
Feb 22, 2023
What do you do for fun? I have anhedonia and am looking for inspiration.
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Aug 29, 2024
Would you say you're more introverted or extroverted? Are you looking for hobbies to pursue when you're alone, like learning an instrument, playing games, taking a random free course to learn something, making art?

Or are you looking to be more socially active? Meet new people who share an interest you might like to explore? Hiking group, gym class, book clubs, gaming groups?

I understand struggles with anhedonia. If there was something that is currently uninteresting, that you wish would be interesting or fun for you, what would it be?
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Miserably waste time until It's night time so that I can sleep. I then repeat this everyday. I think I have anhedonia too
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Make stupid posts on here, scroll reddit, watch YouTube video, masturbate, and some other shit. As you see, my life very uneventful...
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Aug 29, 2024
Miserably waste time until It's night time so that I can sleep. I then repeat this everyday. I think I have anhedonia too
I don't do much with my time, yet somehow time passes lol.

Me going to get coffee and sitting alone is adventurous for me right now haha. I look at people around me, smiling, laughing, having fun, whatever, and I just think to myself "what is that even like?"

I play games, I go for walks, I'm able to work a job, but I don't think I'm ever having a good time, having fun, or feeling enjoyment. Like, I can smile, I can laugh, but I don't think I feel what others feel when they laugh and smile.

But also, at least right now with my situation, I don't feel bad either. Being flat is my normal and that's just been me since I was a kid I think. But I've also been able to reject feeling like I have to feel any differently than I do. If I don't feel bad, then at least in those moments, I'm fine. If collectively all humans will have varying degrees of brain chemicals going on that influence their hedonic baseline, then why can't the way that I am just be one data point amongst that data set?

It might be easier for me to think this way. If symptoms of anhedonia settled in at a very early age, and I can't remember a time in my life that I thought "life is good, I hope it stays this way," then feelings of flatness aren't in conflict with any feelings of "I used to be happy but now I'm not, or I used to have fun but now I don't."

There's no feeling like I ever lost something that I want to get back to, which leaves the choice up to me to choose if there's anything I'd like to try to do with my life while I'm alive.

No matter what I do or don't do in life, by the time I die, I will only have done those things and not done anything else. I attempted ctb a few months ago. At that moment that I thought was the time of my death, all things that my life was up until that point, it didn't matter. If I had actually died, then that would have been that, my life would have only been what it was and nothing else, nothing more, nothing less. There was just me and the moment.

But there is only ever just me and the moment, whether I'm living or dying. If I can do anything about the moment, well what do I want to do with it, wholly acknowledging that it doesn't have to be anything in particular, but it doesn't have to be nothing either. It's just, what do I want?

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May 31, 2024
What do you do for fun? I have anhedonia and am looking for inspiration.
I read infos about astral projection and then I attempt to do it
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May 22, 2019
IMG 7350

Be aware of being aware

Enjoy watching your self modulating itself in all forms of experiencing, but don't lose your self to any particular form.
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
Good question. I lost interest in everything I used to enjoy. I think it's a sign of being ready to pass.
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Just Existing
Sep 27, 2023
I've lost interest in everything as well, it's all the same after a bit. At least I get to come here and do whatever. I'm sure if it's not shut down in the future the site will attract people looking to use all these comments across a decade or more for research.. so my lame jokes and dumb comments will be used by someone long after I'm gone.
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How do I return this joy?
Aug 22, 2024
Rune factory (emulated)
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Feb 22, 2023
Would you say you're more introverted or extroverted? Are you looking for hobbies to pursue when you're alone, like learning an instrument, playing games, taking a random free course to learn something, making art?

Or are you looking to be more socially active? Meet new people who share an interest you might like to explore? Hiking group, gym class, book clubs, gaming groups?

I understand struggles with anhedonia. If there was something that is currently uninteresting, that you wish would be interesting or fun for you, what would it be?

I'm more of an ambivert and can pursue both introverted and extroverted intersests. Willing to try anything that can let me have some fun. Meeting new people is certainly interesting but I don't know how to find and meet new people
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Aug 29, 2024
I'm more of an ambivert and can pursue both introverted and extroverted intersests. Willing to try anything that can let me have some fun. Meeting new people is certainly interesting but I don't know how to find and meet new people
Same, I don't really know how to meet people or even what I want from social interactions. I just started a new job that is actually exciting to me, 45 minute drive though. So 1.5 hours at least of my work days is spent on driving. The couple hours I have spare is pretty much make food, eat, play a game for 30-60 minutes, then go to sleep. Something like that lol.

I'm recovering from nearly becoming homeless after a ctb attempt and being out of work for 11 months. So right now I'm focusing on restabilizing myself, get the hospital bills paid off, and just reset myself and live differently if I'm going to be alive.

I've tried getting into playing guitar on and off since I was little, but was always distracted by my home situation. Any hobbies, I felt like I was only allowed to pursue them if they could be a potential avenue to make enough money to get myself away from home and live on my own. Well having turned 30 this year, my life has stumbled into a spot where I can live on my own without shackles. So I can try to pick up guitar and learn just for the sake of enjoyment if I want to. I don't want to mess around with a bulky amp, pedals, and lots of cables, so I'll probably get an amp modeler/multi-fx processer.

Then I can do whatever, play crazy distorted riffs or just go dreamscape ambient, just because I like sounds, no more pressure of "oh well I should try to make videos to monetize on youtube" or whatever. If I take in-person lessons, I'll have at least that human connection with a teacher. And who knows, maybe meet other amateur musicians to just chill with.

So that's an example of me trying to pursue both an interest of mine, while opening up the possibility of meeting new people. But also, I don't want to put expectations on what meeting new people should be or lead to. If just meeting people where there are and having good interactions is good for me and others, whether briefly or longer term, then that's okay with me.

Let's see, I also started going to a cat rescue about once a week to hang out with cats lol. I bought a little remote mouse and the cats went crazy with it. But the signal sucks and the design could be better. So I think "fuck it, maybe I'll take a look at some DIY electronics projects to see if I could somehow design a better remote control mouse" hahaha. btw I know next to nothing about electronics. I went to college a little bit to study philosophy and psychology, but withdrew when I was honest with myself that I have no idea wtf I'm doing or want with my life. Lots of craziness, moving around, inpatient hospitalizations, a period of homelessness, and whatnot later, I'm progressing my role at a closed door pharmacy as a pharmacy tech (not certified, I don't even have that education, but it's not required in my state).

My most ambitious project is to learn how to trade foreign exchange currencies for side income. If I do it before I die, great, that'll be cool. If not, that's also fine, because I hadn't figured that out before I attempted ctb anyway.
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Just playing
Sep 10, 2024
I normally like to experience music. since I have a hard time connecting with my feelings, music became my only way of expression and I ended up as a audiophile in the last few years


Sep 3, 2024
Tennis, gaming and gym. Although I force myself to do tennis as it gets me outside and I force myself to go to gym to try and be healthy...so not sure if they can be classed as fun. I guess I enjoy tennis as I feel sad when it ends. I always feel like I'm wasting my time when I try to play video games now. I feel like I've lost interest in my hobbies. I did try a new hobby recently (pickleball) but wasn't that impressed, it feels like it's tennis for people who are not very good at tennis!

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