

Misanthrope vampire
Sep 8, 2024
This is for both , religious or non religious people, what do you think happens after you manage to CTB? do you think all the suffering will just end and no longer exist anymore? Do you think you'll be reincarnated after you die in a better and happier life? Do you think you'll be in heaven or hell? Or maybe just a ghost floating around? Or something else?

Me personally, I'm optimistic about the afterlife, I truly believe that I'll be reincarnated to a better and a happier life, I wouldn't mind not existing anymore, even though people may scare me by saying "what if you end up in a worse life? What if you end up in hell" and I know it's just a trick to make me give this shitty life a chance lmao.
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Dec 13, 2023
Personally I really want to be re-incarnated. I would love to know what it felt like to grow up in a loving family, and have friends. Also to be born into a body that so does not clash with who I am, would be really nice. So yeah, I don't know if re-incarnation is real or not, but I really hope it is.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm hoping there's nothing. Any form of afterlife brings in the possibility of more suffering and I've had enough. I used to hope I'd see loved ones again but I'm not sure I even want that now. Beyond a quick hug. (Difficult without a body.) Seems safer to hope for nothing afterwards.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I think that what happens is permanent non existence. Honestly, permanent non existence is perhaps the best outcome that I could ask for. It's sounds so perfect and beautiful. Actually getting it on the other hand is super difficult
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Aug 18, 2024
This is for both , religious or non religious people, what do you think happens after you manage to CTB? do you think all the suffering will just end and no longer exist anymore? Do you think you'll be reincarnated after you die in a better and happier life? Do you think you'll be in heaven or hell? Or maybe just a ghost floating around? Or something else?

Me personally, I'm optimistic about the afterlife, I truly believe that I'll be reincarnated to a better and a happier life, I wouldn't mind not existing anymore, even though people may scare me by saying "what if you end up in a worse life? What if you end up in hell" and I know it's just a trick to make me give this shitty life a chance lmao.
one thing to clarify is that there is a difference between "religious" reincarnation and just believing in the possibility of a rebirth, because one has laws and the other doesn't
e.g. in buddhism reincarnation is connected to one's karma/past actions and ctb is considered a very heavy karmic burden which always leads to a more undesirable life, whereas philosophical reincarnation means believing that the next rebirth is only dependent on chance
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
After Death is non-existence forever the ultimate bliss.

Very hard working people have been working for hundreds of years building on top of previous research and evidence to find out what life is , where did it come from, what is a human etc .

All this is known. All a person has to do is read some books about the brain, evolution, cell biology . The more you read and think the more obvious it seems that all the things in those books is true. Each neuron is exactly the same in all species

There is really no difference between a fly a mouse and a human. . for example all have brains composed of nerve cells called neurons or Brain cells.

Does a fly a cell have a soul or afterlife or reincarnation? No . Neither does a human ape.

In contrast there is not one iota of evidence for any soul, afterlife, reincarnation, god , magic , computer simulation etc
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Nothing, I believe death to simply be nothingness which is all I hope and wish for, I just want true peace from this painful, torturous existence, I just want to be unconscious for all eternity where all is finally forgotten about for me, I'm so tired of suffering here, all I want is to never exist again.
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Apr 15, 2022
Same place I "was" before the egg and sperm got together and created me - non-existence or nothingness.
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Lost One
Aug 26, 2024
In all honesty, I HOPE that it will be like a dreamless sleep of nothingness, like those nights you get after being awake for so incredibly long. Not that I don't believe in an afterlife, reincarnation, Hell, Valhalla, etc. It's the only concept that I can connect to what everything was like before I was born. To slip into endless slumber is a way I'd want to end. Peaceful and fair.
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Me, my whispers and a broken God
Oct 18, 2023
I wish I could go to heaven and be there forever and forget everything that makes me sad or angry or anything negative. It will be serene there, it will be perfect.
But I am afraid I am too bad a person to go there. I am afraid I will end up in some kind of hell or out there in some absolute nothingness. A white room kind of thing, but worse, a desolate, god-forsaken place that horrid souls like mine wander forever.
Perfect non-existence would be better than the last two options (hell and nothingness).
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Sep 7, 2024
I think there is an afterlife.
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Sam W

