I can't fathom a point at all. Just a bunch of stuff and forces acting upon one another. Simply, a series of events in time, all controlled by chance leading to established patterns.
I just think we happen to have brains that like to work stuff out. It's how we've become so successful. We didn't just discover fire or create the wheel, we tried to figure out how these things worked so we could replicate them. I think an equisitive mind gives animals an edge in this world.
Ours has simply progressed to the point where we want answers for everything. Plus, it's probably easier to accept the struggles in life if either you don't question at all and just live as best you can- as I imagine the majority of plant and animal life experience life.
Or, if you do question, you can come up with some story that gives it all meaning- religion etc. Even a personal sense that what you're doing is worthwhile for some reason. I just think 'meaning' is a coping mechanism that we happen to need because we're able to witness our mortal selves in relation to the world. Plus, we want a reason or compensation for the suffering we perceive and experience.
I can't personally find comfort in religion. While they may be right of couse, logically it just doesn't make sense to me. The most common themes- that we're here to learn or grow, I just struggle to see the end goal. It's just bizarre to me really. Like, religions give purpose in the sense of- obey these rules or else. I suppose they give us horrible depictions of hell as the 'else'. But still- I still don't understand the reasoning behind obeying these rules- to get to heaven. In order to do what though? The blink of an eye on earth to determine admittance into heaven for eternity. I just don't get why really. Or, if reincarnation is real- what are people trying to get better for? What's the end goal- again? It's like, religion is the end goal for some without actually providing an end goal (that makes sense to me anyhow.)
I just think it's probably all random weirdness that we were either lucky or unlucky enough to have been born in to. Although- that wasn't random. We know our parents decided to bring us about for whatever reason made sense to them.