

"The opposite of depression is vitality"-A.S. Tedx
Jun 10, 2020
I need help reinforcing my nihilism so I can overcome SI. I will be leaving in less than a week and my anxiety is through the roof! Please vent out what you hate about life, as I will probably relate to most of it and it will help reinforce my courage. Thank you for any and all contributions.
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Jun 16, 2020
Life is bringing those who could not ask for life into life anyway. And then they have to endure whatever life throws at them just because. Some succeed and get on with this game, some don't. I hate the selfishness that makes all species reproduce which takes its roots in evolution. So much suffering is inflicted all over the world in order to ensure that this specimen or another passes their genes on.

I'm not talking about humans specifically.
For example, cats in the wild give birth to 5-7 kittens. Usually 1-2 end up mating and passing genes on. The rest die from various causes - getting killed by a cat male, disease, eaten by a predator (dog most likely).

All this saddens me a great deal, but I cannot do anything about it. This is how universe is being simulated: simple particles form more complex things, and if these things manage to reproduce themselves, the circle closes, and the vicious cycle of evolution begins.
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I'm all about coffee and cigarettes
Jul 24, 2019
I have many things I hate about life, but all might seem petty or small from the outside looking in.

I hate leaving my house, I hate having to live with uncivilised people, I resent having to talk to strangers, I detest knowing the money I get isn't guaranteed indefinitely.

I hate a lot of things, which might seem like minor issues, but when I add them up, and with the significance they hold in my mind, they become unbearable experiences
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I think your request is a little bit personal. I don't want to affect your decision, this is something you have to find yourself.
As for me, hate is not the thing which drives me. Hate may help you get out and stand up, but my fuel is acceptance because I am leaving.
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
I need help reinforcing my nihilism so I can overcome SI. I will be leaving in less than a week and my anxiety is through the roof! Please vent out what you hate about life, as I will probably relate to most of it and it will help reinforce my courage. Thank you for any and all contributions.
Notwithstanding the company on this website how generally selfish and inconsiderate the world at large is.
There is this kind of attitude that goes:
'Well I'm alright, so I'll pull the ladder up after me'

Oh yeah and not to mention the absolute cunts of this earth that abuse child and animal, special place in hell for them, except hell doesn't exist, so there really is no justice in a lot of ways...

Peace and love to you my brother

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"The opposite of depression is vitality"-A.S. Tedx
Jun 10, 2020
I think your request is a little bit personal. I don't want to affect your decision, this is something you have to find yourself.
As for me, hate is not the thing which drives me. Hate may help you get out and stand up, but my fuel is acceptance because I am leaving.
I understand your point of view, and I thank you for sharing. Hate isnt neccessarily my source of fuel, im just trying to get adrenaline going so I can breach the barrier and have some 'positive' affirmations ready. Overall I suppose you are right. This could easily be interpreted as egging someone on in kind of a second-hand way, but I personally dont see it as such. Anyway, I hope everything will go well for you faust. Take care and stay strong
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
I hate how some people got strokes of bad luck & the aftermath is too hard to handle.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I hate the fact that we are brought into this world without our consent or any say in whether we want to participate in this thing called 'life' and if we want out, we are denied the option to do so peacefully and dignified but instead have to secretly plan our exit with various means (some of which) that are not peaceful and/or less reliable.

It is ironic that the world, society, and people say that "nobody is entitled to anything in this world, yet we are not allowed to exit this world on our own terms (via CTB)". Also, the people who support human rights and the "my body my choice" crowd doesn't seem to apply their logic (freedom of choice) towards the right to die and/or choice between life or death. It's rather ironic and hypocritical of them imho.
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Jan 6, 2020
It's full of morons who think of life as some sort of "privilege". Most people are followers who believe literally anything someone higher up tells them. Not to mention the fact that this world is run on fear only and nothing else.

I'd honestly be fine being alive if I meant if I was secluded from others.
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Jun 20, 2020
It's full of morons who think of life as some sort of "privilege". Most people are followers who believe literally anything someone higher up tells them. Not to mention the fact that this world is run on fear only and nothing else.

I'd honestly be fine being alive if I meant if I was secluded from others.
This! You're absolutley correct.

People (the worst animal on the planet) are ruled by fear and every decision made is based on fear in the end. It's pathetic.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
The fact that I'm the one living it. Everything else is fine really.
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Jun 25, 2020
the illusion of choice.

we're made to think we have choices in life, as though the government and society isn't herding us like cattle. we don't even have the right to die on our own terms. life is shoved down our throats and preached as some sort of divine gift. screw your gift, i'm returning it.
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Jun 20, 2020
Btw I fucking hate people that have children. Fuck them all.