Sep 9, 2024
I don't believe there is anything after death, just nothingness, just as the time before you were born.
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Jul 18, 2024
I have no clue
I'm going with NDEs most of the time but I suppose nothingness is a possibility.
Nothingness is difficult for me to comprehend though, as it isn't something you can feel. You can ask what it felt like before birth or during dreamless sleep but you need a frame of reference to understand what these things feel like.
If there is another existence I assume you would just randomly open your eyes one day (be born again?) and you would be asking the same question of what happens after death.
If there's an afterlife then well, I don't believe it can be bad so long as you are willing to receive help.
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Jan 1, 2024
Some other dimension
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I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
May 12, 2024
Part of me hopes I get sent back to the beginning with the experience I have, so I can do it all right. I didn't have an awful life growing up, but it could have been exponentially better if I had a modicum of guidance or someone who understood me and knew how to push me without causing me to shut down. I would experience and savor more things that I'm unable to now. Push myself harder to meet and understand my peers and join different clubs. Pick better academic and recreational goals. Just be, enjoying the time I had instead of wishing that it would pass faster, so I'm not regretful when it's gone like I am now.

I'm really glad this forum exists, because this comment anywhere else would be a perfect layup for someone to lecture me about why I'm not doing all of that now, as if I haven't already spent years ruminating over and trying to do that wherever I can.
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Sep 10, 2024
I wish I could go to heaven and be there forever and forget everything that makes me sad or angry or anything negative. It will be serene there, it will be perfect.
But I am afraid I am too bad a person to go there. I am afraid I will end up in some kind of hell or out there in some absolute nothingness. A white room kind of thing, but worse, a desolate, god-forsaken place that horrid souls like mine wander forever.
Perfect non-existence would be better than the last two options (hell and nothingness).
I'm a Bible believing Christian. Spending eternity in Heaven with God is not about being a "good" person versus being a "bad" person. None of us is good, we are all sinners. The way one gets to heaven is by agreeing with God's plan. There is a trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit. Agree that The Father has a Son who is Jesus The Christ (Jesus The Messiah). Agree that Jesus' death on the cross was for all of us as the propitiation for our sins. Agree that the Bible was written by men who were inspired by God/The Holy Spirit. Agree that God's ways are the right ways, even when we don't understand them or they seem harsh.

We are all sinners and need forgiveness. None of us are "good". God grants us His grace, a free pardon for our sin. This grace is through faith, and not earned by works. Because we have faith we do good works to honor God. But entrance into heaven can't be earned by being "good".

Have you ever prayed to God and asked him to show you that He is real? Have you ever asked God to come into your life? Have you ever asked God for forgiveness for your sins (the things you think make you a "bad" person)? Ask God to open your eyes to His reality, and then see what he shows you. But the key to getting a response is being sincere. :-)
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Me, my whispers and a broken God
Oct 18, 2023
I was raised Christian so I get everything you say. Lately tho I have been losing my faith. I have prayed many times to God to give me proof, to five just a sign to get my faith back but He remains silent. I have grown tired of praying and begging. He does not seem to want to show Himself to me and soothe my agony. And I get it. Who am I for Him to show Himself to? No one. A stupid tiny unimportance human. A flesh full of temptations.

I don't know anymore. At the same time, according to Christianity people who commit suicide go to some nothingness to wander forever so I don't know if I even want this God to be real...


Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
Maybe things will abrutly blackout once you physically die and you'll lose the ability to feel ANYTHING forever. See anything, say anything, hear anything, move anything. Just like before we were born.


