Speaking from experience, start of July last year I took a shit load of these, I wasn't hoping to die, more to sleep for a while, I'm not 100% sure, either way, to start with I was OK< didn't feel like I had taken anything, so I went for a walk, wanted away, ended up in some small wooded area, felt my body start to feel irritated, started to feel one side twitch, I started to get annoyed, I wanted to sleep.
Long story short, I decided to head home to sleep in comfy bed rather then a painful ass floor.
Found by people and police I was taken to hospital,
Within a few hours I was having hallucination's, I was struggling to control my body, I couldn't rest, it was horrid, I kept twitching, I couldn't stand up, let alone walk, It was horrid,
2 day's later I felt some kind of normal, 2 day's later my body felt like I had some control and the mind fuck stopped, I managed to sleep but the dreams were bad, felt so real, Just no
Not something I suggest, EVER!! and I didn't even do it with the plan to CTB!!