Playing fucking russian roulette with lives.
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May 14, 2020
I need help reinforcing my nihilism so I can overcome SI. I will be leaving in less than a week and my anxiety is through the roof! Please vent out what you hate about life, as I will probably relate to most of it and it will help reinforce my courage. Thank you for any and all contributions.
Life is beautiful. I am VERY fucking pissed off about the shit that's pushed me to want to ctb. I respect your right to autonomy but life being shit in general is not a reason. For many it's enjoyable


Apr 25, 2020
The fact that because of my life choices I will live at least 20 years less than the average person even if I completely recover mentally. I have never in the past and never in the future will experience love or have a long lasting and important friendship. Im more than a third trough my life and I have wasted all of it so far. Nothing of real importance experienced and this is all Im going to get when it comes to being alive. My one shot and I wasted it
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Jun 13, 2019
The constant bureaucracy and jumping through hoops and basically fighting you have to do to try to get some help...
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Jun 15, 2020
I was born as a Muslim woman in a very conservative country( I'm an atheist since I was 16),I had to stay home
And cover my face all my life.
And then was taught that education is not that important for women nor I had so many options.
I was forced to marry when I was 19,forced to leave college.
And when I moved to the UK and escaped that life found myself completely lonely,no family no real friends,not even a secure job,even though my family were rich but I have to start my life from scratch
All of this were difficult for me.
I just feel I have failed in life and I'll never find happiness,I'd rather die than live the rest of my life poor and alone

I'm scared
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Nov 7, 2019
I don't hate this world. I don't hate people. I only hate myself and I can't live with myself anymore.
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Apr 29, 2019
If I didn't have so many issues with focus and anxiety and could really focus and succeed at a job, I could probably be somewhat happy in life. But I've bounced around so much and am in my mid-30's now and I just feel so behind.

I hate how unfair it all is. Job stuff and making money comes so easy for some people, and it's such a huge stressor removed from life.
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May 11, 2020
Nothing! Just hate me!
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Aug 19, 2019
Don't know if that serves your purpose, but the only thing I hate about life that it doesn't give me a place in it that I'm happy with. Otherwise I don't give a fuck if the rest of the world is filled with misery if only I could have what I need. There, that's as ugly and honest as it gets.
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May 30, 2020
I don't really 'hate' anything about life the way I hate savoy for example, or getting up early or doing the dishes. The real things, the things that really matter - life, the world, people - I can't hate. But they can sadden me.

It saddens me to live in a world where survival of the fittest is still the norm and such fitness is usually granted by luck. It saddens me that only a particular type of people is deemed acceptable, successful and desirable while others through no doing of their own fall outside this group and are therefore treated the exact opposite. It saddens me that kindness is so hard to find, whereas vanity and egotism are praised; if not openly, then at least by virtue of rewarding them. It saddens me that terrible things happen to good people and good things to terrible people, usually because terrible people can buy good things - both material and immaterial - and that being awful often got them in that privileged position in the first place. It saddens me that there's so many people who feel as though they have the right to meddle in other people's lives and try to get them to live by their narrow standards. It saddens me that my very existence is the subject of political and social debates. It saddens me to watch a Youtube video of Liv Tyler - the most beautiful woman in the world to me ever since I was a little child and first laid eyes on Arwen Undomiel - giving an interview in her gentle voice and being trashed in the comments for 'looking like a potato nowadays' - a woman who had three children and didn't (like the rest of showbiz) immediately starve herself and overexercise to get back to size 2 within a month.

All that said, whether you want to hear it or not, I do feel like I just have to say this once after reading your original post: It's okay to be scared, it is absolutely terrifying. And it's okay to back out of it if you're too scared now or for whatever other reason. If Monday isn't your time, it isn't your time. We'll still be here. Most of us.
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May 5, 2020
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Aug 19, 2019
I was born as a Muslim woman in a very conservative country( I'm an atheist since I was 16),I had to stay home
And cover my face all my life.
And then was taught that education is not that important for women nor I had so many options.
I was forced to marry when I was 19,forced to leave college.
And when I moved to the UK and escaped that life found myself completely lonely,no family no real friends,not even a secure job,even though my family were rich but I have to start my life from scratch
All of this were difficult for me.
I just feel I have failed in life and I'll never find happiness,I'd rather die than live the rest of my life poor and alone

I'm scared

It seems to me that it is the lack of security that is soul-killing. Poverty or loneliness is not just about lack (lacking material things, lacking intimacy), it is about not ever being allowed to rest (mentally), being unable to have a flow to your life. People who have not always been driven away do not easily understand how hard that is.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
It might be easier to ask what we don't hate about it :))
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Jun 15, 2020
Don't know if that serves your purpose, but the only thing I hate about life that it doesn't give me a place in it that I'm happy with. Otherwise I don't give a fuck if the rest of the world is filled with misery if only I could have what I need. There, that's as ugly and honest as it gets.
I like your honesty
but what is it that you are not happy with?


Nov 7, 2019
I wish human life expectancy were less than 100 years.
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I'm all about coffee and cigarettes
Jul 24, 2019
I wish human life expectancy were less than 100 years.

If I, for some reason, don't catch this mysterious bus I've heard so much about, I'm likely to die in my sixties, given how I eat, how little I exercise, and how much I smoke.
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Aug 19, 2019
I like your honesty
but what is it that you are not happy with?

Thank you... It is the loss of my partner and home. It's been a sort of limbo since I joined here, we are living together but things are not resolved and time is running short (there is a deadline to how long we can ignore our situation).

It's an exhaustingly nonsensical situation. But I'm simply not being driven away again, won't leave this house alive.


Nov 7, 2019
If I, for some reason, don't catch this mysterious bus I've heard so much about, I'm likely to die in my sixties, given how I eat, how little I exercise, and how much I smoke.
Yeah. I thought about start taking bad habits but I hate hospitals (bad experiences). I don't want to be at hospital anymore and I sweared to myself that next time my body is examined will be at the morgue. That's why I have good health habits. Because I don't want to go to hospitals anymore in my life. Also organs maybe damaged but not enough to kill me and I want to avoid that.
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