Sep 10, 2024
I was raised Christian so I get everything you say. Lately tho I have been losing my faith. I have prayed many times to God to give me proof, to five just a sign to get my faith back but He remains silent. I have grown tired of praying and begging. He does not seem to want to show Himself to me and soothe my agony. And I get it. Who am I for Him to show Himself to? No one. A stupid tiny unimportance human. A flesh full of temptations.

I don't know anym.ith me as well. It is difficult to not hear from Him

I was raised Christian so I get everything you say. Lately tho I have been losing my faith. I have prayed many times to God to give me proof, to five just a sign to get my faith back but He remains silent. I have grown tired of praying and begging. He does not seem to want to show Himself to me and soothe my agony. And I get it. Who am I for Him to show Himself to? No one. A stupid tiny unimportance human. A flesh full of temptations.

I don't know anymore. At the same time, according to Christianity people who commit suicide go to some nothingness to wander forever so I don't know if I even want this God to be real...
Sorry for the double quote, this system for me is a little wonky. I know that in the 1st quote above, the last sentence, it is a mix of my words and yours - sorry, I can't seem to correct it!

Despite my faith I do not hear from God either! With me it is more of slight nudging, or hint, or circumstance.
But here is an example of how I know God is with me:
My brother's body was in his home for 2 weeks before the well check found him. He had a 3 bedroom, 2 story apartment with a lot of stuff. I was completely overwhelmed with the thought of having to go through his things while in shock and grieving. My other brother couldn't provide any help with the planning/decision making and would really only be there to carry the heavier things down 2 flights of stairs (he is probably undiagnosed on the autism spectrum).

My best friends at church are elderly (86 and 90). They offered to drive one state over and walk up/down a steep flight of stairs just to get in and be with me. And they referred me to people that I thought I would donate items to, but none of these people ever got in touch with me (?? what was going on with that).

Well it turns out that when a body decomposes for 2 weeks a full bio hazard clean out is what's recommended. Almost everything gets tossed (unless you can transport things that can get wiped down, and I couldn't), the walls have to get wiped down, the floor under the body gets cut out if there is fluid leakage, the air needs to be cleaned. So $3600 later (a good deal) the place is clean for turnover. (not covered by my brother's insurance by the way, but thankfully God provided the $).

The bio hazard cleaning guy had been recommended by the homicide detective (I had asked for a referral) and I liked his personality. But what really made me comfortable is that at the very end of this guy's quote was a Scripture reference, No actual Scripture, just the reference: Corinthians ___ (I can't fill this in because STUPID ME I didn't save this page of his communication, ugh!).
Anyway...... when I saw this Scripture reference, looked it up and saw that it referred to doing a good job for God, THEN I KNEW THAT GOD WAS ACTUALLY THERE HELPING ME.

I didn't need to be overwhelmed with going through my brother's things, or donate anything, because they would end up being thrown out! And God knew that so He didn't let those connections/offers play out! He was in charge even though I hadn't heard from Him or otherwise felt His presence.

My brother died by suicide 1 year ago yesterday.

I do NOT want you to kill yourself, but I can tell you that the group I am with does NOT teach that suicide is an unpardonable sin. It doesn't matter what your church teaches, it matters what the Bible says. The Bible says there is only 1 unpardonable sin and it is NOT suicide!!

I don't hear God's voice either! I am doing the best I can to keep moving forward. I am grieving for my brother, I feel guilty about his suicide, I have physical pain that is getting worse,

I hope that this post makes my point(s) clearer to you. I am sorry that you are suffering but please know that you are not alone! "Christianity" is a spectrum, and just because the Orthodox church teaches something it does not mean that it is correct according to what Scripture actually says.


I like trinkets:)
May 10, 2023
I'm sure there nothing after death
People had to come up with all kind of religions in attempts to cope with inevitability of death. Also telling people they will go to hell if they do bad things is another attempt to make people behave. It does affect some humans.
I'm glad there's no afterlife. I want death to be as final as possible!!!
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