh*) Christ. Listen to me. A couple years? The thought of me still being alive by then sends shivers down my spine. What a fucking nightmare this all is. Either way, it doesn't matter. Don't even know why I brought this up in the first place. I guess because there's nowhere else for me to say it, as useless as it all is. Anyway, whatever. Time for the cycle to repeat. Excuse me while I complete my personal Groundhog Day one more agonizing time.

... for whatever reason, I like your daily routine. Makes me feel like I am doing nothing with myself ... but now I can just lie and quote your day when people ask what I am doing....
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Apr 24, 2018
Im on vacation now so drink and sleep
I had 3 weeks 3 to go then its back to the grind, sleep drink sleep work drink
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Recently mostly watching garbage on Netflix. I was hoping to play League of Legends but my stupid anxiety keeps getting in the way. I should go back to drawing but I just don't have the motivation for that these days. A few month ago I was drawing a lot every day, but... yeah.

I'm similar that I want to play and do stuff but fuck anxiety
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Reactions: EuroMan, Tiburcio, Tomasnil and 1 other person

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I do almost nothing, probably only researching and dreaming about ctb and related stuff and not getting results
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Drowning in loneliness...
Aug 15, 2018
Working, sleeping, watching anime, driving my car without destination just wasting fuel and recently editing some old videos for YT. Well, also cutting myself nearly everyday (it's not normal but strangely helps me). Now I'm on (hopefully) my last trip.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Work,eat,sleep,useless socializing like going to a bar for half an hour (i don't know why i keep doing that),shopping for food,visit mom,drive arround at night.

Pretty much sums it up.
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Aug 4, 2018
On a work day: Wake up, get up etc, go to work, come home, have dinner and sleep until the next morning
On my days off: Wake up, eat breakfast, go back to sleep until mid afternoon, sit in bed browsing the internet, sleep.
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Reactions: BxK, Morning Angel, Maggotymaggots and 1 other person


Jul 28, 2018
Everyday I do the same boring things.
Wake up, launch, workout, working couple hours, walk to get groceries, dinner and sleep.
Mostly spend time in my bed. I love watching crime shows on youtube and check out this website.
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the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
cry cry

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Aug 7, 2018
I'm keeping my routine the same.
Work, running, baking, family things.
My family are making plans and I'm not saying much.My best friend has suggested some things for next year and I've said I'll see.
I've got to keep things the same and keep smiling.
But inside I'm saying I won't be here then.
I'm on autopilot
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I don't do anything.

When I study, I repeat the same activity the whole day, the whole year, no breaks, no escape.
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El revisionismo en castillano
Jul 16, 2018
Shifting from one mental state to another in a way that would make the current medical definition for "bipolar disorder" obsolete
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life is unfair, ctb or get away
Aug 16, 2018
Wake up at 5 am
Go to work
Read books/play piano/watch something/play games
Go to sleep

I skipped eating food and taking showers as it's usual.
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An appropriate painting
Mar 19, 2018
Monday through Friday are basic work days. You know, wake up, shower, work, do some errands on the way home. Do some chores.

Saturday is my relaxation day. Sunday is more chores.

Mondays and Tuesdays seem to hit pretty hard for me.
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