I want to donate my body but I'm too far from any teaching hospitals - I've checked - and SN causes hypoxia throughout the body (not just the brain), making my organs completely useless for donation... I guess I'd like to be buried under a tree or something, alternatively I wouldn't mind going through the process to be turned into an industrial diamond if someone cared enough to wear me. Ideally I want to donate my kidney to my sister, she'll need one some day and I'd be the best donor and one of the things I regret most about suicide is I won't be able to give that to her. Having my bones become a part of a piece of art in the vein of say, the Sedlec ossuary, would be a dream. I've always been a big fan of macabre art like that, I wish I could've visited that place.
Anything but embalming though, honestly. I don't give a shit about it allowing for an open casket, I don't want to be pumped full of noxious shit only to have it leech out and taint the soil around me. Embalming a body for a few minutes of grieving and in the process causing pollution that could take many years to reverse is one of the dumbest things humans have done imo.
My poppa always said land is for the living, and if I believe in anything about death I believe in that. If I can't be made useful in death at least make sure my disposal does as little harm and takes up as little room as possible.